发表于 1-5-2009 05:15 PM
回复 215# 山野草夫 的帖子
请诠释间接。 |
发表于 1-5-2009 05:18 PM
回复 216# 三法印 的帖子
请参阅可兰经,关于爱护生命的部分,这只是转载Vegan Views 91的文章,详细情况请向回教长老询问:
In view of the events of September 11th 2001, it is perhaps a good time to be reminded of the teachings of Islam. The Koran teaches tolerance: "There shall be no compulsion in religion" (The Koran 2.256): "He has kept strict count of all his creatures". (The Koran 19.88)
Islam speaks of human relationships with animals: "Doing good to beasts is like the doing of good to human beings, a deed of charity, whilst cruelty to animals is forbidden, just like cruelty to human beings" (Mishkat Al Masabih Vol 2)
Muhammad spoke against those who captured young birds and upset the mother bird. He also left his coat on the ground rather than disturb his cat Muezza, who was sleeping on it. Muhammad showed concern for saving animal life.
Every kind of cruelty to animals is forbidden in Islam, as the following Hadiths show. There are scores of laws in Islam where vivisection is outlawed; "Omer reported to the Holy Prophet (SAWS) having condemned those who mutilate any part of an animal's body while he is alive". The Holy Prophet (SAWS) forbade the beating or the branding of animals. Once he saw a donkey branded on his face and said: "May Allah condemn the one who branded it".
Islam, unlike Christianity is strict over cruelty to animals. Islam will not allow animal baiting. The Holy Prophet (SAWS) forbade the setting up of animals to fight each other. Nor would Islam allow blood sports. "The Holy Prophet (SAWS) condemn those who pinion or restrain animals in a way for the purpose of target shooting". So much so that even an animal being caged is forbidden. The Holy Prophet (SAWS) was asked by His companions is kindness to animals rewarded in the life hereafter. He replied, "Yes, there is a meritorious reward for kindness shown to every living creature".
Every Muslim is supposed to mould his life according to Quran and Sunnah and, judging by these teachings in Islam, there is no reason that a good Muslim can be anything other than vegan/vegetarian. It should come as no surprise therefore, that the local Mosque has served free food and it was all vegetarian.
Muhammad is quoted as saying, "He who takes pity on a sparrow and spares his life, Allah (God) will be merciful to him on the day of judgement" The Koran (24.36): "Do you not see how Allah is praised by those in heaven and earth? The very birds praise Him as they wing their flight" (also note 24.44)
Muhammad, (peace and blessing of Allah be upon him) told his companions many stories about kindness to animals, and spoke of them as God's creatures, and that they must be treated with kindness and care. He stated: "Even looking after plants and trees is an act of virtue". Muhammad gave the story of the crying camel. The prophet, finding a camel tied to a post, overworked and underfed, asked of its owner, "Do you not fear Allah because of this camel?". Allah had given the camel into the man's care and he had a duty to treat the camel well. The owner of the camel accepted the teaching and declared, "I have done wrong". He accepted that in future he must look after his camels properly and ensure that they had enough food and water. In another story Muhammad declared: "Who has caused trouble to this sparrow by taking away her young ones?" The stories are there to be read, giving a deeper meaning to life and the world around.
The compassion continues with the story of the ants. During a journey, Muhammad found a man who started a fire and had endangered some ants. Muhammad was very disturbed to see this. Who made this fire?" He asked. "I made the fire, O Messenger of Allah!", came a reply. "Put out the fire! Put out the fire!" was Muhammad's teaching.
The thirsty man who climbed down a well to drink found a thirsty dog on his return. This man went back for more water, so the dog could drink. For his kindness, this type of man was shown to go to paradise.
Yet another story is the one about the cruel woman and her cat, which the Prophet told. The cat was not given anything to eat or drink, and was shut out of the house. The poor cat was taken in by a neighbour who would not allow the cat back. However, after promising to look after the cat, the owner was finally allowed to have the cat back again. The owner however, had lied. The story continued until one of Muhammad's companions cried, "What a terrible thing to do" and "What a very cruel and wicked woman!" Muhammad told his companions that a great sin had been committed because one of Allah's creatures had been ill-treated. The woman who had treated her cat so cruelly was not forgiven her sins: she was sent to Hell for her wrongdoing.
