


楼主: maocheng

Caterham F1 Era End

 楼主| 发表于 5-6-2010 04:49 PM | 显示全部楼层
这车对还有很大的发展空间!今年看来是没什竞争了!但车子的性能和设计真的是所有“新”车队里最好的吗?车 ...
ghimeg 发表于 5-6-2010 15:27

    Fairuz Fauzy

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发表于 7-6-2010 09:53 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 343# maocheng


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 楼主| 发表于 10-6-2010 05:47 PM | 显示全部楼层
Gascoyne targets points finish for Lotus in Canada
ESPNF1 Staff
June 10, 2010

Mike Gascoyne is hoping that 'bullet-proof reliability' in Canada can enable his Lotus team to break its points duck.

The Circuit Gilles Villeneuve is one of the most unforgiving on the calendar, renowned for testing a car's brakes to the limit. But the team's technical director is hoping that the experience of his two drivers and some additional upgrades will be able to see at least one car finish.

"It's one of those races where it's possible to pick up points, and we've got to put ourselves in a position to do that. We've two very experienced drivers in the car which will help us be there at the finish, and that's the primary goal," said Gascoyne.

"It's going to be hard on brakes, but we've had no problems in that area, and we're also bringing a few more new parts, including a low-downforce package specifically for Canada.

"So overall we want to build on the performances we've been putting in, aim for bullet-proof reliability, and have two cars see the flag."

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 楼主| 发表于 11-6-2010 12:39 AM | 显示全部楼层

Thursday 10th June 2010


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 楼主| 发表于 12-6-2010 09:28 AM | 显示全部楼层

Montréal, Canada 11th June 2010

Back in Canada for Lotus Racing’s debut at Montreal’s Circuit Gilles Villeneuve and Friday’s practice sessions saw Lotus Racing comfortably ahead of their new team rivals, and edging ever closer to the midfield. Heikki Kovalainen completed his entire program and finished FP2 less than seven tenths behind Alguersuari’s Toro Rosso, but Jarno Trulli suffered an electrical problem that curtailed his running in both sessions.

Heikki Kovalainen (Lotus Cosworth T127-01 / FP1: 24 laps, 19th, 1.21.869 / FP2: 35 laps, 19th, 1.19.969): “Both sessions were pretty good today. The circuit obviously has not been used for a little while and it was quite dirty to start with, and even at the end of the second session the grip level was still quite low, but it’s definitely improving though! It felt a bit like a Rally Finland stage first thing this morning, so it could only get better from there!

“I think the team did a really good job today, improving the balance and keeping us going in the right direction all the time. The low downforce package seems to be working really well, which is very encouraging, and again, we’re not far away from the Toro Rossos. Maybe tomorrow in qualifying, I’ll be able to have a go at challenging them, and see what happens. We’re going to focus on keeping the rear of the car under control, and I think we are getting there with that, so, from my side of the garage, things are working out really well."

Jarno Trulli (Lotus Cosworth T127-03 / FP1: 12 laps, 21st, 1.22.543 / FP2: 11 laps, 22nd,1.21.346): “It’s been a difficult day but I’ll move on from this and I still feel positive – after all, this is still our first season, and we’re only eight races in. I had a few laps, but not enough to get a setup I felt comfortable with. I could feel that both the hard and the soft tyres suffered bad degradation, but after today I want to thank the team for working very hard to fix the problems on my car, and we’ll see if the luck will change tomorrow.”

Mike Gascoyne, Chief Technical Officer: “It was difficult today – a couple of reliability problems curtailed Jarno’s running, but with Heikki we completed everything we wanted to, so that’s a plus. The tyre performance is always difficult on the first day here, but especially so today, so we’ll have to see how that develops tomorrow – it could be interesting. Overall, Heikki’s performance was good, but apologies to Jarno for the issues – despite those, I’m sure we can get both cars up where we want them tomorrow.”

