


楼主: 亚洲航空

我的新家要买42’LCD。有什么选择?FUll HD

发表于 27-8-2008 03:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 尔齐 于 27-8-2008 02:16 PM 发表


再一次听说ASTRO MAX 有HDMI - High-Definition Multimedia Interface。

请有ASTRO MAX的网友说说。


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 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2008 03:06 PM | 显示全部楼层
我的budget 是RM4000 以下。。。

不懂MBF 那个37寸 还有offer吗??

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发表于 27-8-2008 03:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Liau 于 27-8-2008 02:37 PM 发表

第一,店员要说服你买42"以上的LCD, 所以说42"以下的LCD看astro不清晰


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 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2008 04:00 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 cyberamoeba 于 27-8-2008 03:26 PM 发表


这个最常发生在slim sq...你明明要买XX model..你问到最nett价钱了。。。


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发表于 27-8-2008 04:07 PM | 显示全部楼层
老实说,光看画面,我无法分辨 LCD 和 plasma。

有一回在电器店,店员做 demo,LCD 和 plasma 播相同的画面。
第一组画面像 screen saver 般,有一个 logo 在银幕上快速移动,
plasma 画面顺畅,LCD 残影严重,移动中的 logo 拖着黑色的尾巴。
第二组画面是移动的地图,plasma 画面清晰,
LCD 一片模糊,地图上的小字根本看不清楚,看久了会头晕。

结果 2 比 0,让我燃起买 plasma 的念头。

我有想过,这些画面是针对 LCD 的弱点刻意做出来的。
买了 LCD 的朋友,你们的 LCD 有这种情况吗?

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 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2008 04:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
其实报纸上次有登.... LCD 的科技还算新...如果要买大点screen的。。还是选plasma

现在的LCD ,32寸的科技已经成熟了。。


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发表于 27-8-2008 04:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 cyberamoeba 于 27-8-2008 04:07 PM 发表
老实说,光看画面,我无法分辨 LCD 和 plasma。

有一回在电器店,店员做 demo,LCD 和 plasma 播相同的画面。
第一组画面像 screen saver 般,有一个 logo 在银幕上快速移动,
plasma 画面顺畅,LCD 残影严重, ...

那是因为response time慢的关系,尤其是在比较暗的画面。
8ms response time肯定会有这个问题,6ms response time会比较好,当然也比较贵。
不大清楚现在有没有更快的response time, 我想应该有了。

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发表于 27-8-2008 04:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
其实要争论 LCD 和 Plasma 的优缺点, 争也争不完, 各有各的拥护者.
耗电, 烙印, 发热, 这都是过去式了, 就像 LCD 的可视角小, 色偏, 应答速度慢, 都在进步中.

Sony 舍弃 Plasma 不是因为要淘汰了, 而是技术层面问题. 很多人都知道, Sony 并没有制造和生产液晶面版, 用的是韩国三星或台湾友达面版. 自从进入LCD时代后, Sony 因太晚进入LCD战场而损失了电视市场占有率.
Sony 后来以其出色的 Bravia Engine (CRT 时代是Wega Engine)  突破重围.

Plasma 技术门槛和成本较高, 目前全球拥有技术的不多, Pioneer是龙头老大, Panasonic 紧追在后, Philips 在瓯洲占有一席之地. Samsung和LG全球销量最高, 不过也慢慢淡出市场. 不久后, Pioneer 也要和 Panasonic 合作, Panasonic 将会是最大的 Plasma 面板制造商. 今年推出了G11第十一代面板, 明年迈入G12, 偏向更省电更薄.

LCD 技术门槛和成本较低, 市场大(娱乐和电脑), 所以大把厂商抢著做. 由于技术较新, 还有很大的发展空间.

我本身也偏向Plasma, 因为我在意的是颜色的表现,色域广,自然,不会有色偏,"黑色够黑" . 一台42"只卖4K, 夫复何求?

如果您想买LCD, 以下几个建议供参考:
1. 40" 或以下, 没必要买 FullHD
2. 100Hz/120Hz 可以有效减低拖影/残影的效果, 不过有些人认为这种"无中生有"的东东不自然
3. 在卖场作比较时试试从斜角看, 看色偏严不严重.
4. 10bit面板比8bit来的好,色域更广,不过内部引擎也很重要(如Sony Bravia, Toshiba Meta Brain..等)

如果要我选LCD, 我会买有 100/120Hz, 10bit IPS-alpha 面板的机种.   不过价钱就......

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 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2008 04:38 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 依祈 于 27-8-2008 04:28 PM 发表
1. 40" 或以下, 没必要买 FullHD ...

可以来解释,。。解释。。。FULL HD 和HD  什么分别吗??

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发表于 27-8-2008 04:41 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 4# Liau 的帖子

未来的路。。也是LCD full HD  的天下了。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2008 04:42 PM | 显示全部楼层

1、 什么是“FULL HD液晶电视”?

  FULL HD是Full High Definition的简写,代表全高清的意思。所谓FULL HD电视就是能够完全显示1920×1080象素的平板电视机,它的扫描线数达到了1080P,能够呈现622万象素顶级高清画质。与普通液晶电视相比,其图像更为细腻、逼真,展现的细节层次也更为丰富。

  2、FULL HD和HD有什么区别?