These are the brief outlines of the Islamic teaching. There is nothing to say that a Muslim may not be a vegetarian or vegan. The message is clear: God rewards kindness to animals but punishes those who are cruel.
[ 本帖最后由 o1j2m3 于 1-5-2009 05:31 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 1-5-2009 05:30 PM
原帖由 maxis.. 于 1-5-2009 12:52 PM 发表
佛陀并没有说过"阿含经" 是小学或是是比较次一等的教导这些说. |
发表于 1-5-2009 05:40 PM
如果真的认真看待佛陀的话, 也请你亲自查询巴利藏, 四阿含中的 "大般涅盘经" 系列经典 - 看看有没有禁肉的遗教.
也看看以下的"大般涅盘经": 我相信这是西藏金刚乘版的"大般涅盘经".
发表于 1-5-2009 05:42 PM
回复 216# 三法印 的帖子
The Bible depicts vegetarianism as God’s ideal, and the diet conforms to the central biblical principle of steward-ship. In Eden, all creatures lived peacefully, and God told both humans and animals to consume only plant foods (Gen. 1:29–31). Several prophecies, such as Isaiah 11:6–9, foresee a return to this vegetarian world, where the wolf, lamb, lion, cow, bear, snake, and little child all coexist peacefully. Christian vegetarians, while acknowledging human sinfulness, believe we should strive toward the harmonious world Isaiah envisioned—to try to live in accordance with the prayer that Jesus taught us, “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10).
Adam’s “dominion” over animals (Gen. 1:26, 28), we believe, conveys sacred stewardship, since God immediately afterward prescribed a vegetarian diet (1:29–30) in a world God found “very good” (1:31). Created in God’s image of love (1 John 4:8), we are called to be care-takers of God’s Creation, not tyrants over God’s creatures.
Genesis 1:21–22 relates that, before God created humanity, God regarded the animals “good” and blessed them. Further evidence that we should consider animals as inherently valuable comes from Genesis 2:18–19, which indicates that God made animals as Adam’s helpers and companions: “Then the Lord God said, ‘It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper fit for him.’ So out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the air, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them…” (RSV). Adam named the animals, which we believe shows concern and friendship. We don’t name the animals we eat.
God endowed pigs, cattle, sheep, and all farmed animals with their own desires and needs, which is apparent when these animals are given an opportunity to enjoy life. For example, pigs are as curious, social, and intelligent as cats or dogs. Pigs can even play some video games better than monkeys. Similarly, chickens enjoy one another’s company and like to play, dust bathe, and forage for food. Jesus compared his love for us to a hen’s love for her chicks (Luke 13:34).
Virtually all plants were destroyed by the Flood. Alternatively, God may have allowed Noah limited freedom to express human violence, since unrestrained violence was responsible for the Flood itself (Gen. 6:11–13). Importantly, this passage neither commands meat eating nor indicates that the practice is God’s ideal. Indeed, eating meat came with a curse—animals would no longer be humanity’s friends: “The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast…” (Gen. 9:2). While eating meat was not prohibited, it represented a complete break from God’s ideal of animals and humans living peacefully together, as depicted in Eden and by the prophets.
Proverbs 12:10 teaches, “A righteous man has regard for the life of his beast,” and Psalm 145:9 reminds us that “The Lord is good to all, and his compassion is over all that he has made.”
The Bible describes God’s concern for animals repeatedly (Matt. 10:29, 12:11–12, 18:12–14) and forbids cruelty (Deut. 22:10, 25:4). Importantly, after the Flood, God made a covenant, stated five times, with animals as well as humans. All creatures share in the Sabbath rest (Exod. 20:10; Deut. 5:14). The Bible describes animals praising God (Pss. 148:7–10, 150:6), shows animals present in eternity (Isa. 65:25; Rev. 5:13), and affirms that God preserves animals (Ps. 36:6; Eph. 1:10; Col. 1:20). Animals and humans look to God for sustenance (Pss. 104:27–31, 147:9; Matt. 6:26; Luke 12:6) and deliverance (Jon. 3:7–9; Rom. 8:18–23). God’s covenant in Genesis 9, in all five instances, is with all flesh, not just humans.
