发表于 17-9-2007 11:37 AM
极地冰川藏14万年前病毒 全球变暖或促其复活
●吴绍洪 IPCC中国专家
●斯科特·罗杰斯 美国冰川微生物专家
●张新芳 中国冰川微生物专家
●斯塔摩尔 纽约大学教授
发表于 17-9-2007 11:38 AM
发表于 17-9-2007 11:39 AM
http://www.chinapress.com.my/content_new.asp?dt=2007-09-17&sec=world&art=0917wf22.txt |
发表于 22-9-2007 12:55 AM
发表于 22-9-2007 01:16 AM
发表于 22-9-2007 02:18 PM
回复 #26 ycwk82 的帖子
怎么建议? 你接触的媒体经常都有教导人怎么去做啊
况且有些真的是不用讲的自然应该去做 |
发表于 25-9-2007 11:39 PM
发表于 26-9-2007 05:31 PM
科学家建议 为环保 少吃肉
转贴自新加坡早报网 2007-09-14
日本科学家7月公布的研究报告指出,生产1公斤的牛肉会释放出36.4公斤的二氧化碳,这比持续驾驶3个小时的同时,又把家中每一盏灯都打开所释放的二氧化碳还要多。 |
发表于 26-9-2007 08:39 PM
发表于 30-9-2007 02:37 PM
发表于 10-10-2007 12:21 AM
发表于 11-10-2007 07:51 AM
回复 #34 daimon 的帖子
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发表于 22-10-2007 10:56 AM
美國和歐洲專家說,世界人口逾1/10,或6億4300 萬居住在地勢低的沿海地區,受氣候改變的威脅最大。
http://www.chinapress.com.my/content_new.asp?dt=2007-10-22&sec=world&art=1022wf21.txt |
发表于 24-10-2007 08:42 PM
Do you have a great name for a great whale?
We just launched the 'name-a-whale' competition and before we could email you about it, over 100 people have already visited the website and suggested possible whale names.
Pamela from Ireland thinks the name Saoirse (soar-sha) would be a great name for a whale because it means 'freedom' in Gaelic. Lindsay from the US wants to name a whale Ali'ikai as it is Hawaiian for 'Queen of the Sea'. Allison from Brazil would like a whale to be called Rafaela which is her daughter's name and Gustav from Denmark chose the name Asger after his best friend. Whilst Andi from Indonesia feels that Khanti is a great whale name as it means 'patience' in Indonesian.
Other names suggested are Riya, Picasso, Fred, Lola, Melville, Felipe or Lucky.
Do you have a great whale name? Click here to enter your whale name in the competition. http://www.email.greenpeace.org/dlqzhjg_ugqfqpm.html
Whale location update:
One of the whales from the Cook Islands has traveled 1,500 km (about 930 miles) to American Samoa. Will the whale begin to head south now or travel onto Fiji, another 1,000 km (620 miles) to the west? Check out the map( http://www.greenpeace.org/international/campaigns/oceans/whaling/great-whale-trail/map?utm_source=gpi-whale-mail&utm_medium=email ) to keep up to date with all the latest whale travels.
The Whale 'Tag Team'.
[ 本帖最后由 kamwah 于 24-10-2007 08:43 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 7-11-2007 02:56 PM
More evangelicals concluding God is green
Traditionally conservative movement moving to embrace ‘creation care’
By Alex Johnson
updated 7:11 p.m. ET Nov. 6, 2007
The evangelical awakening to climate change is still a work in progress, but as the politically powerful movement becomes more active in environmentalism, political leaders will have to take notice or risk losing their jobs, a prominent evangelical leader said Tuesday.
Since President Bush’s re-election in 2004, a movement called “creation care,” which asserts that Christians are the stewards of God’s creation, has rapidly been been gathering momentum, said the Rev. Richard Cizik, vice president of government relations for the National Association of Evangelicals, or NAE.
