


楼主: sckham_2thez

[8TV][星期五][9.30PM]MALAYSIAN IDOL 2[TV3][星期日][11.30AM]

发表于 18-4-2005 02:11 AM | 显示全部楼层









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发表于 18-4-2005 02:14 AM | 显示全部楼层
Malaysian Idol 走台秀:
出席者: Jac, Dina, Vick, Saiful, Zamil, Rydee, Sufiah, Fazly and Victor
09th April 6.30pm The Waterfront Main Bazaar, Kuching
16th April 3.00pm Plaza Angsana, Johor Bahru
24th April 3.30pm Gurney Plaza (Main Entrance), Penang
08th May 4.00pm Grand Concourse Berjaya Time Square


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发表于 18-4-2005 02:58 AM | 显示全部楼层
如果没有错的话... 他们还会再去两个城市办 Roadshow 哦....

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发表于 18-4-2005 09:21 AM | 显示全部楼层
sckham_2thez: 怎样怎样怎样? JB 的你有去吗?你有进吗?分享一下心情及比赛要注意什么?

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发表于 18-4-2005 11:40 AM | 显示全部楼层
呼摇呼摇 于 18-4-2005 02:58 AM  说 :
如果没有错的话... 他们还会再去两个城市办 Roadshow 哦....

surewin 于 18-4-2005 09:21 AM  说 :
sckham_2thez: 怎样怎样怎样? JB 的你有去吗?你有进吗?分享一下心情及比赛要注意什么?

他都没有参加 (可能参加了不出声罢了。。)


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 楼主| 发表于 18-4-2005 12:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
surewin 于 18-4-2005 09:21 AM  说 :
sckham_2thez: 怎样怎样怎样? JB 的你有去吗?你有进吗?分享一下心情及比赛要注意什么?


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Follow Us
 楼主| 发表于 18-4-2005 12:15 PM | 显示全部楼层
KyleMichelleGo 于 18-4-2005 11:40 AM  说 :


他都没有参加 (可能参加了不出声罢了。。)

对了,SUREWIN,你是几号去试镜?听说第一次去时,要给普通工作人员测试然后再去 ...


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发表于 18-4-2005 12:20 PM | 显示全部楼层
sckham_2thez 于 18-4-2005 12:15 PM  说 :



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发表于 18-4-2005 12:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
我7/5/05 去(暂定), 我应该不会临时退缩, 参加到底, 赢到底。。。。 怎么办, 怎么办? 我很紧张咧。。。。呜~~~~~~~

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发表于 18-4-2005 01:21 PM | 显示全部楼层

Try this

surewin 于 18-4-2005 12:42 PM  说 :
我7/5/05 去(暂定), 我应该不会临时退缩, 参加到底, 赢到底。。。。 怎么办, 怎么办? 我很紧张咧。。。。呜~~~~~~~

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dida_ 该用户已被删除
发表于 18-4-2005 01:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
surewin 于 18-4-2005 12:42 PM  说 :
我7/5/05 去(暂定), 我应该不会临时退缩, 参加到底, 赢到底。。。。 怎么办, 怎么办? 我很紧张咧。。。。呜~~~~~~~


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dida_ 该用户已被删除
发表于 18-4-2005 01:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
KyleMichelleGo 于 18-4-2005 02:11 AM  说 :


[img]http://myidol.bluehyppo.com/editorial ...


[ Last edited by dida_ on 18-4-2005 at 01:33 PM ]

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 楼主| 发表于 18-4-2005 01:41 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 18-4-2005 05:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
当然咯... 不然3个评判会评到吐血的... 不过应该有例外的... 那些去"做 Show" 的... 嘿嘿...

不过好像前两天是做筛选的... 然后隔天才会去见 Roslan, Paul 跟 Gee....

[ Last edited by 呼摇呼摇 on 18-4-2005 at 05:23 PM ]

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 楼主| 发表于 18-4-2005 05:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
不然我们就不会看到,THALIA,唱"抓泥鳅","toxic"和哪个bulan sabit的参赛者了。。

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发表于 18-4-2005 05:47 PM | 显示全部楼层
也有可能的... 你事先跟 Producer 说我要进去做"Show"....

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发表于 18-4-2005 07:31 PM | 显示全部楼层
dida_ 于 18-4-2005 01:30 PM  说 :


[ Last edited by dida_ on 18-4-2005 at 01:33 PM ]



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 楼主| 发表于 19-4-2005 12:21 AM | 显示全部楼层
KyleMichelleGo 于 18-4-2005 12:20 PM  说 :



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发表于 19-4-2005 01:58 AM | 显示全部楼层
sckham_2thez 于 19-4-2005 12:21 AM  说 :



转自KENNY网友:http://messageboard.bluehyppo.co ... t=8161&start=30
Firstly, thank you all so much for your support. I really appreciate it. Sorry I am not able to reply to all the sms'... too many, so I'll just write everything that has happened to me the past 3 days.

Friday, 15 April

Myself, Donny and 2 other supporters travelled down to JB by car. Arrived at Eden Garden Hotel about 6 pm. Had dinner, and a practise session at night.

