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发表于 2-11-2012 02:37 PM | 显示全部楼层

RE: 法律系FAQ

ruri3 发表于 1-11-2012 09:35 AM
老娘一把年纪还要赶交作业。。。。 Halloween Party刚趴完还要做land跟juris....... 要爆肝料......


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发表于 2-11-2012 08:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
jeremykkt 发表于 2-11-2012 02:36 PM

其实真的记得不是很清楚了... 好久以前的事情料... 就agak agak~

叹气·... 今年还是一样懒惰.... 怎么办????

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发表于 2-11-2012 10:08 PM | 显示全部楼层
ruri3 发表于 2-11-2012 08:44 PM
其实真的记得不是很清楚了... 好久以前的事情料... 就agak agak~

可以的啦~~~~大不了拿不到4 flat 罷了嗎~

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发表于 3-11-2012 12:42 AM | 显示全部楼层
ruri3 发表于 1-11-2012 09:25 AM
negligence 是会出现在criminal里面的哦..gross negli manslaughter...

omission跟AR放在一起是因为A ...

GrossNegligence Manslaughter 已经不算是Negligence 了,the standard for negligence iswhether a reasonable person will do such positive act or omission, while thestandard of gross negligence is whether the jury considers the act or omissionjustifies criminal conviction. For example, in R v Bennett, D had unlawfully kept in his house a quantity of fireworks, which, through thenegligence of his employees, were set on fire, and thus caused the death of thedeceased, and it was held that the accused could not be convicted ofmanslaughter,但如果在普通的tort cases,Defendant一定会liable.最重要的是,Gross Negligence Manslaughter不需要establish duty of care, breach, causation之类的,所以Negligence GrossNegligence是完全不一样的东西。

For road accident,如果D在没有犯交通规则或有intention to kill的情况下,撞死人一定不是CriminalOffence, for example,如果D没有超速,没有醉酒,只是normal在马路上行驶,但他不小心撞死了一个突然冲出马路的路人。在这种情况下,criminallaw根本没有一个offence可以对付他。受害者的家属只可以向他claim damages under law of tort.如果他醉酒驾驶然后撞死人,这样他可能会被prosecuted,但不是因为他撞死人,而是因为他犯了drunk driving的offence.

本帖最后由 迷茫羔羊 于 3-11-2012 01:10 AM 编辑


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发表于 3-11-2012 03:34 AM | 显示全部楼层
迷茫羔羊 发表于 3-11-2012 12:42 AM
GrossNegligence Manslaughter 已经不算是Negligence 了,the standard for negligence iswhether a reas ...


可是我以为gross negli还是negli的一种... 不过不是under tort而已...是criminal的
Gross negligence manslaughter is a form of involuntary manslaughter where the defendant is ostensibly acting lawfully. Involuntary manslaughter may arise where the defendant has caused death but neither intended to cause death nor intended to cause serious bodily harm and thus lacks the mens rea of murder.
Adomako, R v (1994) HL

[Manslaughter by gross negligence subsumes reckless manslaughter]
D, an anaesthetist, failed to observe during an eye operation that the tube inserted in V’s mouth had become detached from the ventilator, causing V to suffer a cardiac arrest and eventually die.

Held: D was guilty of manslaughter by gross negligence, which is established where D breached a duty of care towards V that caused V’s death and that amounted to gross negligence.
Lord MacKay LC:
“…gross negligence…depends…on the seriousness of the breach of the duty committed by the defendant in all the circumstances in which he was placed when it occurred and whether, having regard to the risk of death involved, the conduct of the defendant was so bad in all the circumstances as to amount in the jury’s judgment to a criminal act or omission”.
the essential ingredients of involuntary manslaughter by breach of duty:
(1) proof of the existence of the duty;
(2) breach of that duty causing death; and
(3) gross negligence which the jury considered justified a criminal conviction.


