发表于 13-6-2007 06:20 PM
发表于 13-6-2007 06:24 PM
发表于 13-6-2007 06:31 PM
回复 #1982 江湖 的帖子
6月底Megan就得呈报第四季度的业绩,不知道她能在期限前呈报吗? |
发表于 13-6-2007 06:36 PM
发表于 13-6-2007 06:40 PM
发表于 13-6-2007 06:44 PM
发表于 13-6-2007 06:47 PM
回复 #1983 Mr.Business 的帖子
Lembaga Tabung Haji现在是有5%股份的唯一大股东,为什么她不出来讲讲话,维护本身和其他股东的利益? 她应该接管Megan嘛,不让那些没用的董事胡来。哈。 |
发表于 13-6-2007 07:04 PM
就算这起假帐事件是假,megan也不值得投资 |
发表于 13-6-2007 07:05 PM
原帖由 ZheHui 于 13-6-2007 06:20 PM 发表
我在想,上次印度佬來 megan 是否來收購二手機器呢。
那 5% 的股權也可能是還錢的另一種手法。
听你一提, 发现到有可能。
我并没有胡说的, 在我这边二手货商家通常是星爷。。
二手书, 二手家私等等。。 |
发表于 13-6-2007 07:16 PM
oustanding shares (205millions股)
20。5M*0。6RM=23M RM
也就是说有人拿出23m rm来购买megan shares
3。股东基金 |
发表于 13-6-2007 07:29 PM
原帖由 Mr.Business 于 13-6-2007 06:47 PM 发表
Lembaga Tabung Haji现在是有5%股份的唯一大股东,为什么她不出来讲讲话,维护本身和其他股东的利益? 她应该接管Megan嘛,不让那些没用的董事胡来。哈。
megan这样类型生意并没有什么品牌效应, 客户只认YEO, YEO 就是megan的品牌. megan 生意是靠director的关系建立起来的。
如果director跑了, 你的价格就要低, 不然客户随时会往价低的厂商去. 我认为LTH没办法变megan的品牌, 也不懂如何打红海战。所以LTH接手会更死。
[ 本帖最后由 江湖 于 13-6-2007 07:31 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 13-6-2007 07:50 PM
再來一個Company Name | : | MEGAN MEDIA HOLDINGS BERHAD | Stock Name | : | MEGAN | Date Announced | : | 13/06/2007 |
| | | Type | : | Announcement | Subject | : | Monthly Announcement pursuant to Practice Note 1/2001 of the Listing Requirements ("PN1/2001") | Contents :
Further to the announcement dated 4thMay 2007 in compliance with PN 1/2001 when Megan Media Holdings Berhad("MMHB or "the Company") announced that it had defaulted on maturingtrade facilities amounting to RM47,362,332.46, the Company wishes toannounce that the Company and its subsidiaries ("the Group") have sincedefaulted on RM893,972,178.71 (principal only) in maturing bankingfacilities.
1. Reason for default.
There is no material change to thebusiness condition of the Company's operating subsidiaries, namelyMemory Tech Sdn Bhd ("MTSB") and MJC (Singapore) Pte Ltd ("MJC"), whichare continuing to experience financial difficulties. Constraints tocurrent cash flow from its manufacturing operations render it unable toservice and repay amounts due to lenders. In addition, the Group issaddled with debts procured from banks on the back of its tradingbusiness which the Investigative Accountants, Ferrier Hodgson MH SdnBhd, have now established as fraudulent.
2. Measures taken to address the default.
Following initial meetings withCreditor Banks on 7th May 2007 and 11th May 2007, the Company workingwith its Specialist Advisors, Sage 3 Capital Sdn Bhd ("Sage 3"), hadproposed the appointment of Investigative Accountants ("IA") toinvestigate what its Advisors viewed as highly suspicious and irregulartransactions. Pursuant to those meetings, the Creditor Banks proposedthe appointment of Ferrier Hodgson MH Sdn Bhd ("FH") as InvestigativeAccountants ("IA") for the Malaysian operations.
PricewaterhouseCoopers, who wereinitially appointed by the Company as Independent Financial Advisors("IFA") to MJC in Singapore, have more recently been appointed asInterim Judicial Managers ("IJM") (appointed as per Announcements dated1st June 2007 and 5th June 2007) and will have responsibilities formanaging and conducting investigations into the affairs of MJC inSingapore. This appointment was at the behest of the Company and itsadvisors.
FH has since reported their InterimFindings to all Creditor Banks as per the Announcement dated 6th June2007. Concurrently, the Company with assistance from its Advisors, hassuccessfully conducted its own investigations into certain transactionsand material misstatements in the financial statements relating toinventories in the last three (3) quarters ending with the quarterended 31st January 2007 as announced in the Announcement dated 7th June2007.
Going forward, the Company, withsupport from its Advisors, will engage its Creditor Banks in theformulation of a Comprehensive Debt Restructuring and RegularisationPlan in the ensuing weeks. The Company will also initiate whateverlegal proceedings to recover all amounts lost due to theirregularities.
3. Financial and legal implications in respect of the default in the payments.
The Creditor Banks have called anevent of default but have stayed legal proceedings and other actionspending the completion of the Review by its Investigative Accountantsand the Company's own strategy going forward. The Company's state ofsolvency will ultimately depend on the outcome of the debtrestructuring and regularization endeavor. However, the report onInterim Findings of the IA indicates that the Company has sufficientshort term cash flow based on its current modus operandi. Further, theCompany believes that with the cessation of its trading business, itcan now focus on its legitimate manufacturing business. The businesssegment pertaining to manufacturing is being undertaken as normal andthe Company is continuing to fulfill purchase orders from itsmanufacturing customers.
4. In the event the default is inrespect of secured loan stocks or bonds, the lines of action availableto guarantors or security holders against the listed issuer.
Not applicable
5. In the event the default is inrespect of payments under a debenture, to specify whether the defaultwill empower the debenture holder to appoint a receiver or a receiverand manager.
As there are no debentures, this issue does not arise.
6. Whether the default in paymentconstitutes an event of default under a different agreement forindebtedness (cross default and the details thereon, where applicable).
The Company has defaulted on all facilities granted by its bankers.
By order of the Board
This announcement is dated 13th June 2007.
[ 本帖最后由 mjchua 于 13-6-2007 07:56 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 13-6-2007 08:07 PM
发表于 13-6-2007 08:12 PM
发表于 13-6-2007 08:14 PM
发表于 13-6-2007 08:19 PM
原帖由 mjchua 于 13-6-2007 08:12 PM 发表
哈哈... 一起換 阳萎翔 的頭像
用阳萎翔的頭像 = kawan megan or 曾经是kawan megan? |
发表于 13-6-2007 08:21 PM
回复 #1996 江湖 的帖子
是啊... 你還不換 ? 難道你不是 kawan megan ? |
发表于 13-6-2007 08:27 PM
发表于 13-6-2007 08:28 PM
這麽一來,我就無法看到明天的出票是爲了T+3 還是爲了這個文告了。。。
陰謀論又在我腦海浮現 哈哈哈 |
发表于 13-6-2007 08:28 PM
原帖由 为吃特工队 于 13-6-2007 08:27 PM 发表
有... 你快一點埋堆 我們這個大家庭歡迎你 |
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