【PADINI 7052 交流专区】巴迪尼控股
发表于 9-7-2008 08:53 PM
我在Dubai看过那变得VINCCI,生意很好,放长远看吧. |
发表于 9-7-2008 09:40 PM
原帖由 ken8288 于 9-7-2008 08:53 PM 发表
介意说说你看到的情况吗? 何以见得生意好呢? |
发表于 9-7-2008 09:40 PM
原帖由 ken8288 于 9-7-2008 08:53 PM 发表
介意说说你看到的情况吗? 何以见得生意好呢? |
发表于 10-7-2008 11:45 AM
派息了,很好。继续放在床底下。 |
发表于 10-7-2008 11:53 AM
回复 41# ken8288 的帖子
那你有没有看到他的同行bonia呢??? |
发表于 11-7-2008 05:02 PM
所以要购买padini的朋友需要注意一下 |
发表于 11-7-2008 05:18 PM
可是为了避开那么强烈的衣装竞争,Padini通过Vinci Ladies' Specialist就开始做起鞋业来了。而直到了现在,这个鞋业已经占据Padini整个集团42%的营业额,却为公司集团提供了57%的盈利。在整个Pricing Strategy标价的政策里,Vinci做得非常不错。Vinci的鞋子和款式设计,都给人觉得是一种“名牌”。可是Vinci的价格又比一些名牌鞋子的价格来得低一些,所以受到大众的喜爱,特别是Office Lady的钟爱。虽然有人说,Vinci的鞋子不耐穿,穿几下就坏了。可是如果我们往另外潮流一方面看,鞋子就是潮流,穿太久也的确不好,会过时。所以坏了,就买新的一双啦!反正潮流一直在变,价钱比起来,也比较便宜。
Padini在2005年的Inventories大约是51mil,可是却只是Write Off了300k的存货。
另外公司也开始开发了Franchising的生意。这个可是生意届最好的赚钱方式。虽然这个还算起步,不过如果成功,那么要像Esprit这样,让投资者有这样高的评估也不难。Padini在亚洲,中东地区都有将Vinci/VNC,Seed,Padini Authentics以Franchise的方式经营。Franchising可是品牌的保证之一。
外表看来是不错了,接下来,我们再探讨公司的价值。 |
发表于 11-7-2008 05:19 PM
Padini过去大致上的表现如下: 年份 | 盈利 | 股东资金 | ROE(1) | 2003 | 9.3mil | 82mil | | 2004 | 6.3mil | 87mil | 7.6% | 2005 | 18mil | 99mil | 20% | 2006 | 28mil | 119mil | 28% | 2007(F) | 20mil | 139mil(2) | 16% | 注:
以现在2006年4月17日的每股价格RM 4.32看来,公司的市值大约是RM 270mil。以270mil来购买139mil的公司,是否值得?以Asset valuation看来,公司的资产如下:
PPE: 35mil
Brand Name: 1.2mil
Current Net Asset: 86mil
+ Inventories: 51mil
+ Receivables: 22mil
+ Short Term Investment:31mil
+ Cash: 14mil
- Payables: 27mil
- Borrowings: 2mil
- Tax liabilities: 3mil
从这里我们可以看到,公司的Non-Current Asset其实不是占据很大的部分,而Current Net Asset反而占据了股东资金的70%。这就是说,公司流动性的资产很大。公司的价值也应该从这流动性资产探讨。关于流动性资产的探讨,我已经说过管理层的潮流开发能力,和货物周转的管理方式了。尽管服装业的竞争力很强,我们就假设公司还是有能力达到平均15%的ROE(如果Franchising成功,这个应该不难达到),以270mil来购买这119mil的资产,要6年才能够Break-even。如果公司能够创造平均20%的ROE,那么这也要4.5年才Break-even。所以只能说,这个价位,只是算合理价格。如果将来出了什么差错,那么保本时间可能需要更长。现在的价位,Margin of Safety安全边际不够多。如果我们以Cash Earnings Capabilities 来看,公司每一年可以创造平均20mil的现金。这个就是7%的报酬。这个价位的吸引力不太大,只能说合理。
以上两篇文章就是uncle ho的旧作品了 |
发表于 11-7-2008 05:25 PM
711 VOL 384k LOT
716 派钱 10SEN |
发表于 11-7-2008 05:56 PM
发表于 11-7-2008 06:17 PM
回复 48# 悶蛋 的帖子
好贴,很好的分析,可惜这类好分享越来越少了。。。。。。。。。 |
发表于 13-7-2008 09:52 AM
新年要到了,很多成衣商家都給不少的折扣!我知道的是這樣: PADINI-PDI,PADINI,VINCCI,P&CO,MIKI,SEED 有30%的折扣(新貨),imagine normal price是79.90的!(只要去到工廠就有了!) ELBA-Edwin,elba,adax 有50%discount,不過大多數是屯貨。在hutton lane的office和warehouse. TGL-powerpuff,kiki-lala,cartoon network (normal price 40%,best buy 20%) Hytex-world of baby,world of cartoon,這個好想要有staff在裏面才能買到。。
小弟我不明白以上的句子代表什么意识? |