Tony Fernandes, Team Principal: “It was obviously a bit of a tough session out there, a dirty track and a couple of issues for Jarno, but we still showed we keep picking up speed, finishing FP2 just over three seconds off the outright pace. Both Jarno and Heikki are upbeat, and the main aim now is to bring both cars home on Sunday – if we do that I’ll be very happy.”

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 楼主| 发表于 12-6-2010 09:59 AM | 显示全部楼层

Canadian Grand Prix 2010 - Friday 11th June


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 楼主| 发表于 13-6-2010 12:36 AM | 显示全部楼层

Canadian Grand Prix - Saturday 12th June 2010


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 楼主| 发表于 13-6-2010 07:43 AM | 显示全部楼层

Montréal, Canada 12th June 2010

A superb qualifying session for Lotus Racing in Montréal saw the team pushing ever closer to the midfield, with Heikki Kovalainen finishing just two tenths off Kobayashi’s Sauber in 19th place, and Jarno Trulli just behind the Finn in 20th. The Anglo-Asian squad continued their impressive progression at the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve, and will now be looking forward to a strong race on Sunday, aiming to have both cars finish the Canadian Grand Prix in what promises to be a very exciting race.

Heikki Kovalainen (Lotus Cosworth T127-01) - FP3: 16 laps, 20th, 1.19.447 / Qualifying: 19th, 1.18.237, 12 laps “I’ve felt like I've done a few good qualifying laps this year, but this one was really good. I’ve had a decent balance all weekend, and yesterday I didn’t have any problems, so I could find a good setup and had the confidence to push. We just need to find a little bit more to really take the fight to the guys in front, but tomorrow I think we can race them, I think we can have a go. I thought I had Kamui for a while, but he just got in front at the end, but you always find a little bit more when you think you can get the guy ahead and that shows how far we’ve come. Today shows we’re making progress all the time – we were only two tenths away from Sauber today which is just great for the whole team.”

Jarno Trulli (Lotus Cosworth T127-03) - FP3: 15 laps, 19th, 1.19.013 / Qualifying: 20th, 1.18.698, 11 laps “It’s been tricky this weekend as I haven’t managed to complete that many laps and haven’t been able to find a setup I’m really comfortable with. We went with the primes to begin with today, and I could see that I was close to the guys in front, so I took the gamble and went for the options at the end, but unfortunately it didn’t work out. The aim tomorrow is to finish the race, and I’m optimistic we can do that, so let’s see what I can do.”

Mike Gascoyne, Chief Technical Officer: “It’s been a very strong qualifying for the team today. The big question was tyre choice; both drivers did their first run on the harder tyre, and Heikki decided to stay with that, while Jarno switched to the option. I think Heikki managed to get a lot out of it, and it’s a sign of how far we’ve come that we came very close to out-qualifying one of the Saubers - it would have been another great step forward for us to beat one of the established teams in a straight fight, and we’re nearly there.

“Jarno didn’t quite get the lap time out of the option tyre on his last run, and I think we as a team have to take responsibility for that – his lack of running yesterday really hurt his chances, especially on the options, so we have to say sorry to him for that. But overall it was a great performance from the whole team. Looking at tomorrow, this is always one of the unpredictable races, so you never know, but our aim will be to get the two cars to the finish”

Tony Fernandes, Team Principal: “It’s funny – a really good qualifying session for us, but really this weekend is all about getting cars across the finish line on Sunday. Having said that, today was another big step forward for us as we were just 2.34 seconds off the outright pace in Q1 and to be so close to a Sauber in qualifying is absolutely great, but also a bit frustrating as it would have been even better to beat an established team, and that shows just how far we’ve come in such a short time. Heikki did a fantastic job to push Kamui so hard, and Jarno also performed extremely well to stay ahead of the other new teams, particularly bearing in mind how little running he had yesterday. Tomorrow’s all about seeing the chequered flag, and that’s what we’re really focussing on, but I also think we can take the fight to the guys ahead, and I can’t wait to see how it pans out – bring it on!”




