


楼主: joyvous


 楼主| 发表于 25-10-2011 12:05 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复  joyvous

wookin28 发表于 24-10-2011 11:32 PM


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发表于 25-10-2011 01:46 AM | 显示全部楼层
portal是一个energy建出来的portal,在天上,水上那里都有,普通人是看不到的,只有你在打坐的时候会感觉 ...
joyvous 发表于 24-10-2011 06:54 PM

那么,在第三空间的身体呢? 还在第三空间吗? 如果还在,那么,是不是不能用了?

在梦里建造 portal...通常,你们是如何让自己的梦会产生这样建 portal 的场景的? 是不是有一些方法? 例如在入眠之前,要做些事...?

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发表于 25-10-2011 01:48 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 大小粒 于 25-10-2011 01:54 AM 编辑
一 ...
joyvous 发表于 24-10-2011 09:12 PM


忽然间,我怀疑我到底是不是 star seed?

你师父? 神庙的那种师父吗? 他怎么了? 也被攻击??

对了,还有什么是逼却需要知道或重要的语句? 你能够写出来吗?

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发表于 25-10-2011 02:05 AM | 显示全部楼层
刚才我的胸前也就是肋骨中间的部位,突然莫名的刺痛了好几分钟,这痛楚,偶尔隐隐约约从腹部往上传去肋骨中间那边。是不是 thymus 产生变化的关系?

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发表于 25-10-2011 02:09 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 血无痕 于 25-10-2011 09:54 AM 编辑

楼主不想回复我 o.0

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发表于 25-10-2011 08:20 PM | 显示全部楼层
楼主不想回复我 o.0
血无痕 发表于 25-10-2011 02:09 AM


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发表于 25-10-2011 08:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 46# 大小粒

   哈哈哈哈 你讲的也对 XD

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发表于 25-10-2011 08:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复  大小粒

   哈哈哈哈 你讲的也对 XD
血无痕 发表于 25-10-2011 08:33 PM


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 楼主| 发表于 25-10-2011 09:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
那么,在第三空间的身体呢? 还在第三空间吗? 如果还在,那么,是不是不能用了?

在梦里建造 portal...通 ...
大小粒 发表于 25-10-2011 01:46 AM


我自己的则是问人的,她说就在我附近,我都不懂在哪里= =

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 楼主| 发表于 25-10-2011 09:42 PM | 显示全部楼层

忽然间,我怀疑我到底是不是 star seed?

你师父? 神庙的那种师 ...
大小粒 发表于 25-10-2011 01:48 AM

哎哟,都讲不是每个人有感觉的咯= =
你有用dropbox吗?有的话给我你dropbox的email我share整个folder 出来

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 楼主| 发表于 25-10-2011 09:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
刚才我的胸前也就是肋骨中间的部位,突然莫名的刺痛了好几分钟,这痛楚,偶尔隐隐约约从腹部往上传去肋骨中 ...
大小粒 发表于 25-10-2011 02:05 AM



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 楼主| 发表于 25-10-2011 09:47 PM | 显示全部楼层
楼主不想回复我 o.0
血无痕 发表于 25-10-2011 02:09 AM



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 楼主| 发表于 25-10-2011 09:54 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 joyvous 于 1-11-2011 01:07 AM 编辑
大小粒 发表于 25-10-2011 08:20 PM




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 楼主| 发表于 25-10-2011 09:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
大小粒 发表于 25-10-2011 08:42 PM

限期要到了,    星际种子在忙着与其他星际种子联系

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 楼主| 发表于 25-10-2011 10:17 PM | 显示全部楼层
那么,在第三空间的身体呢? 还在第三空间吗? 如果还在,那么,是不是不能用了?

在梦里建造 portal...通 ...
大小粒 发表于 25-10-2011 01:46 AM

How to Build Personal Portals

Introduction by El Morya

Suzan Caroll, multidimensions.com

October 3, 2011, Copyright 2011

Many of our earth masters are feeling the pull of New Earth for, indeed, you are moving into a frequency of reality that is not adhesive to such low frequency patterns of the third dimension. The higher levels of the fifth dimension create continuous, circular and infinite energy patterns that expand and transmute. On the other hand, the lower frequencies of the third and fourth dimensions create energy patterns that have more and more interruptions as the energy travels down the frequency range.