就像我说的... criminal的negli 是只要DOC跟BOD, Causation就ok了... The defendant's conduct was so bad in all the circumstances as to amount in the jury's opinion to a crime. jury=r/sonable man啊~

你的Bennett... InR v Bennett (1858) D had unlawfully kept in his house a quantity of fireworks, which, through the negligence of his employees, were set on fire, and thus caused the death of the deceased, and it was held that the accused could not be convicted of manslaughter, it was held that D is not responsible criminally if the death was directly caused in his absence by the negligence of his employees or others.因为不是D negli所以他才不liable啊~~是他的员工negli....

那个road act的.. 他的问题是已经confirm有negli了... 他不是已经说了如果‘那个driver careless in driving所以撞死一个人’-就是已经设定有negli了啊.... 是应该列入什么charge吗? 就是已经知道有negli了的意思... 所以我将如果有人死就是criminal了... ><
本帖最后由 ruri3 于 3-11-2012 03:44 AM 编辑


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发表于 3-11-2012 09:57 AM | 显示全部楼层
ruri3 发表于 3-11-2012 03:34 AM

可是我以为gross negli还是negli的一种... 不过不是under tort而已...是criminal的

Adomako v R提出了三个用来establish GNM的pre-condition,分别是是DOC and Breach and jury’s perception of criminal conviction,但其实我觉得实际上只有两个pre-condition,那就是Duty和breach,而jury’s perception只是Breach的standard,在tort of negligence, the standard of care 是a reasonable man, 但GNM的standard是the breachis so gross to the extent that jury might think that it should amount to acriminal offence,所以如果用巴仙率来解释的话,如果tort的standard是80%的人不会这样做,这样GNM的standard就是90%的人不会这样做了。从Beyond reasonable doubt 和balance ofprobabilities的issue,我们就知道,to convict a person under criminal offence, the degree of  wrongful act must be higher than civil matter,所以说GrossNegligence 是negligence的升级版,就好像murder 和manlaughter的关系一样,两者都是杀人,但需要prove的element却不一样,所以我们不可以说murder = manslaughter。

如果R v Bennett是civilmatter,这样D肯定是liable的,D有duty to take care of his neighbourhood,但他却放置大量的explosive material,这已经表示他有breach,for causation, but for his storing of explosivematerial, the victim would not have been injured,for remoteness, as a reasonable man,he must be able to foresee theincident,所以在tort,他一定会输,但在criminal, the standard of breach must be higher. If we are usingthe same scenario, D can only be convicted, if he discovered the explosion, butfailed to take action to mitigate the damage,就好像有人不小心令到一间屋子起火,但却不顾而去,这样才会liable for GNM.在Bennett的judgement, judge要表示的是 当时D是没有在现场,所以也不会不顾而去,所以not liable.
Jury当然是reasonable man,但他们要做的,不是consider “whether a reasonable man would have committed it”,而是’whether a reasonable man would think that D’s negligence is so gross to the extent that it will amount to a criminal offence.

for road accident 的,the standard of careless driving in Tort and the standard of careless driving in Criminal 也是不同的。 在tort,只要被判定了有breach,比如只是简单的没有看side mirror就吃过另一条line,导致意外发生,这样在tort就是careless driving,而criminal 的carelessdriving,一定要prove: Speeding和Driving after drinking alcohol之类的,所以可能它们share一样的terminology,但standard却是不同的。


本帖最后由 迷茫羔羊 于 3-11-2012 10:07 AM 编辑


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发表于 3-11-2012 11:38 AM | 显示全部楼层
迷茫羔羊 发表于 3-11-2012 09:57 AM
Adomako v R提出了三个用来establish GNM的pre-condition,分别是是DOC and Breach and jury’s percepti ...