科瓦莱宁(莲花考斯沃斯T127 - 01) - 松下FP3:16圈,20日,1.19.447 /排位赛:19日,1.18.237,12圈,“我想我已经做了一些很好的排位赛成绩,但今年的感觉这本是非常好的。我有一个体面的平衡整个周末,昨天我没有任何问题,所以我能找到一个好的体制和有信心的推动。我们只需要找到一个多一点,真正采取的斗争,在前面的家伙,但明天的比赛我想我们可以的话,我认为我们可以有一展身手。我认为我有一段时间神威,但他只是在年底前获得,但你总能找到一点点当你认为你可以得到他前面,并显示多远,我们来到。今天,我们正在取得进展表明所有的时间 - 我们只是十分之二远离索伯车队今天它只是对整个球队的伟大。“

亚诺特鲁利(莲花考斯沃斯T127 - 03) - 松下FP3:15圈,19日,1.19.013 /排位赛:20日,1.18.698,11圈“这是棘手的这个周末,我没有能够完成,很多圈和避风港'吨能够找到一个安装我真的很舒服。我们去的素数今天开始,我可以看到我接近前面的家伙,所以我把赌博和在最后的选择了,可惜没有成功。这样做的目的是要完成明天的比赛,我很乐观,我们能做到这一点,所以让我们看看我能做些什么。“

迈克加斯科因,技术总监:“这是一个非常强大的球队今天排位赛。最大的问题是轮胎的选择,两位车手都对轮胎的第一次运行困难,并决定留在海基,虽然雅诺切换到选项。我认为科瓦莱宁设法弄到了很多出来,它是一个标志多远我们来,我们已经非常接近了,排位赛的索伯一名车手 - 那将是另一个伟大的一步,我们期待击败一在一个既定的连续战斗队,而且我们正在接近那里。

“亚诺并没有获得单圈时间出他的最后一次运行选择轮胎,我想,作为一个团队,我们必须采取的 - 他昨天的运行缺乏真正伤害自己的机会的责任,尤其是在选择,以便我们不得不说对不起,要他。但整体来说这是一个伟大的团队从整体性能。在展望明天,这始终是不可预测的比赛之一,所以你永远不知道,但我们的目的是要得到两车到终点“

托尼,车队负责人费尔南德斯:“这很有趣 - 一个很好的排位赛对我们会议,但实际上这是所有有关获取周末在终点线上周日的汽车。话虽如此,今天又是我们大步向前,因为我们只是 2.34秒的速度彻底关闭,并在第一季度在排位赛中如此接近1索伯车队是绝对伟大的,但也有点沮丧,因为这将有更好的打一成立的小组,这只是说明了我们在这么短的时间来。科瓦莱宁做了出色的工作,推动神威这么辛苦,也表现极佳亚诺保持领先于其他新的球队,尤其是考虑到他如何运行昨天少。明天的所有关于看到格子旗,这就是我们真正集中,但我也认为我们可以采取的斗争,前面的那些家伙,我迫不及待地想看看它是如何盘出来 - 把它!“

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 楼主| 发表于 14-6-2010 09:28 AM | 显示全部楼层

Montréal, Canada 13th June 2010

The Canadian Grand Prix made good on its promise of providing the best race of the season so far, and Lotus Racing put in a great day’s work to see Heikki Kovalainen finish the race 16th, ahead of Petrov’s Renault, after a great battle on track in what proved to be punishing conditions for the tyres for the whole field. Jarno Trulli, who had been showing quick pace right from the start, pulled over on lap 42 after a vibration at the front end led to a problem with the braking system that put paid to his race.

Heikki Kovalainen (Lotus Cosworth T127-01) 16th, best lap 1.20.654 “It’s been a great weekend, and I’m really pleased for the whole team with the result today. We finished ahead of Petrov and lapped the other new guys, and although it was hard work managing the tyres, it’s still great to show what we can do. The race itself was tough, but it’s all about the result – I didn’t have any technical problems with the car, but the rear wasn’t working quite as I’d have liked, and I think that was down to the tyre wear.”

