【PS3 & Xbox 360】Dragon's Dogma 龙之信条 集中讨论区
发表于 19-11-2013 02:48 PM
jem467 发表于 16-11-2013 07:07 AM 
我看过朋友玩了的 所以也是不ngam我的feel
发表于 20-11-2013 08:22 AM
Haseyoh 发表于 19-11-2013 02:48 PM 
我看过朋友玩了的 所以也是不ngam我的feel
发表于 21-11-2013 02:39 PM
发表于 21-11-2013 05:12 PM
Haseyoh 发表于 21-11-2013 02:39 PM 
原来如此 不过就算给我 都没时间跑去玩了
我的dragon dogma也暂时放着了
发表于 28-1-2015 07:26 AM
Dragon's Dogma Online confirmed ~ Reveal in this week's Famitsu magazine
《龙族教义 Online》正式确认研发 预定 1 月 29 日公开情报
根据日本知名游戏媒体法米通(Famitsu)今日报导,预定于 1 月 29 日推出的法米通杂志中,将公开《龙族教义》新作《龙族教义 Online》,此举确定了之前传言已久的《龙族教义 Online》开发情报。
去年 12 月就传出 CAPCOM 在日本、欧洲分别申请了《龙族教义 Online(DRAGON’S DOGMA ONLINE/ドラゴンズドグマ オンライン)》的商标权,使得此款开放世界动作游戏进军在线游戏领域的消息甚嚣尘上。
法米通今日报导曝光了《龙族教义 Online》的 LOGO 图。法米通表示,《龙族教义 Online》将成为对应在线游戏功能的作品,让玩家可以一起享受动作的乐趣,届时在杂志中将会独家公开包括游戏系统、故事设定、硬件规格等内容。
Dragon’s Dogma Online announced
Dragon’s Dogma Online is a free-to-play title for PlayStation 4, PS3 and PC
Title:Dragon Dogma Online
Price:Free 2 Play(With Microtransactions)
Producer:Minae Matsukawa - Director:Kento Kinoshita - Executive Producer:Hiroyuki Kobayashi
First details on Dragon’s Dogma Online have come out of this week’s Famitsu.
The 2015-due game will be a free-to-play action title with item micro-transactions for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PC. It’s produced by Minae Matsukawa, directed by Kent Kinoshita, and executive produced by Hiroyuki Kobayashi.
Players take on the role of an Awakened in the new land of Lestaria. You’ll be able to adventure with four-player parties (if you prefer to play solo, you can take three AI pawns with you), as well as chat, form parties, and spend free time in town lobbies with up to 100 people. There will also be a “Quick Matching” feature.
Dragon’s Dogma Online is similar to previous entries terms of combat. Clinging attacks remain present. Players will battle against big enemies in dramatic battles, and monsters can become enraged, leading to fiercer attacks.
As for jobs, those currently confirmed in the game include the Fighter, Hunter, Priest, and Shield Sage. Players will be able to change their jobs whenever they like, as well as the jobs of their pawns.
Character creation has seen an upgrade. The number of sections and parts you can edit has been considerably increased. Crafting mechanics are also present. Pawns can make things like consumables, weapons, armor. Pawns can also work together to shorten crafting time and increase overall build quality.
The game is open-world, and that open-world will be expanded little-by-little via large-scale updates launched seasonally. Bigger missions where up to eight players can participate are implied to be coming in one of these updates. Time-exclusive quests are also planned.
Famitsu also introduces a group of four NPC characters part of the “White Winged Buddha Corps.” They are: Fighters Vanessa (voiced by Atsuko Tanaka) and Leo (Koichi Yamadera), Hunter Iris (Marina Inoue), and Fabio (Yoshimasa Hosoya).
In an interview with Famitsu, producer Matsukawa and director Kinoshita share the following comments:
• Development started with the basic desire of taking Dragon’s Dogma and making it playable in an online environment.
• The game couldn’t be made in tandem with Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen and was therefore pushed back.
• Capcom contemplated a monthly fee, but chose freeo-to-play in the end in an attempt to get more players to try it out.
• Though paid items are present, the game will still feel like a proper Dragon’s Dogma game.
• The story is completely new and there are no character connections. (Editor’s note: We take it this means no character connections to the previous game.)
• The game world will initially be the size of what players have come to expect from previous games, but will expand over time to be three times larger in scope.
• Parties are formed in the lobby, after which players depart for the field.
• An effort has been made to emphasize the strengths and traits of individual classes, but it’s not balanced so strictly that players need to be super meticulous about party makeup.
Capcom producer Yoshinori Ono also adds that the game’s development is benefiting from the cooperation of Sony Computer Entertainment.
发表于 22-3-2015 02:20 PM
发表于 23-5-2017 05:55 PM
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen 5th 周年版本登上 PS4 /Xbox One 平台

楼主 |
发表于 24-5-2017 09:23 AM
Capcom冷飯的說... 不過這遊戲很棒啦!
发表于 24-5-2017 03:39 PM
发表于 18-7-2017 07:03 PM
Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen 繁体中文版比日版早一天发售 10 月 4 日
发表于 22-1-2018 08:41 PM
我刚买 Ps4 Dragon Dogma Dark Arisen,明明写着 R3,可是为何游戏里没“中文”显示的?
要到那里去 setting? 我找来找去都没有的?
发表于 22-1-2018 11:32 PM
那么就在你的PS4 系统中更换成繁体中文试试看
@Kaydenz 版大有买 PS4 版本你可以试试问问他
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