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【PS3】Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception集中讨论区 II
本帖最后由 wEi5wEi 于 30-3-2012 03:31 PM 编辑
【游戏名称】:Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
【游戏人数】: 1人 (单机模式) | 10人 (联网模式)
【支持联网】: 是
【支持奖杯】: 是
【开发公司】: Naughty Dog
【发行公司】: Sony Computer Entertainment
【发售日期】:November 1, 2011
游戏简介::在這次這款系列最新作當中,玩家們將再度化身為系列主角Nathan Drake,並與夥伴Victor Sullivan一起前往阿拉伯半島南部的「魯布哈利沙漠」(the Rub' al khali)尋找傳說中的夢幻都市「Iram of Thousand Pillars」(千柱之城,或稱「Atlantis of the Sands」,意喻沙漠上的亞特蘭提斯,消失的古城)。
UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception™一般版

UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception™遊戲光碟x1
UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception™ SteelBook精裝版

.UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception™遊戲光碟x1
UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception™ 豪華珍藏版
.UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception™ SteelBook精裝版x1
復原助力器 恐怖爬蟲獎章回報 .精美手工外盒x1
.奈森‧德瑞克公仔x1 .奈森‧德瑞克復刻版戒環墜子+皮帶扣環x1 .Super Voucher PSN下載卡x1,內附4種下載內容 Para-9彈匣大小改造 G-MAL彈匣大小改造 Ak-47彈匣大小改造 特製主題和個人造型
UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception™ DUALSHOCK®3無線控制器限定版
內容物: .UNCHARTED 3: Drake's Deception™ SteelBook精裝版x1(內附SteelBook精裝版PSN下載卡) .特製DUALSHOCK®3無线控制器
Trophy List: Link
Treasure Location: Link |

楼主 |
发表于 2-2-2012 10:51 AM
本帖最后由 wEi5wEi 于 4-4-2012 10:45 AM 编辑
佳礼Uncharted 3玩家一览表:
CARI ID | PSN ID | wEi5wEi | wEi5wEi
| leeyao | leeyeo
| fsloong | kage2015 | freddy81 | freddy81_mas
| excelboy | excel_boy08
| peter_pyw | wah_6869
| smurfs | KaneTeh
| kvn1080 | kvn1080p
| caloshwa | asaphwa
| chienong
| squallmax23 | squallmax23
| godslayer | Godslayer84
| sammi_ky | N_kO21
| MoveMove | MoveMoveKuang
| ck_cloud84 | ckcloud
| 没有人在 | ZinLai
| miko88nsh | ivynsh
| kpteh | kpteh
| xxkenxx | xxkenleexx
| titotitotito | titotito924
| 06 | mazur1985
| lyloon23 | lyloon33
| strikefred0m | strikefred0m89 | 基拉.大和 | kirayamato83 | sinkafai | kelvinsin |
chris9977 | LBH3709 | ralphi | refreshlim |
standley | stanley1283 | alantam1993 | thq88 |
ulai | ulai1987 | dee1837 | dee8924 | seiryuu89 | seiryuu89 | sadnessz | sadnesszz | OscarVeryLazy | LazyaNut |

楼主 |
发表于 2-2-2012 10:54 AM
本帖最后由 wEi5wEi 于 2-2-2012 11:23 AM 编辑
Unlock 3rd Booster:
Drake + Drake's AK + Drake's Para 9 = Explosive Buddy
Sully + Sully's Dragon + Sully's Arm Micro = For My Buddy
Elena + Elena's G-Mal + Elena's Raffica = Thanks Buddy
Chloe + Chloe's M9 + Chloe's Tau = For My Buddy
Marlowe + Marlowe's M9 + Marlowe's Para 9 = Sugar Buddy
Talbot + Talbot's Fal-SS + Talbot's Arm Micro = Stealth Buddy
Rameses + Rameses' Kal-7 + Rameses' Raffica = Booty Buddy
Weapon Info
Type: Primary - Assault Rifle (Automatic)
Clipsize: 32
Number of Clips: 4
Bullets to kill (Torso): 8
Bullets to kill (Head): 5
Bullets to kill (Limbs): 8Time to kill (Torso):0.9s
Time to kill (Head): 0.56s
With Rate of Fire(Torso): 0.79
With Rate of Fire (Head): 0.49
Accuracy rating: 7
AK 47
Type: Primary - Assault Rifle (Automatic)
Clipsize: 30
Number of Clips: 5
Bullets to kill (Torso): 7
Bullets to kill (Head): 5
Bullets to kill (Limbs): 7Time to kill (Torso):0.85s
Time to kill (Head): 0.6s
Accuracy rating: 7
Type: Primary - Long Range Assault Rifle (Burst)
Bullets to kill (Torso): 7
Bullets to kill (Head): 4
Bullets to kill (Legs): 7
Accuracy rating: 9
Type: Primary- Long Range Assault Rifle (Semi)
Bullets to kill (Torso): 5
Bullets to kill (Head): 3
Bullets to kill (Legs): 5Accuracy rating: 8
Type: Primary - Long Range Assault Rifle (Semi)
Bullets to kill (Torso): 2
Bullets to kill (Head): 1
Bullets to kill (Limbs): 2Clipsize: 5
Capacity: 25
Accuracy rating: 10
Type: Primary - Long Range Assault Rifle (Burst)
Bullets to kill (Torso): 8
Bullets to kill (Head): 5
Bullets to kill (Limbs): 8Clipsize:
Accuracy rating: 6
The TAU Sniper is an 8 round, scoped revolver. The TAU Sniper doesn't have any L1 view, aside down the scope, this makes it very difficult to use in close quarters as you have to scope all the time. It also makes you less manuverable than you would with a normal weapon, when trying to use it, and reduces your field of view making you particularly vulnerable to enemies. Combined with a low rate of fire, and typical 3 shot requirement to kill, it's a very difficult weapon to recommend loading out with. The Para 9 does a better job at long range, whilst at the same time having better blindfire, and viability at close-mid ranges...
Type: Sidearm - Revolver (Semi)
Bullets to kill (Torso): 3
Bullets to kill (Head): 2
Bullets to kill (Limbs): 5Clipsize: 8
Accuracy Rating: 10
Level Emblems

