Cloverfield 科洛弗檔案 The Haunting 鬼入侵
Flight of the Phoenix鳳凰號 War of the Worlds世界大戰
Hot Fuzz 終棘警探 The Incredible Hulk (2008) 無敵浩克
Live Free or Die Hard終極警探4.0 Pulse連鎖信
The Lord of the Rings - The Fellowship of the Ring
The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King
Master & Commander: The Far Side of the World怒海爭鋒-極地爭伐
Blackhawk Down黑鷹計畫 The Dark Knight蝙蝠俠-黑暗騎士
Domino女模煞 Finding Nemo海底總動員 Titan A.E.冰凍星球
Hellboy II: The Golden Army地獄怪客2-金甲軍團
Horton Hears a Who! 荷頓奇遇記 Iron Man鋼鐵人-1
Man on Fire火線救援 Mr. & Mrs. Smith史密斯任務
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor神鬼傳奇 3
30 Days of Night惡夜30 300300壯士-斯巴達的逆襲
Babylon A.D巴比倫密碼 Casino Royale007-皇家夜總會
The Chronicles of Riddick超世紀戰警 Kung Fu Panda功夫熊貓
DareDevil夜魔俠 Fantastic 4驚奇四超人
Harry Potter: Order of The Phoenix哈利波特5-鳳凰會的密令
The Incredibles超人特攻隊 Knowing末日預言
The Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers魔戒二部曲:雙城奇謀
The Matrix Revolutions駭客任務完結篇:最後戰役
Max Payne麥斯潘恩 Mr. Brooks雙面人魔 Open Range 天地無限
Pearl Harbor n珍珠港 Serenity衝出寧靜號 Shoot 'Em Up史密斯先生
Stardust星塵傳奇 Transformers變型金剛 U-571獵殺U-571
Underworld決戰異世界 Wanted刺客聯盟 X-Men 3: The Last Stand
Batman Begins蝙蝠俠-開戰時刻 King Kong (2006)金剛
Dragon Wars: D-War魔龍戰役(或:龍之戰)
The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift玩命關頭-3
Flags of Our Fathers硫磺島的英雄們 The Matrix駭客任務
Minority Report關鍵報告 Monster House 怪怪屋
Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End神鬼奇航3-世界的盡頭
The Simpson's Movie辛普森家庭 Sunshine太陽浩劫
Superman Returns超人再起 We Were Soldiers勇敢們
Apocalypto 阿波卡獵逃 Ghost Rider惡靈戰警 Hellboy地獄怪客
Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind第三類接觸 Crimson Tide赤色風暴
DOA: Dead Or Alive生死格鬥 Fifth Element第五元素
House Of Flying Daggers十面埋伏 The Island絕地再生
Monster's, Inc.怪獸電力公司 Poseidon2006海神號 Sin City萬惡城市
Running Scared奪命鎗火 Smokin' Aces五路追殺令
Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones星際大戰二部曲:複製人全面進攻
Stealth機戰未來 Toy Story 2玩具總動員-3