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【NobleGrp N21 交流专区】来宝集团 NOBLE GROUP LIMITED

发表于 5-10-2013 06:03 PM | 显示全部楼层
leeccg 发表于 5-10-2013 03:48 PM

买来收的要趁底买!加码50粒, 上到1。5你就了!


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发表于 5-10-2013 06:06 PM | 显示全部楼层
leeccg 发表于 5-10-2013 03:48 PM


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发表于 7-10-2013 09:34 AM | 显示全部楼层
thsy1127 发表于 5-10-2013 06:03 PM
买来收的要趁底买!加码50粒, 上到1。5你就了!


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发表于 7-10-2013 03:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
天然夜行者 发表于 7-10-2013 09:34 AM


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发表于 10-10-2013 11:38 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 1-11-2013 05:33 PM | 显示全部楼层

来宝集团(Noble Group)向兖州煤业(Yanzhou Coal Mining)施压,以求把兖煤澳大利亚的1亿9,100万美元收购价调高。来宝集团持有兖煤澳大利亚超过一半的少数股权,而兖州煤业有意把这些股权收购回去,并把兖煤澳大利亚私有化。兖州煤业于今年7月将以每股0.91澳元(约1.08元)收购来宝集团手上的22%股权,但兖州煤业仍未正式提出收购献议。虽然来宝集团能够阻止收购,但它向兖州煤业提出提高献购价的建议,以取得合理的价值。值得注意的是,澳洲外来投资审查委员会(Foreign Investment Review Board)曾要求兖州煤业把其澳洲资产挂牌上市(兖州煤业履行了),并必须符合一连串的股权条例。


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发表于 13-11-2013 03:38 AM | 显示全部楼层
Noble drops after fall in 3Q profit
Source: Bloomberg   |   Publish date: Wed, 13 Nov 11:48

Noble Grp Noble Group, Asia’s biggest commodity trader by sales, fell the most in a year in Singapore trading after third-quarter profit dropped 70% due to a loss related to its stake in coal miner Yancoal Australia.

Shares fell as much as 6%, the most since November 2012, before trading 5.1% lower at $1.025 as of 9:46 a.m. local time. The benchmark Straits Times index fell 0.1%. The stock’s drop is the biggest on the benchmark index.

Noble said yesterday its net income for the three months ended Sept. 30 was US$22.9 million ($28.6 million), its lowest quarterly result in two years, after it booked a non-cash loss related to Yancoal. Shares of the Hong Kong-based company had rallied 36% from a yearly low recorded in August.

“The shares had done very well and normally what you have is people selling on news,” Carey Wong, an analyst at OCBC Investment Research Pte., said by phone from Singapore. Many investors weren’t expecting the extent of Yancoal’s loss, he said.

Noble’s profit, excluding the loss, was US$113 million, the highest since the third quarter of 2010, the company said yesterday. Sales in the quarter advanced 13% to US$25.6 billion.

“Investors may be surprised by the size of the loss in associate earnings,” Morgan Stanley analysts Charles Spencer and Mean Phil Chong said in a note dated yesterday, advising investors to buy the shares on near-term weakness. “The turnaround in agriculture should bode well for the earnings outlook.”

Noble said yesterday operating income at its agricultural unit, which includes sugar mills and oilseeds crushing plants, fell 80% from last year to US$14 million. That compares with losses in the past two quarters.

Noble’s earnings accounted for its share of Yancoal’s A$749.4 million ($871 million) loss recorded for the first six months. Noble is the miner’s second-biggest shareholder with a 13.2% stake, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.
本帖最后由 icy97 于 18-11-2013 03:00 AM 编辑


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发表于 24-2-2014 12:07 AM | 显示全部楼层
Noble full-year profit declines 48% on loss from Yancoal stake
Source: Bloomberg   |   Publish date: Fri, 21 Feb 18:28  

Noble Group, Asia’s largest commodities trader by sales, said 2013 profit slumped 48% mainly due to a non-cash loss related to its stake in coal miner Yancoal Australia.

Net income was US$243.5 million ($308.1 million) in the year ended Dec. 31, down from US$471.3 million a year earlier, the Hong Kong-based company said today in a statement. That compares with the US$288.7 million average of 17 analyst estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Sales were a record US$97.9 billion.Profit in the third-quarter was dragged down when Noble accounted for its share of Yancoal’s A$749.4 million ($854 million) loss in the first six months. Full-year results were also affected by an operating loss at its agricultural unit which faced “continued headwinds,” Noble said today.

“I am confident that Noble has taken the steps to ensure that our returns will start to normalize as our production partners find our customer franchise ever more valuable in an over supplied market,” Noble’s Chief Executive Officer Yusuf Alireza said today in the statement.

