KUANTAN: Orang ramai terutamanya mereka yang membantah kilang Lynas di Gebeng dekat sini semakin gusar dengan risiko yang bakal mereka hadapi. Ini berikutan tersebarnya laporan berita yang disiarkan dalam akhbar berbahasa Cina, SinChew baru-baru ini bahawa kandungan bahan radioaktif di Sungai Balok kini melambung tinggi mencecah 10 kali ganda.
Semasa 622, kami menuntut jawapan 'Ya' atau 'Tidak' daripada wakil2 Lynas sama ada Lynas mematuhi piawaian2 yang ditetapkan oleh Agensi Tenaga Atomik Antarabangsa (IAEA). Sekali lagi wakil2 Lynas berdolah dalih dan cuba mengelak daripada memberikan jawapan dan hanya berkata operasi Lynas telah diluluskan oleh kerajaan Malaysia dan Lynas telah mematuhi semua syarat yang ditetapkan oleh pihak berkuasa. Mereka kata, "Jika anda ada keraguan tentang operasi Lynas, anda pergi soal kerajaan anda dan bukan syarikat kami!"
On 622, we demanded a simple 'Yes' or 'No' answer from the Lynas' representatives on whether Lynas complies with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) recommendations. Again they twist and turn and said that their operations is approved by the Malaysian government and they have fulfilled all conditions set forth by the authorities. They said, "if you have a problem with our operations, then you a should question your government instead of our company."
LYNAS, Tutup kilang toksik kamu, bersihkan sisa toksik radioaktif dan keluar dari Malaysia sekarang !
Rakan2 seperjuangan Hijau kami di Australia, Natalie Lowrey dan Senator Lee Rhiannon, bagi pihak 1.2 juta rakyat Malaysia telah menghantar 'Notis Pengusiran' kepada Syarikat Lynas di Ibupejabat mereka di Sydney pagi tadi.
Lynas dan pelabur2 mereka mesti faham bahawa rakyat Malaysia tidak akan berkompromi dalam isu ini.
Our green comrades in Australia , Natalie Lowrey and GREENS Senator Lee Rhiannon, served on behalf of 1.2 million Malaysians our Notice of Eviction to Lynas Corporation at their HQ in Sydney this morning.
Lynas and their investors must come to the realization now that there are no two ways about it. Close your toxic plant now, clean up your toxic radioactive waste and GET OUT from Malaysia !
我们在澳洲的绿色战友Natalie Lowrey连同绿党参议员Lee Rhiannon,在今天早上代表120万马来西亚人向位于悉尼的萊納斯總部發出“Notice Of Eviction“(驱逐通知书)。
Statement by Natalie Lowrey, 3 July 2014
"The Stop Lynas campaign in Australia will continue to educate and take action in solidarity with the 1.2 million Malaysians demanding Lynas to shut down its plant, clean up its waste and leave Malaysia."
"在澳洲的反莱纳斯运动将继续采取行动声援120万马来西亚人,要求莱纳斯马上关闭其工厂,清理废料并迁离马来西亚。 ”
08/07/2014週二早上8時30分,关丹法庭 - 吁请全民作他们最坚强的后盾,给予这群勇敢的父母更坚定的力量,不能让是非黑白颠倒成为孩子们心中永远的遗憾!
8th July 2014, Tuesday, 8:30am at the Kuantan Court, 15 responsible Malaysians who protested against the toxic and radioactive Lynas plant will be unlawfully charged.
Lynas who has committed serious violations of local and international rules and regulations until today is not charged. The police personnels who brutally beat up the people, even after they were handcuffed, on 622 in Gebeng are not charged. The thugs who violently hit the people right at the doorstep of the police station in the presence of the police are not charged. The police personnels who pushed and locked the people out including a pregnant woman, when they tried to seek refuge are not charged.
Only responsible people who assemble peacefully, (basic rights as provided under our country's constitution), to fight for a safe and healthy future for their children are charged!
Liow Tiong Lai has lied to the people thrice.
1) Lynas' radioactive waste must be sent back to the source of origin.
2) Lynas' radioactive waste will be processed into by-products and exported out of Malaysia.
3) Stringent monitoring on the activities of Lynas will be carried out by a committee set-up and chaired by him.
All the above have been proven to be blatant lies from the former Health Minister. In any responsible country, such irresponsible acts from a minister will never be tolerated.
On 2nd Sept, Lynas' Temporary Operating License (TOL) will expire. Liow Tiong Lai must come forward to face the people and clearly state his stand on Lynas' application for the Full Operating Stage License (FOSL).
Judging from the previous behaviours of our irresponsible authorities who have resorted to blatant abuse of powers in colluding with Lynas, it will come as no surprise if Lynas is allowed to continue to pollute our environment and harm our children after the expiration of their Temporary Operating License (TOL) on 2nd Sept. You may feel angry but no one should feel disheartened and disappointed because this will not deter us from moving forward.
Menerima memorandum daripada SMSL, saya sebagai wakil rakyat akan terus membantah projek ini. Satu soalan daripada rakyat Kuantan: dimanakah PDF(Permanent Disposable Facility) ?