其实好像是误会了.... 没有觉得被冒犯~

其实你的答案没有错... 只是他其实要的是简单的东西而已... XD 只是立场不同看得东西也不一样~

既是 criminal是for crime, tort是civil....
你说的升级版~ 其实在名字上就知道了啊~ Gross negli啊~ 就是严重的negli嘛~~我之前也说了啊~ 要证明D的negli造成V的后果~~ (其实我们都在讲一样的东西... 只是出发的观点不同~~ )

关于bennette... D可能不会完全liable因为个人觉得employees有break of causation~ 反正他就不是tort case啊~ 没有必要想酱远啦~~

亲,我们版友其实只是要知道... 如果已经PROVEN 料那个人drive carelessly... 就是不管你做什么去鉴定... (case fact就是跟你讲他drive CARELESSLY 撞死人) 要用什么而已... 所以standard(怎样鉴定)不是答案的一部分啊... >< 大家好像误会大家的意思~...

其实重要的是... 看你在什么paper啦~~ criminal就用criminal的走~ tort用tort的就ok料~~~

本帖最后由 ruri3 于 3-11-2012 11:41 AM 编辑


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发表于 3-11-2012 08:08 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 11-11-2012 10:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
jeremykkt 发表于 2-11-2012 10:08 PM
可以的啦~~~~大不了拿不到4 flat 罷了嗎~

好久没到这儿了, 大家还好吧? 我们的如日姐应该不会拿4flat, 因为她好像拿超过4科。哈哈哈

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发表于 12-11-2012 12:15 AM | 显示全部楼层
jhong 发表于 11-11-2012 10:12 PM
好久没到这儿了, 大家还好吧? 我们的如日姐应该不会拿4flat, 因为她好像拿超过4科。哈哈哈


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发表于 14-11-2012 09:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
jeremykkt 发表于 12-11-2012 12:15 AM

哪里哪里... 承让了...不过是拿个sampan kayak law... 哪里够杰瑞米哥的厉害....

尽力啦... 虽然感觉机会渺茫....

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发表于 14-11-2012 09:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
ruri3 发表于 1-11-2012 09:35 AM
老娘一把年纪还要赶交作业。。。。 Halloween Party刚趴完还要做land跟juris....... 要爆肝料......


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发表于 14-11-2012 10:13 PM | 显示全部楼层
coffeemate 发表于 14-11-2012 09:56 PM

啊? 我还在final yr~ >.<

就是我们的optional subj啊~

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发表于 15-11-2012 02:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
ruri3 发表于 14-11-2012 09:36 PM
哪里哪里... 承让了...不过是拿个sampan kayak law... 哪里够杰瑞米哥的厉害....


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发表于 15-11-2012 06:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
jeremykkt 发表于 15-11-2012 02:58 PM

做什么 做什么???? 哪里有law讲怒那不可以装嫩????? 哪里有意见???? 讲!!!

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发表于 15-11-2012 07:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
ruri3 发表于 15-11-2012 06:29 PM
做什么 做什么???? 哪里有law讲怒那不可以装嫩????? 哪里有意见???? 讲!!!

penal code s415 !!!!

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发表于 15-11-2012 09:03 PM | 显示全部楼层
jeremykkt 发表于 15-11-2012 07:36 PM
penal code s415 !!!!

apa itu?? 虾米???

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发表于 16-11-2012 12:17 AM | 显示全部楼层
ruri3 发表于 15-11-2012 09:03 PM
apa itu?? 虾米???

cheating !!! LOL

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发表于 16-11-2012 06:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
~雲~ 发表于 16-11-2012 04:58 PM




law 都是會教一些基本科的,然後你能選修一些科目比如banking law, revenue law, medic law and etc~

學費的話,這些都要看你在哪裡讀叻。像我在mmu讀degree 就大概50k, 本地國立大學就更加便宜了。

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发表于 18-11-2012 08:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
~雲~ 发表于 17-11-2012 02:30 PM
我是 International Finance
以前读大学拿过banking law n business law,还拿了B+..
不知道拿大学文 ...

如果我沒記錯的話,master 要讀Law的話,bachelor degree 也要是law oh.

至於當律師的順序有點倒反哦,是學士畢業后,考CLP, 及格了就chambering (也就是跟一個師父實習9個月) called to the bar 就是執業律師了。

part time programme 都有,私立也很多,建議你直接聯絡該學府會得到更精准的回答哦。

祝你讀law 順利啦

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