  HD是High Definition的简写,代表高清的意思。按照信息产业部制定的《数字电视接收设备——显示器标准》,凡是水平和垂直清晰度均达到720电视线以上的就可以算是高清电视。目前市场上大部分的HD电视物理分辨率都是1366×768,只能显示105万象素的画质。

  而FULL HD是目前最顶级的高清格式,它的水平和垂直清晰度都必须达到1080P以上,物理分辨率达到1920×1080,能够完全显示622万象素顶级高清画质。所以两者在画面显示的清晰度上有着本质的区别。

  明白了什么是FULL HD液晶电视,也知道了它和HD电视之间的区别,现在的你一定信心十足整装待发,准备去卖场看看了吧?嘿,再等等!专家提醒我们,购买的过程中你会遇到各种各样的陷阱,一不小心你就会掉进去。等到醒悟的时候,已经追悔莫及!下面就让专家给你支招,为你化解重重谜团!

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 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2008 04:45 PM | 显示全部楼层
不過目前藍光光碟技術已經成熟了,只差成本降低,所以相信 Full HD 是未來的主流電視
有充足的預算還是要買有 Full HD的電視才好

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发表于 27-8-2008 04:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 亚洲航空 于 27-8-2008 04:42 PM 发表

1、 什么是“FULL HD液晶电视”?

  FULL HD是Full High Definition的简写,代表全高清的意思。所谓FULL HD电视就是能够完全显示1920×1080象素的平板电视机,它的扫描线数达到了1080P,能够呈 ...

我是准备买。。。42寸~full HD   LCD

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发表于 27-8-2008 04:52 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 亚洲航空 于 27-8-2008 04:45 PM 发表
不過目前藍光光碟技術已經成熟了,只差成本降低,所以相信 Full HD 是未來的主流電視,
有充足的預算還是要買有 Full HD的 ...


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发表于 27-8-2008 04:55 PM | 显示全部楼层
Differences between Plasma and LCD

Plasma : Watching VCD or Astro very clear, DVD or blu-ray, video games or PC output not very clear

LCD : Watching Astro so so but acceptable, DVD clear and sharp picture and even can PC,  PS2 or PS3

Conclusion: Buy LCD because astro going to implement HD Channel and Plasma will sucks big time at that time.

[ 本帖最后由 Orcamaniac 于 27-8-2008 04:57 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 27-8-2008 04:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
我朋友的姐姐上个月在时代广场的best买了一台37寸的sony display set 才RM2199,而我本身在前两个礼拜到curve的harvey norman 去看到两台三星的40“LCD,一台RM3399, 一台RM3699, 而JVC的42”则RM3799,超划算的,可是我忘了看是不是full HD 的。如果LZ有兴趣可以去看看,while stock last....

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发表于 27-8-2008 05:01 PM | 显示全部楼层

从图表中可以看到, 要多近的距离看几寸的电视, 才能体验到 480/720/1080 的精细度.
12' 以上, 480p 就够了
8'-12', 720p 还看得到
要看 1080p, 大概 5'-8' 的距离..

预算够, 当然买 FullHD + 100Hz/120Hz 最好, 如 Samsung 6 Series.
但4K, 应该不可能. 在大马要等 FullHD 广播, 再过几年吧, 到时, 以现在的差价都可以买一台FullHD的机种了.

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 楼主| 发表于 27-8-2008 05:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
我看到。。。一款 4389。。。。Samsung 40'' LCD TV LA40A550P1 (FULL HD)

0" Full HD Entertainment TV
With its elegantly stylish design the SAMSUNG LCD TV SERIES 5 offers an outstandingly rich Full HD TV experience. With phenomenal picture quality and superior features, sharper, clearer, more detailed images are delivered with incredible intensity on its clear panel screen, enabling you to enjoy quality and versatility that indulge all of your senses.
1080p Full HD - photo realistic details
1080p Full HD - photo realistic details
Be amazed by the SAMSUNG LCD TV SERIES 5's inspirational 1920 x 1080 Full HD images. Richer, more realistic colours create an enhanced experience of entertainment. Moving images become more fluid and lifelike, and action scenes are more powerful and vibrant. Once you have experienced the range of emotions expressed by entertainment at the highest resolution, your world will never be the same again.
Clear Panel - high visibility, low reflection
Clear Panel - high visibility, low reflection
The increased readability and reduced reflection of the Clear Panel allow you to view clean and clear images at all times. By reducing glare and enhancing contrast, the Clear Panel allows you to enjoy images that are displayed with comfort and clarity, ensuring that what you see is as clear as can be, and your entertainment is as pure as possible.
Movie Plus - fluid motion for greater clarity
Movie Plus - fluid motion for greater clarity
SAMSUNG Movie Plus eliminates motion judder by calculating the motion factor of an incoming video signal and interpolating the appropriate new frame. In simpler words, unlike conventional TVs, it does not repeat the same frame to create the image. Instead, it increases the number of frames by intelligently estimating the position of the moving object and creating additional frames based upon that estimate.
Entertainment Modes - a TV made for entertainment
Entertainment Modes - a TV made for entertainment
To provide you with the best entertainment possible, the SAMSUNG PDP TV has three different picture and sound modes optimised for Sports, Movies and Games with hot keys for instant remote control access, so you can be sure that the picture quality you are experiencing is optimised for what you are watching. Fast motion imaging, dynamic detail enhancement, and down-firing speakers all combine to deliver the most exciting entertainment experience you have ever had.

