


楼主: pig17_my

【CAPITALA 5099 交流专区】(前名 AIRASIA )

发表于 6-2-2009 07:22 PM | 显示全部楼层
5099 这楼,是时候浮上来了。

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发表于 6-2-2009 08:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 peng01 于 6-2-2009 07:22 PM 发表
5099 这楼,是时候浮上来了。


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发表于 6-2-2009 11:06 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 6-2-2009 11:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 yewsin56 于 6-2-2009 11:06 PM 发表


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发表于 7-2-2009 02:18 AM | 显示全部楼层
100 和 200天的均线都落在 1.05 , 破了会怎样,大起吗??

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发表于 12-2-2009 11:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
没有很大的作为叻... 将公布的财报不懂会好吗?

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发表于 12-2-2009 11:35 PM | 显示全部楼层

(吉隆坡12日訊)亞洲航空(AIRASIA,5099,主板貿易)推出機艙座位安排(Pick a Seat)服務,單程收費從5令吉起。


座位安排服務可讓乘客預先上網選購屬意的機位,這包括受歡迎座位(Hot Seat)和普通座位(Standard Seat)。






配合座位安排服務,亞航將中止捷速登機服務(Xpress Boarding)。


他說,新服務可讓亞航達到25分鐘的準備續航時間(turnaround time),節省更多成本。











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发表于 18-2-2009 11:33 AM | 显示全部楼层
好像有动作, 几时财报会出....

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发表于 18-2-2009 05:33 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 18-2-2009 05:37 PM | 显示全部楼层

AirAsia X to London: Long haul low cost arrives in Europe - seriously

In just under four weeks, on 11-Mar-09, thefirst flight of five times weekly A340 (leased from Air Canada) servicefrom Kuala Lumpur will arrive at London Stansted Airport. This islong-haul low cost and most experts will be betting it doesn’t work.They will be wrong.

Many of the passengers will haveoriginated in Australia, paying the promotional fare of less thanAUD600/GBP400 for the Australia-UK 40,000 km roundtrip - about aquarter of the most common fares on the route. But AirAsia X will alsobe collecting passengers from around other parts of the region to feedinto the flight.
From the same stable as Malaysia's immensely successful conventionalLCC, AirAsia, the new long-haul entrant works hand in glove with itspartner and parent.
AirAsia's current Asian network

Source: AirAsia

Step in the realisation of AirAsia Group's international aspirationsThe Kuala Lumpur-London route is a major step in the realisation ofAirAsia Group's international aspirations, and strengthens Kuala Lumpuras the regional aviation hub and gateway into the Association ofSoutheast Asian Nations (ASEAN) region.

The carrier has gone for a 286-seat configuration in its leasedA340, with 10.5% of seats (30 seats in total) dedicated to its 'XL'Premium economy section. This is over 3 ppts more than its high-densityA330-300 used on routes to Melbourne, the Gold Coast, Perth andHangzhou, and reflects the fact that a higher proportion of premiumpassengers are needed to make longer sectors work economically.

Low cost long-haul airlines fleets and configurations: AirAsia X(A330-300/A340), Viva Macau, Jetstar and (now defunct) Oasis Hong Kong

AirAsia X
(initial from Nov-07)
AirAsia X
(from Nov-08)
AirAsia X
(from  Mar-09)
Viva Macau
Oasis Hong Kong
Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur
Kuala Lumpur
A330-300 (leased)
A330-300 owned
A340 leased
Premium Economy
Total seats
Premium seating % of total
Source: Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation & airline reports

Fleet expansion plans...AirAsia X ("X" for extra long) has been working up a strongfollowing in China and Australia since it started operating toQueensland's Gold Coast in Nov-08 with, at first, a single leasedA330-300.

Its first new one was delivered last month, configuredwith 255 economy seats at 31 inch set pitch and 28 "X-large" premiumeconomy seats, with 38 inches (for a total configuration of 383 seats,lower than the previously announced 392 seats). They are for use onroutes within the region. No other Asia Pacific A330 operator has aseat configuration of above 350 seats.