These interruptions occur because humanity’s thought-forms of "time" create the illusion of  “space” between the manifestations of light. In reality, time and space are ONE and are only perceived as two different dimensions through your third/fourth dimensional consciousness. It is only via the perceptions of your Multidimensional SELF that you can perceive these “interruptions” as portals. The reasons for this discrepancy are that your third dimensional consciousness searches outside of your SELF and into the 3D Matrix to find “reality.” On the other hand, your awakened, multidimensional consciousness seeks to find “reality” within your SELF, who within the ONE.

These portals  are inter-dimensional pathways through which your expanded consciousness can travel free of all the energetic barriers in the third dimensional Matrix. You explore these portals as pure consciousness, while your physical earth vessel is sleeping, meditating or involved in a calming, creative act. In this manner, your Soul can experience lifetimes of inter-dimensional travel, in what appears to be an eye-blink to your third dimensional earth vessel.

Once you are aware that you are having the experience of inter-dimensional realities, you reach a threshold in your ascension process. This threshold represents your dedication to the process of ascension, for you will need to continue the process of opening these inner portals while in the midst of your daily life. In other words, you must learn (which is actually remember) how to live in two, or more,  realities at once.

The experience of multiple realities starts out with the “main reality,” being on third dimensional Earth. Then, gradually, you become confused as to which reality is your main life and which life are you visiting. Of course, if you don’t know which life you are in then you are functioning within your third dimensional consciousness.

On the other hand, when your consciousness is multidimensional,  the answer to that question is always: ALL OF THEM. Once you can imagine that you are actually in ALL of the inter-dimensional realities that you are visiting, the concept of your “main life” begins to fade from your awareness. It is then that you Know that YOU are a multidimensional consciousness exploring many realities within the NOW of the ONE.

However, the lower worlds of the third and fourth dimensions are especially difficult to visit. For one thing, these realities may or may not be enjoyable. Furthermore, while in the lower worlds of the third and fourth dimension, you can forget that you are pure consciousness and become trapped within the 3D Matrix. Fortunately, the higher frequencies of multidimensional light and unconditional love through which Earth is now traveling are entering your Third Eye and High Heart. Hence, every day, more and more of you are awakening to your true, Multidimensional SELF.

As this higher energy opens your Third Eye and High Heart, your multidimensional consciousness and unconditional love greatly expand your powers of perception and manifestation. The multidimensional light assists you to hold a form in your thoughts, which you will fill with unconditional love to bind the molecules of life to the structure of that form.

You needn’t worry about your negative, low frequency thoughts moving into the higher worlds, for they only resonate to the third and fourth dimensions. However, these higher dimensional energies will highlight thoughts, emotions and behaviors that will need to be released in order for you to flash your carbon vessel into Lightbody.

Fortunately, since you are working in tandem with Gaia who is also transmuting Her energies to that of the fifth dimension and beyond. Therefore, when you ground your consciousness in Her body of Earth, it calibrates your vibration to that of the ascending planet.

Furthermore, when you merge with Gaia, you tune into the growing mass of multidimensional thoughts and emotions of all the other Ascended Masters within a clay form. Therefore, as ONE Being, you are learning to perceive daily life through the higher perspective of your Multidimensional SELF.

The more you allow your “imagination” to see that which is beyond the perception of your clay form, the more you will activate your multidimensional abilities. Trust what you are experiencing and release the old programing of a frightened and controlled 3D world that told you it was crazy, wrong, unscientific or blasphemy to perceive the higher realities.

You are moving into the fifth dimension now, and all the rules under which you lived your 3D life are extinct. If you focus now on exploring and practicing your expanded abilities, as well as staying in constant contact with your higher dimensional guides and expressions of SELF, your ascension process will become a normal part of your daily life.

In closing, I ask you to listen to the voice within above all others and run everything through your High Heart. If it does not feel right, do not proceed. If it feels like love, move into and embrace that energy. Remember that YOU can talk to any of us in the higher frequencies of reality. Just call upon our assistance, and we will joyfully assist and/or instruct you. After all, you are our family that is visiting a lower frequency of reality. We await your return with open hearts. Of course, we know you are coming here, for in our reality, you have never left.