Jarno Trulli (Lotus Cosworth T127-03) DNF best lap 1.20.791 “It’s such a shame I had to pull over - I had a great start and then I was really flying during the race. We got the strategy right on the tyres, and my pace was good - I was keeping up with the boys in front, and I was overtaking our other rivals. But then I felt a vibration that caused a problem with the braking system and I had to pull over. Still - we have to move on. It’s another learning curve for the team and I think it’s great to see that in the race I could really push and was putting in some very good lap times.”

Mike Gascoyne, Chief Technical Officer: “I think overall we can be very happy with the race, and the whole weekend. The one disappointment was obviously Jarno’s problem - we will have to look at it in more detail, but it looks as though the vibration put paid to his race. Before he pulled over he was absolutely flying and the strategy would have really paid out for him, so that’s a plus. Heikki drove a fantastic race, fighting all the way with the guys in front, and kept it up right to the end to keep Petrov behind him.

“I think this weekend has been a massive step forward for the whole team. Rather than being just one of the new teams, we actually got stuck in and raced the teams ahead, which is what we wanted to do, so congratulations and thank you to the whole team for getting us to this position. In the end we lapped both of the other new teams, so it was a great effort, and again, well done!”

Tony Fernandes, Team Principal: “I’m very happy with the result today, and the whole weekend’s work. We got 42 laps from Jarno and Heikki drove an absolute cracker - beating a Renault was great, and Heikki did really well to hold him off, but the main aim for us is to get both cars home, and we’ll keep working on that back at the factory and at the track. Now we go to Valencia where we’ll be celebrating the 500th F1™ race Lotus has competed in, and the ninth for Lotus Racing.”

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 楼主| 发表于 14-6-2010 10:15 AM | 显示全部楼层

Canadian Grand Prix - 13th June 2010; Race Day


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 楼主| 发表于 17-6-2010 09:54 PM | 显示全部楼层
Growing pains - are Lotus about to bloom?

As they looked ahead to their first season in Formula One racing, 2010’s three new teams faced a mountain to climb. It’s tough for any competitor to keep up, but when you’re up against rivals who have survived for decades, have seemingly unlimited resources at their disposal and have won countless championships, the nerves are bound to be jangling.

But for one new team the weight of expectation must have felt particularly heavy. We take a look at how those given leave to bring the celebrated Lotus name back to F1 are faring…

With seven championships, 79 race wins and 107 pole positions, Lotus remain one of the sport’s most successful constructors, having achieved glory with the likes of Jim Clark, Graham Hill and Ayrton Senna, after being set-up by Englishman Colin Chapman almost six decades ago. Although they had the support of Chapman’s family, Lotus’s new lease of life came courtesy of a partnership between the Malaysian government and a consortium of Malaysian entrepreneurs led by Air Asia boss Tony Fernandes. The team also boasted the technical nous of F1 veteran Mike Gascoyne, who had honed his skills during spells with Force India, McLaren, Sauber, Tyrrell, Jordan, Renault and Toyota.

Compared to the death knells resounding from one of the grid’s expected new entries, and HRT’s very last-minute driver announcement and rushed car launch, the unwrapping of Lotus’s Cosworth-powered T127 was an organised and glamorous affair. Although arriving just five months after the team were granted entry by the FIA, Gascoyne’s car was sensible, manageable, and at the same time supple enough to easily assume upgrades. Most importantly, it was ready early enough for the team to take part in two pre-season tests.

If the car’s design had been carefully considered, so too had the driver line-up. In former Toyota star Jarno Trulli and ex-McLaren pilot Heikki Kovalainen, the team had unexpectedly signed two Grand Prix winners, who had enough experience to bring weight to technical improvements, yet still enough hunger to push the car to its absolute limits. All in all, the team’s hopes to pick up a few points during the season, and nuzzle their way into the tail end of the established teams, didn’t look too overambitious.