By the end of this year,AirAsia X's fleet will include six A330-300s and "perhaps" a furtherA340 (with the new aircraft scheduled for delivery in 2009, AirAsia Xplans to add five new destinations, with the LCC stating, "we hope tofly to Japan, Korea, China, India and at least one more somewhereelse"). Another ten aircraft are to be delivered in 2010.

As thecarrier's canny and understated CEO, Azran Osman-Rani, says, "for us,slowing down is not an option", despite the slumping economicenvironment. The message may be Ryanair-like, but the messengercouldn't be more different.

In addition to its confirmed orders,AirAsia X is also reportedly planning to order up to 37 more A330s, totake advantage of weaker aircraft prices. Mr Osman-Rani also statedthere is an opportunity to accelerate some of the existing orders"because some other airlines are deferring the orders due to problemsrelated to market demand or financing" and the carrier has also statedit is interested in leasing up to five A340-300s, to expand its networkto Germany, France and New Zealand, subject to lease rates. Accordingto Azran Osman-Rani, "for the right price, we would like to lease fiveA340-300s, although they are in tight supply".

The airline, meanwhile, is currently looking at local and foreignfunds to finance the purchase of its 25 ordered A330 aircraft. So far,financing for the first few aircraft had been secured, with the carrierin talks with export credit agencies to finance three A330-300sscheduled for delivery in 4Q09.
AirAsia X fleet plan: 2009 to 2012

Source: Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation & Ascend
... and network expansion plans

AirAsia X's long-haul route network now includes Perth and Melbournein Australia, and Hangzhou in China; five times weekly service toTianjin, adjacent to Beijing, will be added in Apr-09. And Sydney islikely to be added as an "X" point soon.

In Mar-09, the very important and more complex spoke to Stanstedcomes on line. Initially five times weekly, the carrier plans toincrease frequency to daily when it receive a second A340, and possiblyoperate the route double daily in the future. The LCC expects to obtaina load fator on the sector in the 83-84% range, but stated, "it worksfor us if it's in the mid-70s in terms of breaking even. 80% is reallygood, but 84 and beyond is what I'm hoping for".

The A340 that will be used was acquired at a competitive lease pricewhen fuel prices were way up. "X" certainly has some luck on its side;the four-engined A340 is suddenly again a much more effective aircraftwith oil down in the low USD30s per barrel - at precisely the timeconsumers are most price sensitive for long distance flying.

Meanwhile, AirAsia X stated it hopes to launch services to at leastthree destinations in Japan (Hokkaido, Osaka and Fukuoka) by the end of2009, after the Japanese Government relaxed its visa requirements forMalaysians. The LCC also plans to commence services to Tianjin (nearBeijing) in Apr-09 and is considering Chengdu, Xian, New Delhi, Mumbai,Amritsar and Sydney as other possible destinations, subject togovernment approval.

Good chance of success, unlike long-haul low-cost predecessorsWhatever you think of the prospects for this type of operation, itwould be dangerous to dismiss the new arrival as simply another Oasis,the short-lived long-haul LCC operating between Hong Kong and Londonlast year. Competing head to head against the combined might of CathayPacific, British Airways, Virgin, Qantas and others, Oasis was alwaysup against it; the carrier entered the market with old B747s at a timewhen fuel prices were beginning to punish old technology. Moreimportantly, it had no feed, whereas the larger network airlines, withvastly more seats to deploy, enjoyed all sorts of price discriminationoptions.

AirAsia X is a very different proposition. It is well funded - andeven has, as one of its owners, Sir Richard Branson, who, like thefounder of AirAsia and fellow shareholder in X, Tony Fernandes, comesfrom a background in the music business. Mr Fernandes is betting thenew services will enhance the short-haul airline's Asian network too.