The Bible does not prohibit eating meat in all circumstances. While many people have eaten meat for nourishment, most Christians today have ready access to a wide variety of healthful plant foods. Many Christian vegetarians find modern factory farming particularly objectionable because it is unnecessary and merciless.
[ 本帖最后由 o1j2m3 于 1-5-2009 05:51 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 1-5-2009 05:49 PM
原帖由 maxis.. 于 1-5-2009 03:31 PM 发表
若佛陀制肉戒, 上座们结集律典时则会加入. 你说佛早已制戒,请问律典中有肉戒吗?
"小乘佛教" 只出现在你的信仰体系中.
目前的上座部佛教有本身代代相传的三藏圣典和菩萨思想, 若强硬将上座部纳入你的汉传大乘体系, 是你的自由, 却不能说上座部佛教是"小乘佛教,不明大乘佛法" "小乘佛教不对". |
发表于 1-5-2009 05:53 PM
发表于 1-5-2009 05:53 PM
发表于 1-5-2009 05:54 PM
发表于 1-5-2009 05:54 PM
发表于 1-5-2009 05:54 PM
发表于 1-5-2009 05:56 PM
原帖由 o1j2m3 于 1-5-2009 05:18 PM 发表
请参阅可兰经,关于爱护生命的部分,这只是转载Vegan Views 91的文章,详细情况请向回教长老询问:
In view of the events of September 11th 2001, it is perhaps a good time to be reminded of the teachings ...
Hari Korban , 穆斯林杀牛羊分诸人食用. 就算是在圣城Mecca,也是这样.
那么这是否违背了可兰经? |
发表于 1-5-2009 07:50 PM
回复 232# mahalwin 的帖子
[ 本帖最后由 o1j2m3 于 1-5-2009 07:51 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 1-5-2009 07:58 PM
回复 233# o1j2m3 的帖子
"The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S) was asked by his copmpanions if kindness to animals was rewarded in the life hereafter. He replied: 'Yes, there is a meritorious reward for kindness to every living creature'." (Bukhari)
All creatures on earth are sentient beings. "There is not an animal on earth, nor a bird that flies on its wings - but they are communities like you." (The Quran, 6:38)
这里没有一只动物在这地上,也没有小鸟飞翔 - 但是他们就是一群的就像你们一样。
"The Holy Prophet (S) forbade the beating or the branding of animals. Once he saw a donkey branded on its face and said: 'may Allah condemn the one who branded it'." (Muslim)
"The Holy Prophet (S) forbade the setting up of animals to fight against each other." (Abu Dawud and Tirmidhi)
"The Holy Prophet (S) condemned those who pinion or restrain animals in any other way for the purpose of target shooting. (Al-Masburah and Al-Mujaththamah)." (Muslim)
"The Holy Prophet (S) said: 'It is a great sin for man to imprison those animals which are in his power'." (Muslim)
There are numerous Islamic laws forbidding vivisection (Al-muthia) on a live animal. IBn Umar reported the Holy Prophet (S) as having condemned those who mutilate any part of an animals body while it is alive. (Ahmad and other authorities)
[ 本帖最后由 o1j2m3 于 1-5-2009 08:09 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 1-5-2009 08:27 PM
原帖由 o1j2m3 于 1-5-2009 07:50 PM 发表
除了小孩, 那一类的穆斯林可以不必在斋戒月puasa?
Hari Korban的牺牲动物献祭, 是可兰经的教导还是基于传统? |
楼主 |
发表于 1-5-2009 08:29 PM
回复 218# o1j2m3 的帖子
若客观看待,还会主观选择慈悲? |
楼主 |
发表于 1-5-2009 08:32 PM
回复 220# o1j2m3 的帖子
佛陀五百年后才说其他的经, 信的人是明是愚? |
发表于 1-5-2009 08:41 PM
发表于 1-5-2009 08:43 PM
南传佛教里也有很多人有大乘的精神. |
发表于 1-5-2009 08:43 PM
回复 235# mahalwin 的帖子
不过,月经来临,怀孕,生病,都不能豁免PUASA,通常需要补回,这取决于宗教司的判断。 |
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