“What is really happening is that American evangelicals are becoming, well, green, if you will,” Cizik said in an interview with MSNBC-TV’s Joe Scarborough.
The American evangelical community is in the midst of a wrenching shift in thinking on the environment. As recently as this spring, politically influential evangelicals were locked in a showdown over climate change, when 25 conservative evangelical leaders demanded that the NAE fire Cizik for his environmental advocacy.
The association’s refusal — rebuffing such influential conservative figures as James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family; former Republican presidential candidate Gary Bauer; and Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council — marked a turning point for green evangelicals, emboldening them to take creation care into the political arena.
“This is going to be an issue which evangelicals are going to look at when they cast their ballots,” Cizik said.
“I think it should be on par with all the other issues,” like abortion and same-sex marriage, he said. “When you think about it ... hundreds of millions of people around the globe are already being impacted by climate change.”
‘New day’ as conservative elders fade
For most of the movement’s history, American evangelicals as a rule steered clear of politics, heeding leaders who preached against risking contamination by secular culture.
But in the 1970s, a generation of deeply conservative activists attracted by the open courting of Ronald Reagan, who was preparing his successful run for president, broke with tradition and began talking about reforming that secular culture. That movement provided the foundation for the rise to prominence of conservative political pastors like the Rev. Jerry Falwell, the Rev. Pat Robertson and a coalition of dissidents who seized control of the Southern Baptist Convention in the early 1980s.
Those conservative evangelical leaders largely rejected the environmental movement, both because of its liberal heritage and because of the biblical injunction that Christians should worship the creator, not his creation. With their focus on conservative social issues like abortion, they kept environmentalism marginalized as an evangelical issue.
In a sermon shortly before his death in May, Falwell criticized “naive Christian leaders” for being “duped” by environmentalism, which he told his congregation at Thomas Road Baptist Church in Lynchburg, Va., was “Satan’s attempt to redirect the church’s primary focus” from evangelism.
Since the re-election of President Bush in 2004, however, and especially in the past two years — as awareness of climate change and disenchantment with the war in Iraq have crystallized — moderate and liberal evangelicals have been willing to step out of the shadows and confront the conservative leaders most Americans identify with evangelicalism. |
发表于 7-11-2007 02:57 PM
Majority of evangelicals back action
In a poll last month by Ellison Research, 70 percent of self-described evangelicals said they believed global warming would have an impact on future generations, and 64 percent said action should begin immediately.
More than half — 54 percent — said they would be more likely to support candidates who worked to curb global warming.
“We’re putting it in a biblical context,” Cizik said. “We’re saying whatever the past was, it’s a new day. It’s the 21st century, and we are the new evangelicals, and we have a broad agenda. And caring for the Earth is one of those things.”
Climate change has emerged as a significant issue in the presidential campaign, and many of the candidates, Republican and Democratic alike, have sought to seize the environmentalist mantle. But only Republican former Gov. Mike Huckabee of Arkansas — otherwise considered among the more conservative candidates in the race — has explicitly aligned himself with the creation care movement.
“My own personal faith reminds me that ‘the earth is the Lord’s’ and that we are not its owners; merely its caretakers,” Huckabee, a Southern Baptist minister, wrote in his 2007 autobiography, “From Hope to Higher Ground.”
As Huckabee has won favor among evangelicals in Iowa, where he has risen to second in recent Republican polls and assuaged some evangelicals’ concerns that he cannot win, he has begun picking up endorsements from evangelicals who stress his environmental position.
“I would suggest that as stewards of God resources, there needs to be a fresh look at this issue,” Rick Scarborough, head of Vision America, a prominent conservative evangelical group, wrote Thursday. “... Huckabee is forcing Republicans to discuss this issue, and that is healthy.”
Randy Thomas, vice president of Exodus International, an evangelical ministry, wrote last month that “I have decided to vote for Huckabee. Yes, it is because he is unabashedly Christian, but it is also that he does care for the environment.”