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发表于 18-2-2009 05:38 PM | 显示全部楼层
A low cost network carrier
Significantly, X has already has established a passenger profilewhere only around 50% of its passengers are purely point-to-point,using AirAsia's home base of Kuala Lumpur as their staging point. Theyconnect onto short and long-haul sectors through Kuala LumpurInternational Airport's (KLIA) purpose-built Low Cost Terminal, whichis dominated by the LCC.

At the moment connections are performed in basic LCC terms - do ityourself - but, Mr Osman-Rani has plans for a simplified airsidetransfer for passengers, with a parallel online baggage transferservice for an additional fee.

If that sounds increasingly like a network carrier, bear in mindthat AirAsia has the lowest cost base in the world. That isn't achievedby management which is careless about costs. And baggage connectionswill simply become another revenue source (Stansted may not be readyfor that yet - watch that space - but it does at least offer noshortage of low cost services to transfer to and from).

Sample LCC unit cost (per ASK; USD cents)

Source: Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation & airline reports
AirTran,Allegiant, WestJet, JetBlue, Southwest: 3 months to 31-Dec-08'; GOL,Vueling, Norwegian,: 3 months to 30-Sep-08; Air Berlin and easyJet: 6months to 30-Sep-08; SkyEurope: 3 months ended 30-Jun-08; Virgin Blue:12 months ended 30-Jun-08 and B737 operations only; Frontier, SpiceJet,1time: 3 months to 31-Dec-07; AirAsia X: Apr-08. ~ AirAsia X expectedunit cost with new A330-300 fleet

Nonetheless, there is more legacy-type profile: along with the 256economy seats on the London-bound A340, are 30 premium seats with60-inch seat pitch. They are priced just above the opposition's economyfares.
Is this just another low price - rather than viably low costoperation? After all, long haul loses a lot of the advantages that makeshort haul LCCs so competitive, like higher seating density and higherutilisation.

The A330s are high density certainly, but apart from applying theAirAsia low cost culture to every detail (and some innovative ancillaryrevenue options on the yield side), an 18 hour daily utilisation ratedelivers considerably lower seat cost - achieved by a rotating schedule(charter airline style) which avoids the aircraft sitting on the groundwaiting for the next daily business cycle.

What about some really cheap seats?Is AirAsia X looking at the A380, with its potential for nearly 900seats in all economy configuration? "We've had a look at it", says MrOsran-Rani, coyly leaving the issue open.

Expects to be profitable in 2009AirAsia X, meanwhile, stated it expects to report a profit in 2009,with sales and demand remaining strong (the carrier was stillexperiencing strong forward bookings to Mar-09, despite economicweakness and battered consumer confidence. The carrier also stated itis currently generating strong cash flow and "quite robust" forwardbookings, with an average load factor of around 78%.

According to Mr Ozman-Rani, the carrier has over RM300 million(USD83 million), stating "probably within three to four months fromoperating our new planes, we will be profitable. With new planes, morepassengers will fly. Most important is cash flow and this is how weconvince our financiers. We have been cash positive since Apr-08".

AirAsia X also stated it is targeting a tenfold increase in annualrevenue to USD1 billion by the end of 2010. The carrier plans to reachannual revenue of RM1 billion (USD276 million) in 2009, after slightlyover two years of operations, with the carrier expecting to end 2008with revenue of approximatly USD100 million.

More to comeThe long-haul model - modified along some of the lines of AirAsiaX's operation is no longer in fact an experiment in Asia. Qantassubsidiary, Jetstar, is already spreading its low cost wings across theregion, also using A330s, and picking up on routes where its parentjust couldn't make it work. While it stays low cost, the more the modellooks like a legacy airline. Jetstar, which already codeshares withQantas, has also just announced a broader codeshare/interlinearrangement with several full service operators.

Meanwhile, AirAsia and X's biggest headache is that KLIA won't havesufficient room to accommodate their planned expansion for 2012. Well,everyone has their problems...