El Morya


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发表于 25-10-2011 10:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
回复 48# 大小粒


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 楼主| 发表于 26-10-2011 10:13 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 joyvous 于 26-10-2011 02:20 PM 编辑


-->看到电视上某人的伤口被包时很痛,偶也会感到痛 ><(偶已经变成empath了><


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 楼主| 发表于 26-10-2011 08:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
这里有一个很够里的句子可以帮助你放下所有对自己的一切,by Dr Joshua David Stone

Take several deep breaths ~ and state this invocation out loud in a quiet place ~ you could just read it silently but I prefer it as a statement ~ try not to do this on the subway as it might draw undue attention to you ~ just teasing ~ not! ; )

"I call Forth, Djwal Khul, Lord Melchizedek, Vywamus, and the Planetary and Cosmic Spiritual Hierarchy to anchor the Core Fear Matrix Removal Program, to remove all core fear from my subconscious mind, 4 and 12 body system, chakras, and energy fields, from this life and all my past lives.

Please remove all fears that block my ascension, all fears that go against my ascension agenda, please remove all doubt, jealousy, envy, anger, hatred, superiority, inferiorority, selfishness, separative thinking, separation, judgment, condemnation, anxiety, depression, fear of all the animal kingdoms, fear of death and dying, poverty consciousness, fear of failure, false pride, unworthiness,

Please remove all fear based programming in a generalized sense. I ask that these fears also be removed from the soul records.

Please replace all these fears that have been removed with core love. I ask that these fears be removed at night while I am in sleep state, and replaced with core love, until all fear is removed, I ask for a special divine dispensation to have all these fears removed while I am asleep, for the next year."


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 楼主| 发表于 26-10-2011 09:03 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 joyvous 于 26-10-2011 09:12 PM 编辑




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 楼主| 发表于 27-10-2011 12:48 PM | 显示全部楼层
At the time of Ascension for hours before time will seem distorted as if time has nearly stopped

everyone sensitive or not will feel much pulsating energy’s all around & your body will feel as if its

shaking constantly & walking around will be hard as your sense of balance will be way off actually

all our senses will be heigtned.Everything will start to appear more luminous trees the sky people

will start to see auras around everything beautiful colors even people not sensitive or the one’s

not to ascend as their physical mind & negativity will hold them to the 3rd dimension of Earth Now

people if I had my way everyone would be ascending but this has never happened before as this

ascension process on this timeline we live in has repeated over & over again in our time matrix of

Earth {for more information on the timeline matrix refer to my post “the tale of existence} this

happens every time this 3 dimensional Earth moves into the 4th then not long after into the 5th as

we will find moving from 4 into 5 relatively easy & wont take much effort at all as people unite in

concousness.Now back to the ascension as I was saying for a few hours before the actual

Ascension we will feel much distortions waiting for the veil to be lifted now the veil is a energy

grid placed over the Planet to kind of separate the multi-dimensions that exist here all in the

same time & space so we can live our life’s all existing in the same space. When the veil is lifted

by the four Godlike beings from Prime universe some call the 4 horsemen { for more info on Prime

universe refer to my post “the tale of existence} time will stand still we will be frozen for a certain

time but also be very aware of all that is going on the veil being lifted will be like a wave that

goes though the whole Planet once the veil has been removed for a very short time you will see

many different dimensions all on top of each other it’s very hard to explain what this will look like

to the human mind but it will be very Grand then all Ascending will feel their whole body spiritual &

physical shake very vigorously & feel a pull as if their whole body spiritual & physical is being

pulled somewhere else but to the same place I hope that makes sense you will then feel a lifting as

if you are coming out of your body but it remains attached the world around you will change &

morph instead of seeing the color spectrum we have here in the 3 dimensional Earth we will see

much more colors very vibrant colors we never knew existed when the shaking & pulling & lifting

stops you will find yourself in a whole new world & your body much different then your previous

body at this time the veil is now put back over the planet so you might feel a rush going through

you also. More then likely you will be naked so hope your new body is packing fellows lol sorry little

joke. Anyway your new body will be more translucent you will be taller men being a little taller then