Sports mode places you right in the middle of the action.Whether it’s the gridiron, the playing field, the race track, surfing or a yacht race, the action comes to life in vivid colour and detail providing a superior spectator experience for all sports. And you can enjoy upcoming big sports events, like the Olympic games, right in your living room and feel like you’re part of the action!

Experience TV that feels just like a movie theatre. Cinema Mode guarantees the very best moving image quality while the enhanced speakers deliver powerful cinematic sound. With the specially adjusted colour temperature, you can enjoy the warm feeling of the movies right in your own living room.

Game mode enhances your gaming experience by providing you with smooth moving images, incredible sharpness of detail, and sound that is clear and powerful. When the Game mode is turned on, the contrast in dark areas is amplified, the bass sound is enriched, and the response time to game console movement is shortened, creating the best possible environment for fast moving video games. Enjoy the sense of total immersion in your game and all the excitement that you can handle.
3 HDMI - one cable for audio and video
3 HDMI - one cable for audio and video
The SAMSUNG LCD TV SERIES 4's 3HDMI (High DefinitionMultimedia Interface) inputs enable you to connect quickly and conveniently to a broader range of external devices. HDMI allows uncompressed streams of digital data to be transmitted via one cable, delivering a purer picture quality to be displayed for your appreciation and enjoyment. Appreciate the best that digital entertainment has to offer with SAMSUNG.
Digital Natural Image engine+
Digital Natural Image engine+
Indulge your eyes with the clearest, most natural images imaginable. DNIe + produces an incredible depth of detail that captures your eyes and unlocks your senses. Its advanced Colour and Motion Optimisers and Contrast and Detail Enhancers combine to provide you with inspirational images and precise pictures.
30,000:1 Dynamic Contrast Ratio
30,000:1 Dynamic Contrast Ratio
SAMSUNG LCD TV SERIES 5 provides powerful images that are vivid and realistic. By reducing the duty ratio, the black level can be minimised, allowing deeper black colours to be made. The internal dimming and brightening of the backlight generates more intense colour; dark colours become darker and light colours become lighter.
Wide Colour Enhancer 2 - provides natural, realistic colours
Wide Colour Enhancer 2 - provides natural, realistic colours
Wide Colour Enhancer 2 expands the colour gamut into a third axis and creates a 3D diagram of luminance. This, in turn, creates a dynamic display of on-screen colour and reinforces traditionally weak colours such as green and blue, so that they appear vivid and deep. Red colours are also enhanced to provide strong colours across the spectrum and the perfect balance of RGB.
WISELINK - music and photo on TV
WISELINK - music and photo on TV
The WISELINK connection allows you to share music and photos with those who are closest to you. By simply using the USB 2.0 interface you can delight your friends and family with the things that delight you.
Energy Star - the evolution of ecology
Energy Star - the evolution of ecology
The Energy Star certification means that the SAMSUNG PDP TV is dedicated to helping you do your part to protect the environment. The energy efficiency of the SAMSUNG PDP TV allows you to be secure in the knowledge that you are doingyour part to protect the delicate balance between technological advancement and conservational awareness.
1080 24P Real Movie - true to the original
1080 24P Real Movie - true to the original
The SAMSUNG PDP TV 450 gives you the power to watch movies in their original 24-frames-per-second format-so you can see them the way they were intended to be seen. The latest in digital technology allows Blu-Ray Disc Players or Game Consoles to output content in its original forms of 24 fps. The SAMSUNG 450 PDP TV supports these 24 fps sources through the HDMI input, and is capable of showing scenes in the maximum resolution of 1080p.
remote controller
remote controller
The highly-textured universal remote control is comfortable in the hand, and by grouping the buttons in an intuitive manner, the right button is easier to find, enabling exceptional ease of use.
Swivel Stand - innovative swivel stand
Swivel Stand - innovative swivel stand
The innovative swivel stand offers unparalleled positional flexibility for viewing. It allows you to mold the screen to suit your needs without lifting or repositioning the set. Full mobility is delivered with minimum fuss by simply swiveling the stand so that you can view the screen the way that suits you. Enjoy the convenience of the clearest, most visible TV screen at all times.

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发表于 27-8-2008 05:21 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 亚洲航空 于 27-8-2008 05:14 PM 发表
我看到。。。一款 4389。。。。Samsung 40'' LCD TV LA40A550P1 (FULL HD)

0" Full HD Entertainment TV
With ...


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发表于 27-8-2008 05:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 cyberamoeba 于 27-8-2008 12:41 发表


看电視和 astro 需要用到 HDMI 吗?
HDMI cable 好像很贵。


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