The stock slid 3.9% to 98.5 cents at the close of trading, bringing this year’s decline to 7.9%. The announcement was made after market trading.

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发表于 5-3-2014 06:09 PM | 显示全部楼层
新加坡热股:来宝集团股价飙升近9%,受中粮集团收购消息刺激.那 新目标价是多少 ?

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发表于 5-3-2014 06:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
希望不是 空 穴 来 风 “”“”“

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发表于 5-3-2014 08:09 PM | 显示全部楼层
文: 2014年02月24日 每日头条

来宝集团(Noble Group) 报截至2013年12月31日的季度里,营业额大致上保持不变,为244亿美元,由于其能源部门的增长被其农业及金属、矿物与矿石(MMO)部门的较低贡献拖累。可是,农业及MMO部门的营运盈利率提高令从供应链而来的营运盈利增加14.2%至3亿7,800万美元。全年而言,收入增加4.1%至979亿美元,而净利则减半至2亿4,350万美元,由于早段的毛利率疲弱。

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发表于 5-3-2014 11:54 PM | 显示全部楼层
Noble in talks with group including Cofco for Agri venture
Source: Bloomberg   |   Publish date: Tue, 4 Mar 18:39   

Noble Group, Asia’s biggest commodity trader by sales, is in talks to potentially form a joint venture around its agriculture unit with a group that includes China’s Cofco Corp.

“No binding arrangements have as yet been entered into with respect to this transaction and, accordingly, there can be no assurance that this transaction will be concluded,” Hong Kong-based Noble said today in a statement. The group includes Cofco, China’s largest food company, said a person familiar with the matter who asked not to be named as the information isn’t public.

Noble’s agriculture unit stores, processes and trades commodities from sugar to grains, oilseeds and cotton. The talks come after state-owned Cofco last week agreed to buy 51% of Dutch grain trader Nidera BV, which has annual sales of more than US$17 billion ($21.6 billion), as it seeks to expand food supplies for the world’s most populous nation.

Two calls to Yin Jianhao, Cofco’s spokesman in Beijing, weren’t answered.
Share of Noble gained 4.6% to $1.035 in Singapore trading as at 4:31 p.m. local time, the biggest gain in four months.

Noble on Feb. 21 reported a 48% slump in 2013 profit mainly due to a non-cash loss related to its stake in coal miner Yancoal Australia. It reported an $US83 million operating loss from “supply chains” at its agriculture unit in the period.

Agriculture is Noble’s smallest unit by revenue, accounting for about 16% of sales in 2013, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Noble already has ties to China. State-owned China Investment Corp. is its second-biggest shareholder, with a 14.08% stake, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

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发表于 30-3-2014 03:22 AM | 显示全部楼层
Noble forms JV company with Australia-listed Qube Holdings
Source: The Edge   |   Publish date: Thu, 27 Mar 20:41

Australia-listed Qube Holdings announced it had formed a joint venture company, known as Quattro Grain, with a subsidiary of Noble Group to develop and operate a new multi-user grain handling facility at Port Kembla, New South Wales.

The new facility will have the capacity to handle over 1.3 million tonnes of export grain per annum. As part of the joint venture agreement, Noble will commit to use the facility and acquire rail services from Qube Logistics for the transport of grain to the new facility on a “take or pay” basis.

Both JV partners have also granted separate call options to Cargill Group and the Emerald Group to each acquire a 20% interest in Quattro Grain, if the options are fully exercised.

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发表于 30-3-2014 02:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
joint venture with  China’s Cofco Corp & Australia-listed Qube Holdings 。那     新目标价为多少 ?现在已经 1.20了 !!

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发表于 30-3-2014 11:17 PM | 显示全部楼层
noble 果然不错,目标应该可以set在1.3左右。。。


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发表于 2-4-2014 09:51 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2-4-2014 07:33 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2-4-2014 10:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
中粮收购来宝农业51%股权 组建农产品合资企业

中国领先的农产品及食品领域多元化产品和服务的供应商中粮集团与总部位于香港的全球农产品、能源产品、金属矿产品领先供应链管理者来宝集团(Noble Group)达成最终协议,联手打造农产品合资企业—来宝农业有限公司(以下简称“来宝农业”)。




中粮董事长宁高宁将担任来宝农业的董事长,来宝集团的创始人和董事长艾礼文Richard Elman将担任副董事长,来宝集团首席执行官夏利诚Yusuf Alireza将担任过渡首席执行官并将领导现有的来宝农业管理团队。

来宝集团首席执行官夏利诚Yusuf Alireza表示,“我们致力于来宝农业获得持续增长和成功,和新股东齐心协力建设领先的全球化农业企业。”