发表于 22-7-2008 01:29 PM
回复 44# 神我人 的帖子
提议年轻人不要买这股,因为很闷的。。 |
发表于 6-8-2008 06:08 PM
高价收购士乃机场 马矿业暴跌22% 2008/08/05 18:14:10
士乃机场终站服务及艾益资源,都是马矿业大股东丹斯里赛莫达控制的公司,因此这两项收购都被视为相关人士交易(Related Party Transactions)。
涉及相关人士交易引忧虑 2008/08/05 18:14:14
Semarak Restu私人有限公司拥有士乃机场70%的股权,其余30%则由Suria Kemboja私人有限公司持有,这两家公司都分别和赛莫达及马矿业有关联,是马矿业的间接大股东,因此这项计划属于相关人士交易。
恐受马矿业负面效应波及 贸易风种植评级下修 2008/08/06 10:02:24
●南洋商报 周汉文
http://www.nanyang.com/index.php?ch=7&pg=12&ac=869924 |
发表于 6-8-2008 07:13 PM
回复 54# Mr.Business 的帖子
请问....PDI跟Syed Mokhtar有关系吗??? |
发表于 7-8-2008 11:40 AM
Padini sales up despite slower spending
By Vasantha Ganesan Published: 2008/08/07
IT IS business as usual for Padini Holdings Bhd.
The fashion and fashion accessories retailer said it has not been hurt by slower spending, two months after a petrol price hike.
It even expects to continue making profits in the year ending June 30, 2009, said executive director Chan Kwai Heng.
Sales for all of its brands which include Padini, PDI, Miki, Vincci, P&Co are doing well and profit margin has not been affected.
"Up until this moment, our revenues are still trending upwards and we are not contemplating any reduction in our prices," Chan told Business Times in an interview.
"The group's brands are doing well generally and year-on-year, all brands have had positive same stores sales growth ... currently, our Vincci label is still the best performer in revenues."
In the nine months to March 31 2008, Padini's net profit jumped 58 per cent to RM40.03 million from the corresponding period last year.
This was achieved on the back of RM298.83 million in revenue, an increase of 24 per cent. It is due to report its fourth quarter figures at the end of this month.
Although he expects profits in 2009, Chan could not say for certain if it can sustain the growth momentum.
"I can hope but I really cannot say for sure; what is perhaps more certain is that for the coming year, we should still remain profitable," he said.
Sales will be backed by the opening of four additional Padini Concept Stores and two more Brands Outlet stores. Some RM15 million has been allocated for these openings.
As at June 30 2008, Padini has a total of 118 consignment counters and 69 free-standing stores in Malaysia. It also runs a cafe business in Mid Valley Megamall under the Seed brand name.
On sales promotion to attract more shoppers, he said: "Sales promotions will be on as per schedule and margins from these should not be any different from those earned in previous years."