It may have been 15 years since the Lotus name had last appeared on the F1 grid - at the 1994 Australian Grand Prix - but at the 2010 season opener in Bahrain, the team did their eminent name proud. Visits from former Lotus drivers (and world champions) Emerson Fittipaldi, Mario Andretti and Nigel Mansell seemed to do the trick and after qualifying in 20th and 21st places, they became the only new team to see both their cars classified on the Sunday. Although 15th-placed Kovalainen finished two laps down on Ferrari race winner Fernando Alonso, the team had met their objectives for the weekend and team principal Fernandes declared himself ‘over the moon’.

In Australia they again out-qualified fellow ‘newbies’ HRT and Virgin, and Kovalainen finished in 13th, but Trulli was stymied by another hydraulics problem. At the next event in Malaysia, Kovalainen made it through to Q2 for the first time, after cannily taking advantage of strategic errors from Ferrari and McLaren. But while they desperately wanted to impress on home turf, Trulli was embroiled in a Lap Three collision, finishing five laps down in P17, and Kovalainen’s T127 succumbed to hydraulic issues. But at April’s Chinese Grand Prix, they finally fought with the big boys, and a clever tyre choice saw Kovalainen eventually finish ahead of the Williams of Nico Hulkenberg.

It was just the encouragement the team needed as they headed back to Europe, for an upgrade package and the Spanish Grand Prix. In Barcelona they were comfortably the fastest new team, but a pre-race software issue for Kovalainen meant Trulli was the only driver to finish (in 17th). At the next two races, in Monaco and Turkey, the T127 was undoubtedly the quicker car but again technical gremlins meant its improving pace was overshadowed by retirements.

Last weekend in Canada, however, car, drivers, and team eventually came good. Not only did Kovalainen qualify barely two-tenths down on the BMW Sauber of Kamui Kobayashi to take 19th on the grid, but in the race itself the Finn’s fastest lap was under a tenth slower than the other BMW Sauber of Pedro de la Rosa. At one point he was running as high as sixth, and even though he eventually finished in 16th, excitingly he’d managed to hold the Renault of Vitaly Petrov at bay. Yes Trulli’s T127 once again succumbed to a technical issue (brake vibration), but in contrast established team BMW Sauber recorded their fifth double DNF of the year.

Of course Lotus’s Montreal showing once again confirmed that they are leading the way from fellow new teams Virgin and HRT (they lapped both), but it was also a very respectable performance in comparison to the midfield. The team were understandably thrilled.

“Heikki drove a fantastic race, fighting all the way with the guys in front, and kept it up right to the end to keep Petrov behind him,” said Gascoyne. “I think this weekend has been a massive step forward for the whole team. Rather than being just one of the new teams, we actually got stuck in and raced the teams ahead, which is what we wanted to do, so congratulations and thank you to the whole team for getting us to this position.”

Next week’s European Grand Prix in Valencia will be Lotus’s 500th, and the team will no doubt be hoping they can return the legendary marque back to the scoreboard. With just a few tenths in it, Lotus are starting to look like a real threat - any stragglers at the back of the midfield had better watch out.

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 楼主| 发表于 18-6-2010 09:31 PM | 显示全部楼层
Reluctant Trulli to get new chassis

By Jonathan Noble         Friday, June 18th 2010, 13:09 GMT

Jarno TrulliJarno Trulli will get a new chassis for the European Grand Prix - but only after he initially turned the car change down because he did not want team-mate Heikki Kovalainen to feel he was being favoured.

Lotus' latest chassis was always scheduled for arrival at the Valencia race, and Kovalainen had been pencilled down as the man to get it.

However, with Trulli having complained of balance problems with his usual car, technical chief Mike Gascoyne reckoned it would be in the team's interests that the Italian gets it instead this time.

When Trulli was told what has happening, however, he said he did not want the new chassis because it was not fair on Kovalainen.