来宝集团董事长艾礼文Richard Elman表示,“我们对与中粮未来的合作充满信心。我们相信通过新合作伙伴在财务和业务上的支持加快战略实施。”








来宝集团 (SGX: N21)作为全球供应链管理者其业务领域覆盖农产品、能源产品以及金属和矿石。来宝在全球超过140个地点运营,员工来自超过70个国家,从事基础原料的营销、加工、融资和运输。来宝集团从诸如南美、南非、澳洲和印度尼西亚的低成本地区采购大宗商品以满足需求高速增长的市场,特别是亚洲和中东。为了保证供应链的安全,来宝集团拥有战略性的物流和加工设施,为主要贸易的通畅提供保障。来宝在2013年世界财富500强排名第76位。

厚朴投资是一家私募股权投资公司,在北京、香港和新加坡设有办公室,在纽约和伦敦拥有战略合作伙伴。公司与亚太、美洲、欧洲和中东的主权基金和机构投资者建立了紧密的关系。厚朴的首支基金在2008年成功融得25亿美元并在最近完成了厚朴Master Fund II的首轮11亿美元融资,主要将用于消费品、自然资源、和金融服务领域的投资。 本帖最后由 icy97 于 2-4-2014 11:17 PM 编辑


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发表于 7-4-2014 02:17 AM | 显示全部楼层
Cofco buys Noble Agri unit stake as China seeks food supply
Source: Bloomberg   |   Publish date: Wed, 2 Apr 19:36

Cofco Corp., China’s largest grain trader, agreed to pay US$1.5 billion ($1.9 billion) upfront for just over half of Noble Group Ltd.’s agricultural trading unit to broaden its access to food supplies.

The purchase highlights China’s push to secure more food overseas as it juggles insufficient farming resources at home against a dependence on imports. It’s the second such deal for Cofco this year after it agreed to buy a majority stake in Dutch grain trader Nidera BV in February.

“The transactions will strengthen Cofco’s strategic importance to the Chinese government,” as the “resultant access to Nidera’s and Noble’s agriculture assets overseas will allow China to better meet its increasing demand for agricultural products,” Kai Hu, a senior credit officer with Moody’s Investors Service, said in a note today.

The deal creates a venture that will be Cofco’s main base for sourcing food materials internationally, according to a statement today from Hong Kong-based Noble, Asia’s biggest commodity trader by sales. It will integrate with the food raw material processing assets owned by Cofco, Noble said.

Cofco will share the investment with an international group led by Hopu Investment, a private equity fund. Hopu was set up by Fang Fenglei, the chairman of Goldman Sachs Group Inc.’s Chinese securities venture. Noble’s Chief Executive Officer Yusuf Alireza, who will head the operation on an interim basis, joined the Hong Kong trader from Goldman Sachs in 2012.

Noble rose 5% to $1.255 at the close of trade in Singapore, the highest since November 2012. The benchmark Straits Times index fell 0.2%.

The initial payment of US$1.5 billion will be adjusted to equal 1.15 times of the audited book value for the 51% stake in the unit, Noble said. The unit has US$2.5 billion of debt and sales of about US$14.9 billion last year.

The transaction comes after a unit of Temasek Holdings Pte., Singapore’s state-owned investment company, last month offered to take over Olam International in a deal that values the company at $5.3 billion. Olam, one of the world’s top three coffee and rice traders, had sales of US$16.8 billion last fiscal year ended June 30.

“Global demand for agricultural commodities is steadily rising, driven by population growth, increasing incomes and changes to a more protein-rich diet in key importing countries” led by China, Noble said. A deal with Cofco gives Noble greater access to capital and connects it directly with Chinese consumers, the company said.

Noble’s agribusiness, the smallest of its three units, includes sugar mills in Brazil, grain elevators in Argentina, and oilseeds crushing plants in China, Ukraine, South Africa, and South America. The business, with 45 assets and more than 13,000 staff in 60 locations, had an audited book value of US$2.8 billion as of Dec. 31, Noble said.

Weighed down by low sugar prices and weak oilseeds crushing margins, the agribusiness unit booked an operating loss in 2013, contributing to a 48% drop in Noble’s full-year profit. The company’s biggest division by operating income is its energy unit, followed by its metals business.

The deal valued Noble’s agricultural unit at more than double some market estimates and allows the company to take off its books its biggest drag on earnings, Credit Suisse Group AG analysts Gerald Wong and Louis Chua said in a report today.

“We view the disposal as a significant positive as our key concern for Noble has been earnings weakness in the agriculture division,” Wong and Chua said. They raised their recommendation on the stock to outperform, from underperform.

China is considering cutting the ratio of the nation’s total food crop relative to consumption to 80% from 95%, meaning it would allow more imports, two people with knowledge of the plan said in January. The annual agricultural policy statement is still under review, the people said at the time.