Padini, Chan said, will continue to have its sales promotions as in previous years. In addition, it has also planned several stock clearance sales on a multi-brand level both in the promo areas of shopping malls as well as in-store.
http://www.btimes.com.my/Current_News/BTIMES/Thursday/Nation/ipadin.xml/Article/ |
发表于 18-8-2008 10:25 PM
发表于 28-8-2008 06:05 PM
Financial Results | Reference No PH-080827-34456 |
Company Name | : | PADINI HOLDINGS BERHAD | Stock Name | : | PADINI | Date Announced | : | 28/08/2008 |
Financial Year End | : | 30/06/2008 | Quarter | : | 4 | Quarterly report for the financial period ended | : | 30/06/2008 | The figures | : | have not been audited |
Please attach the full Quarterly Report here: | PHB FY08 Q4_Interim Financial Statements 30 June 2008.xls
PHB FY08 Q4_Explanatory Notes to Accounts.doc
PERIOD | | 30/06/2008 | 30/06/2007 | 30/06/2008 | 30/06/2007 | | RM'000 | RM'000 | RM'000 | RM'000 | 1 | Revenue | 85,799 | 76,260 | 384,634 | 317,173 | 2 | Profit/(loss) before tax | 3,271 | 9,255 | 57,624 | 44,061 | 3 | Profit/(loss) for the period | 2,646 | 6,074 | 42,712 | 31,442 | 4 | Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent | 2,646 | 6,064 | 42,712 | 31,403 | 5 | Basic earnings/(loss) per share (sen) | 2.01 | 4.63 | 32.44 | 24.24 | 6 | Proposed/Declared dividend per share (sen) | 10.00 | 10.00 | 15.00 | 25.00 |
| Net assets per share attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent (RM) | 1.3000 | 1.0900 |
Note: For full text of the above announcement, please access Bursa Malaysia website at www.bursamalaysia.com
Remarks : | The basic EPS for the 2007 financial year have been restated to reflect the increase in the overall number of ordinary shares issued arising from a sub-division of the Company's shares whichwas completed on 9th July 2007. |
| http://announcements.bursamalaysia.com/EDMS/edmsweb.nsf/LsvAllByID/48256E5D00102DF4482574B300315997?OpenDocument |
发表于 29-8-2008 12:41 PM
FY08 Results Review
OSK Investment Research
August 29, 2008
Staying on Course
Padini’s results came in 6.6% below our earlier revised FY08 forecast. Net profit was 56.4% down y-o-y in 4QFY08, mainly due to seasonally low earnings and higher-than-expected new store opening expenses. Despite the poor showing, we are still positive on Padini prospect’s going forward given the extended carnival sales period and higher sales volume from additional outlets. Maintain BUY with a TP of RM3.40.
Below expectation. As expected, Padini’s 4Q results made up only 6.2% of our full-year sales forecast due to seasonal factors. FY08 results were 6.6% below our expectation. Given ballooning operating expenses (+25% y-o-y) and higher finance cost (+113% y-oy), net profit plunged 56.4% y-o-y in 4QFY08, although revenue jumped 12.5%. The higher operating expenses were attributed to the increase in total floor space by 125,000sf due to its store expansion. FY08 net profit jumped 36% y-o-y on the back of the 21.3% rise in sales, with 9MFY08 sales constituting 93.8% of full year sales.
Store expansion. We think the company’s decision to invest more now is to tap on the cheaper rental rates during the current unfavourable economic scenario. Vis-à-vis 3QFY08, revenue and net profit were down 16.7% and 80.8% respectively. We note that Padini’s 4Q earnings are back to where they were in FY05/06 when 4Q earnings were in the range of RM2m to RM3m.
Poor margin in 4QFY08. Due to the higher new store openings expenses, EBIT margin plunged to 9.5% in 4QFY08 from 18.6% in 3QFY08. The sharply lower margin was also contributed by the write-downs of slow-moving and off-season merchandise to net realisable values as well to account for the shrinkage in inventory following the financial year-end physical stock take. It is worth noting that Padini has never failed to maintain its EBIT margin at the 15%-20% range since 2QFY05.
Maintain BUY. We maintain our FY09 and FY10 forecasts as we had toned down our numbers previously to factor- in weaker consumer sentiment and higher operational cost. Our TP is maintained at RM3.40 based on 1.8x CY09 BV/share and 10.9x CY09 EPS.