And also last month, Don Bosch, an environmental scientist and founder of the Evangelical Ecologist Web site, posted a prominent endorsement of Huckabee.
EPA, evangelicals join forces
Cizik was in Minnesota on Tuesday to publicize the NEA’s partnership with the Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star for Congregations program, which seeks to persuade churches to become more energy-efficient.
“We are asking all 45,000 churches associated with NAE to, if you will, go green,” he said.
Cizik cited EPA statistics projecting that if all of the estimated 300,000 houses of worship in the United States — “that’s Protestant, Catholic, Muslim mosques, everybody” — were to sign on, “we would save $200 million annually” for core ministerial purposes.
The issue remains contentious among evangelicals, however, and a debate over climate change at the Values Voters Summit last month in Washington demonstrated that divisions are still deep.
“Climate change threatens human lives, and the environment is clearly on the mainstream of the evangelical agenda,” the Rev. Jim Wallis, president of the liberal evangelical group Sojourners/Call to Renewal, told the assembly.
The Rev. Richard Land, president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention, countered with the conservative evangelical philosophy that God created the world to support humanity, saying: “The Bible says the Earth is for human betterment.”
But “why shouldn’t the churches be leading this?” Cizik asked. “Of course they should be, because that’s God’s mandate to us. ... God said in his own word in Genesis 2:15, ‘Care and protect it.’
“And have we been doing that? I don’t think so.” |
发表于 7-11-2007 03:03 PM
发表于 10-11-2007 01:06 AM

我们呢?我们做了什么?? =P |
发表于 11-11-2007 12:43 PM
傾聽水的歡唱與嗚咽,發出行動, 為保有它的生命而努力。
一位非洲女孩, 每天從水坑取滿八桶家庭用水, 需花六小時。 她可以沒有上學,但家裏不能沒有水。
水滲出極慢 她用生命等候水。。。。
我們都不知道, 彈指間一按抽水馬桶的水量, 是缺水國家每人單日賴以活命的用量! 水資源日益減少,
亞洲、歐美對此有深刻覺知的國家, 已經起而行動, 誰也不願看到未來『地球上最後一滴水將是人的眼淚』。
而在慈濟, 水的『被疼惜』 此一單純的内蘊, 已經逐漸盪開了一片廣遠的實踐水域。 |
发表于 18-11-2007 10:34 AM
Hi friends,
India is at a critical juncture. Food regulatory authorities therehave approved field trials of genetically engineered (GE) rice.India's Supreme Court has delayed the trials with a number of conditions, but they won't be enough to stop field trialsfor long.
It's time to act. India's food regulatory authorities need to receive a blast of messages from around the world - from people incountries which currently import Indian rice - to understand how costly and unwise these GE field trials would be.
---------->>>> Please send a message to the food-for-export regulatory authority (APEDA).
Global rice traders and marketers could reject GE contaminated riceproducts from India, costing farmers dearly. Greenpeace's recent report onthe economic impacts of last year's US rice contamination scandal shows thatGE field trials can cause massive economic losses.
GE contamination spreads, and they should know it. While basmatigrowing areas in India are GE free, non-basmati rice growing areas aren't.Non-basmati rice is also a major export crop. GE field trials in non-basmatigrowing areas may contaminate both types of rice which are frequently grownnear or next to each other.
Naturally, there are Indian farmers who also oppose field trials ofGE rice. Our message to the food regulatory authority is also addressed tothe farmer's group, the All India Rice Exporters' Association, to show themour solidarity.
This is the second time this month we're writing to you about GE.You've been fantastic! The European Commission's ears are ringing withthe sound of over 35,000 messages sent in under 10 days. Sometimes the Commission's servers bounced/returned protest emails because there were just so many coming in at once.
Can you forward this message to friends and help us beat that target?
Matthias, Rajesh, Eoin and everyone at Greenpeace
[ 本帖最后由 kamwah 于 18-11-2007 10:39 AM 编辑 ] |
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