With Dutch trader Nidera, which has annual sales of more than us$17 billion, Cofco has “strong platforms” for procuring grain in Brazil, Argentina and central Europe, it said Feb. 28. The deal valued Nidera at about us$4 billion including debt, a person with knowledge of the matter said at the time.

Funds from the Cofco transaction are expected to be used to repay existing debt and for general corporate and working capital purposes, Noble said today.

Cofco has a further option to increase its stake in the agribusiness by 10%, Noble said, adding that its own stake can’t go below 39% in the event that the option is exercised. The option must be called prior to any initial public offering by the venture, the company said.

Noble had previously weighed spinning off its farm unit in 2011 and listing it separately in Singapore. The plan was later shelved amid falling asset prices. They company had planned to raise about $700 million in the proposed spin off, two people with knowledge of the matter said at the time.

Noble counts China’s sovereign fund, China Investment Corp., as its second-largest shareholder with a 14.1% stake, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

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发表于 19-5-2014 02:27 AM | 显示全部楼层
每日头条 | 2014年05月16日

来宝集团(Noble Group)在截至3月31日的季度录得收入下跌7.3%至180亿美元,由于金属、矿物及矿石的交易量减少。营运收入率提高,主要由于铝的溢价幅度升至新高,盈利增加超过两倍至1亿5,230万美元。

Noble profit triples as volatility increases trade margins
Source: Bloomberg   |   Publish date: Fri, 16 May 18:04  

Noble Group, Asia’s biggest commodity trader by revenue, said first-quarter profit more than tripled as higher price volatility helped boost margins and losses from its agriculture unit narrowed.

Net income was US$152.3 million in the three months ended March 31, compared with US$41.3 million ($51.7 million) a year earlier, the Hong Kong-based company said yesterday in a statement. Sales declined 7% to US$18 billion.

Noble is allocating more resources to its more profitable energy and metals units and selling control in the agriculture division to China’s Cofco Corp. for US$1.5 billion. The food unit booked losses last year due to weak oilseed crushing margins, helping push profit down 48% in 2013.

“In addition to strong underlying profitability, the agri disposal is likely to be a significant catalyst for the stock with potential debt reduction of up to US$4.0 billion, and earnings upside,” Ephrem Ravi, an analyst with Barclays Plc in Hong Kong who has an overweight rating on the shares, said in a note today. Without the agribusiness on its books, Noble’s profit may rise by 25%, he said.

Noble, whose second-largest investor is sovereign wealth fund China Investment Corp., rose 3.3% to $1.265 at the close in Singapore. The stock is up 18% this year, outpacing the 3% gain in the city’s benchmark Straits Times Index, and the second-best performer in the index in the past 12 months.

The company has added traders to cover metals, liquefied natural gas, and power from rivals including Bank of America Corp. and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. as it takes advantage of banks exiting commodity trading due to regulatory pressures.

“Volatility is good for us,” Chief Executive Officer Yusuf Alireza said on a conference call yesterday. “When there is more volatility and less players, because some of the banks are out of the space, people would just pay us more to do that core business and manage that credit markets and operational risk.”

Using cash from the Cofco deal to pay down debt, Noble can enhance its capacity to fund growth in energy and mining, Chief Financial Officer Robert Van Der Zalm said on the call.

The Cofco transaction may close at the end of the third quarter or the start of the fourth quarter, Alireza said, adding that there were no regulatory approval concerns surrounding the deal.

Profit improved last quarter after a rise in commodity price volatility increased “margin opportunities,” which was reflected in Noble’s Value at Risk ratio rising to its highest level since the summer of 2012, the company said.

Operating income margin rose to 2.77% from 1.98% a year earlier. The energy unit’s margin jumped to 2.91%, helping Noble post record operating profit for the business partly on higher ethanol sales, the company said. Margins at its metals unit rose to 2.42%, from 0.31% a year earlier on record aluminum premiums.

Net losses from agriculture assets narrowed to US$78.8 million in the quarter from US$180.4 million a year earlier, the company said. This was helped by stronger harvests in Argentina.

“It’s still not where we want it to be,” Alireza said, referring to the agriculture unit. “Whereas some of the assets performed poorly, our physical franchise in terms of moving the products around the world did well with reasonable margins.” The sugar unit also improved, he said.

As Noble moves its agriculture assets into the Cofco- controlled venture, the trader is able to cut its working capital needs, freeing more cash for investments, and lowering debt and inventories.

Working capital dropped to US$2.76 billion in the quarter from US$4.28 billion a year earlier. Total debt fell 16% to US$5.19 billion.
本帖最后由 icy97 于 19-5-2014 03:49 AM 编辑


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