Brand outlets the star performer. The response to Padini’s brand outlets have been positive since the first store opened in 2006. There are currently 5 such outlets (see Table 1), with that in Ikano Power Centre contributing almost half of the total revenue from the brands outlets at ~RM21.6m in FYE2008. Note that only 2 stores operated for a full year in FYE2008. Although the outlets command lucrative margins (30% PBT margin vs 23% for a multi-brand store), we think there is room to grow as management will be more selective in selecting consignors to ensure that the merchandise commands better margin. In addition, Padini will be adding its own products (using other brand names) to its brands outlets, which further enhances margins. With these, we see business at Padini’s 100%-owned subsidiary, Yee Fong Hung, improving significantly (the brand outlet business is parked under Yee Fong Hung S/B). Given that these outlets are targeted at the lower income group in contrast to the multi-concept and single brand stores targeting the mid-high income group, brand outlets hold promise for the group as Padini is now targeting all income levels (as multi-concept and single stores target the mid-high end while the brand outlets target the lower end market), especially during a time when consumers are likely to divert their spending to lower priced products. We understand that the selling prices of products in the brand outlets are at least 50% cheaper than Padini’s house brands and on top of that, there are also promotions such as Buy-2-free-1. In our opinion, the brand outlets will eventually be the group’s other revenue driver.
Table 1: Padini’s brands outlets in various shopping malls
Shopping Malls | Date of opening | Ampang Point | Dec ‘06 | Ikano Power Centre | 6th July ‘07 | Bukit Tinggi | 24th Nov ‘07 | Dataran Pahlawan | 2nd Feb ‘08 | East Coast Mall | 30th Apr ‘08 | Queensbay Mall | 30th July ‘08 |
No sign of sales slowing. Our talk with the management recently surprised us as Padini’s sales remained resilient despite many signs that inflation had dampened consumer spending. While its 4QFY08 results were affected by seasonal factors and higher new openings expenses, we gather that all the outlets have performed well, with average same-store sales growth of 9.8% y-o-y. Y-o-y July and June sales posted double digit growth. According to the management, the company did not have to offer special discounts or implement specific strategies to attract customers as the management does not believe impulse buying could bring about short term profit. We think that its stable results are backed by its unique business model, ie (1) the idea of multi concept stores which are able to draw the crowd better via the cross-selling by housing all its brands under a single roof (2) different types of stores targeting different market segments (multi-concept stores and stand alone stores targets mid-high end markets whereas its brand outlets target the lower-end market, (3) outsourcing model, which helps Padini to save a lot in operation costs, (4) a wide range of products, ranges from accessories to apparel to footwear, (5) the myriad of designs (50 designs per month) for Vincci shoes, which is the main contributor, accounting for ~38% (FY07) of total revenue. Vincci shoes have relatively a lower turnover time of 4 months compared with the garment turnover time of 6-8 months. We envisage that Padini could do better in the coming quarter, driven by the earlier than expected carnival sales (July 5 – Sept 1).
Local expansion. There are 4 concept stores and 2 brand outlets in the pipeline encompassing total floor space estimated at 78,000 sf. The total estimated investment in these new outlets is RM15m to RM16m. Management has indicated that the rental rate for these outlets is cheaper in view of the current unfavourable economic scenario. We see sales from local business growing 15% to 17% in the next two years (FY09-FY10).
Table 2: New outlets in the pipeline
Location | Date of opening | The Curve (Concept store) | Sept ‘08 | One Borneo, Kota Kinabalu (Concept store) | Oct ‘08 | IOI Mall (new wing) (Brands outlet and Concept store) | Dec ‘08 | Bukit Indah (Johor) (Brands outlet and Concept store) | Jan ‘09 |
...but not so aggressive overseas. Padini has not been expanding aggressively overseas as management believes that the domestic retail market has ample room to grow despite the sluggish economic environment due to rising inflation. We understand that the stringent corporate social responsibility and regulatory challenges in some foreign markets are key impediments. Nonetheless, the group has opened 11 franchise/dealer stores overseas in 1HFY08. It is also in negotiations with parties in Syria and Egypt and management expects to open few stores in these countries by end-2008. However, we do not expect the overseas units to contribute substantially in the near term, unless the group ventures into its own retail outlets overseas rather than through franchising.
[ 本帖最后由 scsiang82 于 29-8-2008 12:44 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 26-11-2008 05:18 PM
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