Background Information:

  • An affiliate of AirAsia and Virgin Group;
  • Is a long-haul, low cost airline unveiled in Jan-07, and launched service in Nov-07;
  • Having franchised the AirAsia brand, AirAsia X aims to coverdestinations more than four hours in flight duration from Kuala Lumpur,which complement the existing AirAsia short-haul network;
  • Currently operates from Kuala Lumpur to the Gold Coast (Australia) and Hangzhou (China) using leased aircraft;
  • Has ordered 15 A330s, two of which will be delivered this year(Oct-08 and Dec-08), with another two to be delivered in 2009. Theairline plans to add 25 extra A350s or B787-10 aircraft to its fleet asit adds routes to China, the UK, India, South Korea, Japan and theMiddle East over the next few years;
  • Expects to be profitable in its second year of operations and hopes to list the company in Malaysia as early as 2010;
  • Expects to handle 1.1 million passengers in its first year, rising to 10 million passengers p/a by 2010;
  • Current cost per ASK (including fuel) is one of the lowest in theindustry, at just under USD 4 cents, with the airline expecting toachieve unit costs of less than USD 3 cents once it receives moreaircraft.

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发表于 18-2-2009 05:40 PM | 显示全部楼层
Airasia 买飞机好像不用钱酱的  

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发表于 22-2-2009 10:27 PM | 显示全部楼层

曼联 2010 年新队服

[ 本帖最后由 peng01 于 23-2-2009 02:28 AM 编辑 ]

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发表于 22-2-2009 11:47 PM | 显示全部楼层

作者/本刊记者 Feb 20, 2009 05:22:34 pm

【本刊记者撰述】首相署经济策划组总监苏莱曼(Sulaiman Mahbob)透露,政府在并没有取消在森美兰州拉务(Labu)兴建新廉价航空机场的计划,目前仍与相光方面商讨中。


今年一月,政府同意让亚航和森那美(Sime Darby)在拉务兴建新廉价航空机场,消息公布后引起各界议论纷纷,也让森那美及马来西亚机场控股(Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad)这两家官股公司点起战火。





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发表于 23-2-2009 12:29 AM | 显示全部楼层

Govt Firm In Decision To Reject New LCCT In Labu, Says Najib

By D.Arul Rajoo

PHUKET, Feb 22 (Bernama) -- The government is firm in its decision to reject the plan by AirAsia Bhd and Sime Darby to build a RM1.6 billion low-cost carrier terminal (LCCT) Labu, Negeri Sembilan, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said today.

He said the project cannot be continued according to the original plan as Sime Darby would not pay the RM800 million infrastructure construction cost.

"They will only sell the land to the party that is building the infrastructures. If Airport Malaysia (Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB), it means sell to Airports Malaysia...they (Sime Darby) will not pay for the RM800 million infrastructure cost," he told Malaysian journalists covering the Special Asean 3 Finance Ministers' Meeting in this tourist resort here Sunday.

Najib, who is also Finance Minister said he had received confirmation in "black and white" from Sime Darby on the matter.

"If they (Sime Darby) did not contribute, there is no basis for the project to be considered," he said.

Najib said this when asked to comment on reports that the plan to build a LCCT in Labu is still being discussed between the government the parties involved.

The new LCCT would be built at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang but AirAsia's request on the payment for parking the aircraft and other details have not been negotiated, he added.

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发表于 23-2-2009 01:54 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 peng01 于 22-2-2009 10:27 PM 发表

曼联 2010 年新队服


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发表于 23-2-2009 02:29 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 23-2-2009 02:44 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 peng01 于 23-2-2009 02:29 AM 发表


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发表于 23-2-2009 10:26 AM | 显示全部楼层
亚航它应该比较容易度过难关. 其它廉价航空也说了他们的REVENUE提高了. 做为亚洲一哥,应该能够冲出困境. MU的队服也瞒期待的. MALAYSIAN的光荣. 一流的球队,一流的航空服务, 便宜的消费.
把MALAYSIA介绍给大家. 政府应该多多照顾他们.

使用道具 举报

发表于 23-2-2009 11:50 AM | 显示全部楼层

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