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楼主: b4byqueenie


发表于 1-11-2015 05:25 PM | 显示全部楼层
lam69 发表于 1-11-2015 07:58 AM
普京会这样容易被吓倒?如果是is 做,准备“通通上天堂”吧。如果是美国做,就等十五到来吧。


(6 cases)

Though we cannot state with certainty what exactly happened in each of the following cases, the pattern of cover up and potential motive appear to reveal a common thread.


The Event:
Pan Am 103 from UK to US suddenly blows up over Lockerbie, Scotland.
Israel's Motive:
Libyan leader Muammar Qaddafi is an outspoken enemy of Israel. Blow up a plane, blame it on Qaddafi and trigger a US attack on Libya.
End Result:
President Reagan bombs Libya, hitting Qaddafi's compound and killing his daughter.
Note: Many family members of the deceased passengers have openly stated that the Libyan National convicted of the bombing was falsely accused.

1. The Libyan "bomber" Al Megrahi was falsely imprisoned and eventually released in 2009.
2. Qaddafi survived Reagan's bombing of his living quarters, but the Zionists finally had him torture-murdered in 2011. Still under the impression that Qaddafi ordered the bombing of Pan Am 103, most stupid Americans cheered his murder.

JULY 1996: TWA 800

The Event
A missile blows up Paris bound TWA 800 shortly after it departs from New York's JFK Airport.
Israel's Motive:
Israel & US Neo-Cons are pressuring President Clinton to attack Iraq. Using either an Israeli sub, or controlled elements within US Military, blow up a plane, blame "terrorists" and trigger a US attack.
End Result:
Clinton appoints a "Commission" to cover up the missile attack and blame it on "mechanical error". The 'conspiracy community' is also thrown off the trail with disinfo about an 'accidental' US Navy missile launch during a training exercise.
The week after the TWA 800 disaster, a massive bomb explodes at the Atlanta Olympics. The quick thinking of Richard Jewell, a Security Guard, saves many lives. To avoid war, Clinton's Feds then blame the blast on Jewell himself! Jewell is eventually cleared. Someone is clearly trying to drag the US into a war.

1. The CIA's comical cartoon animation sells the "official story".
2. Hundreds of witnessess say otherwise. "We saw missiles! (plural)"

The Event:
Swiss Air 111, not long after departing from JFK Airport, loses radio contact for 13 minutes before crashing into the ocean.

Israel's Motive:

At this precise moment in time, Switzerland is embroiled in a bitter controversy with the World Jewish Congress, headed by Seagram's Mogul Edgar Bronfman (here). The WJC claims that Swiss banks are holding "stolen Jewish Gold" from the "Holocaust". The Swiss, who were neutral during World War II, strongly resist the shakedown. Punish the Swiss and send them a message to pay up or else!

End Result:
The Swiss eventually cave in and pay; forking over $1.8 Billion to "Holocaust survivors" to date.

Note: Paul Volcker, Former Chairman of the US Federal Reserve, headed up the Commission which carried out the Swiss shakedown.

1. Billionaire Ed Bronfman, World Jewish Congress Boss & shakedown artist, receives Medal of Honor from Bill Clinton.
2. 'The Holocaust Industry' by Professor Norman Finkelstein is very critical of his fellow Jews Holocaust gravy train.

The Event:
Yet another plane leaving from JFK in New York crashes into the sea.  
Israel's Motive: Egypt Air 990 was carrying 33 officers of the Egyptian military; among them were 2 Brigadier-Generals, a Colonel, a Major, and four other senior Air Force officers. Eliminate senior officers who could one day stage a coup of US-Israel puppet Mubarek.
End Result: With not a shred of evidence, "pilot suicide" is blamed for the sudden plunge into the Atlantic. The Egyptian government orders the censorship of all news stories publicizing the presence of so many senior officers on the plane. Nonetheless, 'conspiracy theories' rage throughout Egypt.
Note: For his 'selling out' to Israel, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat had been assassinated by military officers in 1981. Israel has always feared the Egyptian military.

1. Co-Pilot Gamil El-Batouti was accused of "suicide by plane". The media sold it hard and the case was quickly closed.
2. People in Egypt didn't buy the "official explanation." It is still widely believed to this day that the mysterious crash was a Mossad engineered take out of Egyptian military brass.

The Event: Just two months after the 9-11 attacks, another departing flight from New York's JFK (destination: Dominican Republic) suddenly falls from the sky.
Israel's Motive: At this point in time, 5 Israeli Mossad Agents are still being held in custody over their extremely suspicious behavior and possession of a truck full of explosives on 9/11 ('The Dancing Israelis'). Secure the release of the Israelis with the threat of more falling airliners and the destruction of America's air travel industry.
End Result: With not a shred of evidence, "wake turbulence" (caused by a plane miles in front) is IMMEDIATELY blamed for the sudden crash (which was actually preceded by an exploding fireball, according to numerous witnesses). Higher-ups in the US government then intervene and the 'Five Dancing Israelis' are released one week after the mysterious crash.
Note: This was now the 4th plane in just 5 years to fall out of the sky shortly after leaving the very same NY airport (JFK); an astonishing "coincidence", with each "explanation" growing even more ridiculous.

1. The plane went down in a New York neighborhood soon after takeoff. "Wake turbulence" indeed!
2. Front page of a major New Jersey newspaper described the arrest of the 5 "Dancing Israelis".
3. Later confirmed as Mossad agents, 3 of the 5 later appeared on Israeli TV to tell of their "unjust" arrest.

The Event: Flight 370 from Malaysia to China literally disappears after its transponders are shut off.
Israel's Motive: In December of 2013, a Malaysian Tribunal declared Israel guilty of war crimes in association with Operation Cast Lead (2010). (here) Punish Malaysia for its hard line on Israel, punish China (majority of passengers) for its support of Syria, Iran, and Russia, and pin the blame on _______________ (to be continued).
End Result: The extremely bizarre story is still unfolding. Stay tuned!


Censored by the Western media, the Kuala Lumpur (Malaysian Capital) War Crimes Tribunal recently declared Israel GUILTY of war crimes.


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发表于 1-11-2015 06:51 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
炮灰大神 发表于 31-10-2015 06:56 PM


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发表于 1-11-2015 06:53 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
alex92 发表于 31-10-2015 11:47 PM
美,烏,俄的媒體 ...


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发表于 1-11-2015 07:37 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
lcw_1977 发表于 31-10-2015 10:10 PM


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