"Jarno has been pretty unhappy with the balance of his car and has been struggling," Gascoyne told AUTOSPORT. "We have a new chassis scheduled to come for Valencia, and that was due to go to Heikki.

"But, because of Jarno's troubles, I made the call to change it to him. But Jarno, when he was told, said, 'No, I don't want Heikki to feel that I am being favoured, please feel free to give it to Heikki.'

"So I went up to Heikki and told him. Then he said, 'No, Jarno is struggling, give it to him!'

"It's a situation that sums up the great feeling within the team - that they are both trying to help each other. In the end we are going to give it to Jarno, but the two drivers are open to swapping it around afterwards."

On the back of an encouraging performance at the Canadian Grand Prix, and with a major upgrade on the car scheduled for the British GP, Gascoyne thinks the team's focus has shifted from being best of the new outfits, to actually threatening the establishment.

"From the whole of the Canada weekend, the message is that it is time we stopped looking at being the best of the new teams and looking behind us," he said.

"This is now about trying to outqualify a Sauber - trying to race the Williams and the Renault cars. It is about being a midfield team not just the best of the new boys. I think that is the statement we have made this weekend."

Gascoyne thinks it too much to expect Lotus becoming a regular in hauling itself among the established teams, but reckons it can on occasion punch above its weight.

"I would say in reality we are probably seven or eight tenths away from them, and the Silverstone upgrade might bring us half a second closer. Will we nick places off people consistently? Probably not, but with the two drivers we have got, with their experience - if anyone drops the ball or doesn't get the right lap then I think we can start nicking some odd places.

"What we said at the start of the year was that we wanted to end up challenging the back end of the midfield group and I think that is exactly where we will be. You would like to be beating them, but in reality that was always going to be too much of a step, especially as we are concentrating on next year's car now.

"But I think we will still end up exactly where we said we would be. We had one employee this time a year ago, so for the performance we did in Canada everyone in the team can hold their head up. It is a statement from the new teams - you can come in and do a hell of a good job and be racing, and I think that is very good news for F1."

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 楼主| 发表于 22-6-2010 09:49 PM | 显示全部楼层

Lotus festival, Snetterton, Great Britain; Sunday June 20th, 2010.


Sounce : Autosport.com

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 楼主| 发表于 23-6-2010 10:58 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 maocheng 于 23-6-2010 11:09 AM 编辑


Valencia, Spain 22nd June 2010

The European Grand Prix in Valencia, the ninth race of the 2010 FIA Formula One™ World Championship, is the 500th Grand Prix Lotus has competed in, an historic landmark in the Lotus legend. Lotus Racing will be celebrating this incredible milestone with Colin Chapman’s son Clive, who, with his family, will be representing one of the greatest names in Formula One™ history. He and the Lotus Racing team will be paying tribute to the legacy his father Colin created in single-seat racing in 1956 when he launched the Type 12, the car that will appear alongside the 2010 challenger, the T127, in the Valencia pitlane on Thursday evening.

Lotus Racing will be celebrating the 500th race across the whole race weekend. The T127’s of Jarno Trulli and Heikki Kovalainen will both be carrying a specially created “500” logo on their engine covers, and the team’s garages will also show off the logo that celebrates their heritage. An extended edition of Lotus Racing Notes, the team’s race-by-race newsletter, will be available online and in very-limited-edition hard copy from Thursday, as is a new podcast, and in the merchandise stands and online, “500” Lotus Racing team shirts and other memorabilia will be on sale. In the motorhome, the Lotus Racing catering team have been putting together a menu that each day features one of the favourite dishes of Lotus legends, including Sir Stirling Moss and Colin Chapman – more details will be announced each day…..