women in general you will still look human of course but as all twelve of your DNA strains have

been activated you will notice all your senses are extremely heighten you will see hear taste smell

feel much more, more of your brain will also be activated you will see the whole worlds interaction

with the universal energy force as in everything will have a aura. Now many will have an

adjustment time to their new body’s & new world but this is where the 144,000 Ascended Masters

that are incarnated here on Earth come into play{for more info on this refer to my post preparing

for Ascension} the Ascended Master have been perfectly placed around the world to help many

adjust to this new existence & Star seeds will also help many of the younger souls adjust even

some star seeds needing time to adjust but will adjust much quickly then younger souls that had

grown used to their 3 dimensional lives. Now you may ask how will we eat what about houses etc

well don’t worry people now is the time of the much highly anticipated mass Global landing of

other races from other Planets that are already here around the planet in their Mother ships etc

just waiting for us to get our butts into gear & raise our frequency. They will land & help us with

such things as planting crops free energy technologies medicine etc we will all work together to

seed a new world for all. Let’s get it right this time? Hmmmm what do you think humanity?

Moving into this new 4th dimension the planet would of made its transition into being a full light

planet bye bye to duality as Gaia as we will all come to call her will no longer be a polarity planet

but be full light yay bye bye negativity let’s party. Also lets not forget the animals &

plants,trees,insects don’t worry people they are also Ascending & have been ready for this much

longer then human as we were the one’s holding the vibration Frequency down so your favorite

tree in your back yard will still be their just much more happier just not your house so if you have

a nice home or car you so dearly love sorry about it they have gone bye bye but I think a fair trade

off wouldn’t you agree. Now as for grieving of people who didn’t make it you will grieve just not

as bad as you would think as there will be much change going on also everyone will be Psychic able

to use all the gifts including Telepathy & you will be able to communicate with all that didn’t

Ascend now this will blow your mind you will be communicating with them in the 8th dimensional

Earth you may be thinking right now this guy is full of it im closing this post but bear with me I

assure you I am quite sane lol.The reason why the people who don’t Ascend into the 4th dimension

are in a higher Dimension is because they all passed or died in the 3rd & have returned to the

spiritual realms you see from 8 dimension up into the higher realms it is all pure consciousness it

depends on your soul evolution how high you go but most young one’s & I am sure all the one’s

that didn’t make to the ascension will be young will be in the 8th dimensional Earth receiving

healing some lessons then setting up to incarnate again to roll the dice again you see if you made

it to the 4th in the Ascension when your physical body finally dies {physical life gets longer &

longer in the 4th,5th,6th & finally the 7th} you will go to the 8th maybe higher & when you choose

to incarnate again you will not need to incarnate into a 3 dimensional existence you can incarnate

into the dimension you passed into spirit from {do you see the connection here of the soul

evolution} so throughout your soul evolution you go up & up as spirit in the 8th are trying to evolve

into the 9th & so on. Also I should mention once you reach dimensions with no physicality or what

we think is physical actually there holographic worlds time doesn’t exist you will find time is all a

lie it’s fabricated in the lower dimensions but seems very real & is for you when you live there.

{Oh my God wish I didn’t start this post to much typing}.Ok now going back to when we Ascend

into the 4th dimension & all we see though the whole process the people left on the 3 dimensional

earth will see something totally different now this part I have not had much communication with

my higher self & my guides on but I do know all life is ended so I would say a whole lot of shit will

be going down for all life not being able to survive not even people in underground bunkers this

may sound in human but I don’t really care what happens to them as they all had a opportunity to

make a change & they choose not to all that dies is there Physical shells not them they go back to

spirit so all I say to them who don’t make it is better luck on your next incarnation & hope you get

it right next time & don’t care so much for greed power lust sloth gluttony envy pride & anger oh

& that money thing what a joke. I hope this clears up some confusion for some people on the

Ascension process & life after or maybe you got more confused lol read it a couple of times you’ll

put it together. As I always say I offer my knowledge from my higher self & my beautiful Guides

for free & from the heart & if you choose to believe that’s totally up to you as I am sure I may

help at least one person to understand & if I help even one person then I have succeeded love you

all & see you on the other side people.

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