Saturday, 16 April

Went to the venue at 8:30 am. Started lining up at about 9:30 am. The crowd was building up in the hundreds. By 10.30 am, Jien and Cheryl appeared and started to get the crowd excited by making them do the Mexican wave. Then, they got some people to sing for the camera. Gemilang was a crowd fav, a lot of people auditioned with that song.

Video recording started, and Jien and Cheryl did the introduction to the JB auditions, walked down alongside the crowd talking to each other, then stopped right in front and interviewed yours truly  Jien got me to sing my audition song. In case you want to know what I sang, I sang "One In A Million" by Larry Graham. This part should be in the introduction part of JB auditions when it goes on air.

Then, we registered and was called for an interview with some Bluehyppo people. Was asked to sing again. I was in the second batch of 10 people to get called to audition. We were called by our numbers, and brought to outside the audition room where the seats are. When we walked out, the crowd started cheering. And yes, my friend Donny auditioned too... he was in the same batch as myself.

I was the first to go into the room, met with 2 people, one guy and a gal. Apparently, they are people from the music industry this year, and no longer 8TV crew like last year. The first round is a prejudging round and they will shortlist contestants to meet the real judges on Monday.

So, I went in, told them what song I would be singing and was asked to sing to the camera. So I sang with all my heart. Then, one by one went into the room. Once the group of 10 is completed, we were brought to the results room. Koi announced the results... numbers were called and those called stepped forward. And those in the back row made it to the following round... I was in the back row  My friend Donny did not make it. Exchanged numbers with a Malay contestant who made it through to share hotel room on Sunday night.

Went back to KL right after audition. Had stuff to do on Sunday morning.

Sunday, 17 April

Took a bus from Puduraya back to JB in the afternoon. Arrived by night time about 8 pm. My Malay friend arrived at the hotel about 10:30 pm.

Monday, 18 April

Monday morning. The big day has arrived. Only slept 4 hours the night before... gave up trying to sleep by 6 am.

Went to audition venue at 9 am, and this time, was second in line. We registered and went in. The crowd this time was very small, about 100 - 150 people only. Was asked for an interview with 8TV and was made to say things like "I am the next Malaysian Idol"  One Indian guy came and got the crowd warmed up by doing some vocal and clapping exercises. Then, our numbers are called, and this time, I am in the first batch to meet the judges.

We were brought to outside the audition room and were given a briefing to act naturally and pretend that the cameras are not there. So the first girl went in, and came out empty handed. Then it was my turn...

After all the waiting time, I was already numb and was not nervous at all. I went in and the three judges were there looking like they were in a very good mood. I wished the judges good morning. Kak Jee asked me what song I would be singing and I told them the song.

So, I started singing.

My singing was fine and I did exactly what I planned to do.

Judges comments (paraphrased)
Paul Moss
"Apart from the fact you sang the song well, in New Zealand, we call it poofy."

I asked him to clarify.

He said that it was a bit pretty.

At first, I thought he was referring to the way I looked. So I told him that my style of dressing can be changed and that I don't normally wear like that... bought the shirt just for the auditions.

Then he said that it's not my style of clothing, it's my style of singing.

I was stunned, didn't know what to say.

Kak Jee

Nice shirt, Kenny but I have to say no.


If I was your girlfriend and you were singing to me, it would be very nice but I have to say no...

He said something along the lines that it was not suitable for the competition.

I asked if I could sing another song. Paul said ok, I give you 10 seconds.

I went straight into "Mengapa Harus Cinta" chorus by Vince.

Paul stopped me after the first line, and said that my style of singing sounded exactly like the first song.

So, I just thanked the judges and made an exit. As I was exiting, Roslan asked me if I have a girl friend!! I said yes. Then he asked me if I have a boy friend!?  Of course I said no! What kind of question is that???

Left the room, 8TV cameras zooming straight into my face, I just walked and the camera crew followed me. Was brought to this room with the MI sign in the background and where I can say anything I want to the judges.

Was asked to comment on what the judges said, whether I felt that the comment was fair, whether I was dissapointed etc.

And of course, if I wanted to say anything to the judges.

This is what I said (not exactly), "aul and Roslan made some comments about my style of singing, about it sounding pretty (I mentioned Roslan because he asked me if I have a boy friend). Firstly, I don't know what they mean by a pretty style of singing and secondly, I am NOT pretty. There is nothing wrong with a pretty style of singing and pretty singers. A lot of pretty singers are very successful and have sold millions of records internationally like Boy George and Will Young. Paul and Roslan, please don't make homophobic comments and please make more constructive comments."

Took bus back to KL and arrived home about 5:30 pm.

For those auditioning, trust me, it's not as easy as it seems. By the time I left the hotel about 12 pm, nobody got the yellow paper. And even if you sing the song very well and in perfect pitch, key and expression, the judges may still say no...

And this is the first time I hear someone telling me I have a "pretty" style of singing! ... now contemplating whether to try for Penang auditions...


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发表于 19-4-2005 05:47 AM | 显示全部楼层

说起来 Kenny 还满惨的... 三个都 No....

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