Jarno Trulli: “I’m really looking forward to Valencia. It’s a circuit I like, and I enjoy the race there - It’s always warm, and it’s a beautiful city. I’m in the new chassis (T127-04) from this race, and hopefully that will bring me some better luck over the race weekend – in Canada I was really flying until the retirement, so I hope I can carry that through to this weekend and see the chequered flag. That’s obviously important, but this weekend is also all about the 500th race for Lotus. It’ll be very special to help take that famous name to such a milestone, and I’m very honoured to be part of it. I met Hazel Chapman on Sunday at the Classic Team Lotus Festival, and that was very special for me, particularly as I had the chance to drive Elio De Angelis’ T91 in front of the crowds, and that felt great.”

Heikki Kovalainen: “The last few races have been very positive for our team, we’ve been making progress every weekend and the plan is to carry on pushing. For Valencia, and for the rest of the season, we’re not looking back at the other new teams – we lapped them in Canada so we’re looking to keep taking the fight to the guys ahead, and I think we can do that. This is obviously an historic weekend for Lotus, and for Lotus Racing, and I think we’re starting to do justice to what’s gone before us – it’s fantastic that we can celebrate such a great milestone in Valencia, and it’ll be an honour to be part of that.

“On the race itself - the track is a street circuit, but there is quite a lot more room on track than in Monaco or Singapore, so it’s more of a semi-street circuit. You can hit the kerbs harder, and find a better balance between the straight-line speed and the grip in the corners, but this makes finding the right downforce level crucial. It’s always hot there, and getting the best out of the tyres will be important – we have the super-soft tyres there so we’ll work on getting the best out of them on Friday and Saturday. I think we’ll put on a good show, and give Clive Chapman and his family, and all the Lotus fans something to cheer for!”

Mike Gascoyne, Chief Technical Officer: “I’m really looking forward to this weekend, and am excited about both celebrating the 500th race Lotus has competed in, and helping add another chapter to one of motorsport’s greatest stories. We’ve already come a long way this season, and have much further to go until we can add more glory to the Lotus legend, but I and the whole team are very proud to be in a position to help the Lotus name reach this landmark moment, and it’ll be great to celebrate that with Clive, Tony and the whole team.

“For the race, we have a few more updates to the car to help us keep pushing forward, so we’re not letting up on the challenge to take the race to the cars in front. I’m confident we’ll put on a good performance in Valencia – we’ve got the right drivers to cope with the demands of the circuit itself, and the car keeps improving with every new step we take, so I think this will be another chance to pressure the midfield, and make good on the promise we showed in Canada.”

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 楼主| 发表于 23-6-2010 10:59 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 maocheng 于 23-6-2010 11:00 AM 编辑


Valencia, Spain 22nd June 2010

Tony Fernandes: “Celebrating the 500th race will be an absolute honour, and will obviously be very special, but we’re only nine races of the whole Lotus story. Really, this weekend is all about celebrating Colin Chapman’s history, and thanking Clive, his Mother Hazel, and all the people that have helped shape the Lotus legend. I’m thrilled that some of the people that were part of the original story are with us today, and I’m proud we’ve been able to take the total number of races Lotus has taken part in to 500 and beyond – hopefully we’ll be celebrating 1,000 races one day, and can look back on a legacy that pays true homage to that we’re celebrating this weekend – the legacy of Colin Chapman, his family, his cars and his team.”

Clive Chapman: “Of course the 500th Grand Prix for the Lotus marque is a significant landmark, and it was nice that Lotus Racing thought to invite my mother to attend - after all, Hazel Chapman is the person with the closest association to the Team Lotus history. Much as she wanted to accept, regretfully she decided against it, so I’ll be there with my family representing Classic Team Lotus and my father’s legacy.

“The fact my mother won’t be in Valencia this weekend made it all the more special that she was with all the Team Lotus F1™ cars and the Lotus Racing T127 at the Classic Team Lotus Festival last weekend at Snetterton. It was a great moment for my family and me to see my mum and their grandma standing at the front of the 35 Lotus F1™ cars, and then to be joined by the Lotus Racing drivers. The ‘Valencia installation lap’ conducted at Snetterton by the T127 was another highlight of the day for everyone there.

“Much as it is nice that Lotus Racing is celebrating 500th Grand Prix, I am sure the most important thing about the weekend for the team is that it is another race and the next opportunity to continue to make progress towards the established teams. It was exciting to watch Montreal qualifying, when Heikki almost pipped the Sauber, and I for one would swap the 500th landmark for the landmark of outqualifying an established team in normal circumstances. Fingers crossed!”


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 楼主| 发表于 25-6-2010 09:44 AM | 显示全部楼层
Lotus Racing Grand Prix View - watch Jarno Trulli talk about the Valencia Grand Prix ahead, the challenges of the track and what it means to be a part of this historic landmark for the Lotus name...

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 楼主| 发表于 25-6-2010 05:49 PM | 显示全部楼层

Valencia Grand Prix - Friday 25th June 2010


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 楼主| 发表于 25-6-2010 05:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 maocheng 于 25-6-2010 11:00 PM 编辑

Trouble Free Friday in Valencia

Valencia, 25th June 2010

A special day in Valencia for Lotus Racing as the cars of Jarno Trulli and Heikki Kovalainen took to the track for Friday practice sporting one-off engine covers bearing the “500 Races” logo, celebrating the 500th Grand Prix the Lotus marque has taken part in. The team ran exactly 100 trouble free laps in total, with Heikki finishing the session 19th, and Jarno just behind in 20th after going out on track in chassis T127-04 for the first time.

Heikki Kovalainen (Chassis T127-01) FP1: 21 laps, best time 1.44.491, 19th / FP2: 31 laps, best time 1.42.467, 19th “I feel really good. It’s been an excellent Friday. We’ve made really good progress with the car, and every set up change we made seemed to be pushing us in the right direction, and in the end the tyres seemed to be working well over the long run. The track itself is good, it’s nice – a semi street circuit, but with a little more room than Monaco! It’s smooth, with quite a good grip level and all in all it’s quite good fun.

“I did arrive late today because of the French strikes - we had to drive down from Geneva and arrived early this morning. But I feel fine - it’s just one night with a little less sleep than usual, so it’s no big deal. My physio Petri and I shared the driving, so I feel absolutely fine.

“For Qualifying tomorrow, we’re going to try to push it to the maximum. Our aim is to get closer to the back of the established teams as much as we possibly can so I’m always pushing, always to the maximum, and let’s see where we are tomorrow afternoon!”

Jarno Trulli (Chassis T127-04) FP1: 18 laps, best time 1.47.285, 22nd / FP2: 30 laps, best time 1.42.993, 20th “It was a better day for me today after some of the luck I’ve been having. I had one or two gremlins, but it was a good day to shakedown the new chassis properly and make sure everything was working well. We got a good idea of where we want to be on the setup and the direction for Saturday and Sunday, so I think this was much better for me. On track there was good grip out there this afternoon, and the car felt good, so I’m looking forward to tomorrow.”

Mike Gascoyne, Chief Technical Officer: “It was a good day for us. Obviously the first session was dominated by tyres and the condition of the track, with a lot of graining on the fronts, but, as expected, the track cleaned up and we were able to get through the whole program with no real issues on either car. We’ve got a lot of data from today and I think we’re where we expected to be, but I think there’s more to come from the car, so I’m optimistic about our performance over the weekend.”

Tony Fernandes, Team Principal: “I’ll be in Spain tomorrow to join Clive Chapman, his family and the whole team to enjoy this momentous race. I wanted to come in today, but couldn’t get a seat on AirAsiaX so I’ve had to jump on board one of the competition’s planes to get me in, but I’m very excited about the weekend ahead, particularly after the very solid start today. It’s been good to see our reliability return on both cars today, and I’m hopeful we can put in a good showing tomorrow and on Sunday.”

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发表于 26-6-2010 05:10 PM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 26-6-2010 09:38 PM | 显示全部楼层

Valencia Grand Prix - Saturday 26th June 2010


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