楼主 |
发表于 2-2-2012 10:56 AM
本帖最后由 wEi5wEi 于 11-4-2012 10:07 AM 编辑
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception Patch Note
-Fixed an issue so that 3D works properly on all Sony SimulView 3D TVs.
Single Player
-Movie cutscene viewer added (in the Bonuses menu, Single-Player only)
-Fixed the missing Motion Blur effects (for Single Player only)
-“Alternate Aim Settings” added to the Options menu under Camera options (for Single Player only)
-Settings bug fixed: all controls being set to flipped mode setting will no longer change all controls back to default
-Medal streaks won’t reset if the host migrates to another user
-Blindfire targeting adjusted so that opposing players past a certain vertical angle above and below won’t be hit.
-Allow grenade throw while scoped
-Tuned Pull Down range from 1.5 meters to 2.0 meters
-Lowered the player running speed when players run ‘n gun by approximately 15%
-Slightly increased the turn radius of run ‘n gun
-Slightly decreased the turning speed during Sprint
-Fixed an infrequent hunter spawning issue in Hunter Arena when the match round switches
-Fixed several cinema crashes
-Locked fast-forwarding on convoy sequence in Airstrip TDM and train sequence on London Underground TDM to 3x maximum in Cinema Mode
-Fixed certain cameras in Kick Offs and Pull Downs
-Fixed a late join skin bug with locked content
-Fixed a split-screen Buddy treasure pickup bug
-Fixed duplicate medal problem causing bad tabulation of a few medals to the player’s career stats
User Interface
-Objective points now show up in the player’s Competitive statistics tab instead of the Cooperative statistics tab
-Added a Facebook Sign Out option
-Added the Add Friend functionality in the Facebook tab
-Fixed voice icon for mics not appearing in Matchmaking lobby
-Adding missing weapon stats tracking for certain weapons that were not being recorded to the player stats
-Fix for not displaying the entire Online ID within the “Players” column of any leaderboard.
-Fix for a user having an online ID containing fifteen or more characters created in uppercase format and actively using a voice comm device.
-Matchmaking now waits for double the number of players in the biggest party in the room to be present before starting a game (to prevent parties from being split frequently)
-Players no longer able to join party that is already in Matchmaking
-Users in the largest party in a game room will no longer be designated as Villains a large majority of the time
-Cutscene viewer audio issues fixed (3D only)
- Creepy Crawler Kickback - now requires 17 medals to activate (previously 15 medals).
- Quick Boom Kickback - now requires 10 medals to activate (previously 7 medals) and a 5 second decrease has been applied to its duration (now 15 seconds, previously 20 seconds)
We are working on balancing and tweaking other aspects of the multiplayer gameplay such as the FAL-SS and other elements. We'll have an update about upcoming changes as soon as we can make them available.
-Fixes for Hard and Crushing Co-op Adventure Mode that address treasure sets that could not be completed
-Integrated bandwidth testing for hosts, so only hosts with optimum connections will be permitted to become game hosts (will help improve gameplay experience for everyone)
-Fixed an issue in which, under some circumstances, some players of a party would be left in the lobby while others went into Matchmaking and played matches
-Medal fixes for Fort - Adventure Mode specific medals; all medal icons now show up appropriately and medals can be obtained in-game.
-Additionally, Patch 1.05 contains the necessary technical hooks for Flashback Map Pack #2
-Players can now consistently earn the Return To Sender medal
-Players can now consistently earn the Hot Potato medal
-Players are now able to melee when automatically reloading a gun
-Players can no longer throw grenades while carrying an object
-Enemy AI now dies appropriately at the end of each Co-Op Arena round for players.
-Mute functionality has been improved; players should no longer be able to hear the other player on either side of the mute action
-Fixed an exploit with thrown objects being used to escape the level boundaries
-During Sudden Death in TDM, players will no longer initially spawn in the last location their buddy spawned
-Late-joiners to multiplayer games no longer have a new set of power weapons when entering a game
-Fixed a rare issue in which certain users were inappropriately kicked out of a non-DLC matchmaking game
-Upon connecting to Multiplayer, the game checks for ‘old’ version of Flashback Map Pack #2 (EU users only) and displays a message asking the player to download the Map Pack from the PSN Store
-Prevents EU users from playing on Flashback Map Pack #2 maps, if they have not already downloaded the correct, new version
-Added code that allows Naughty Dog to make additional live updates to map content
-Cloaked level 3 booster better masks the player’s sounds when equipped
-Increased default Tau Sniper ammo total to 18
-Fixed certain regions on Ruins and Facility maps where a thrown Plunder or Treasure Hunter idol would not respawn
-Crushing difficulty on Plaza and Village for Shade Survival is now locked until properly unlocked via gameplay
-Players can no longer infinitely hold a high-five pose to avoid being grabbed by a Choker in Co-Op modes
-Players are now able to vote on the difficulty of Co-Op matches no matter where they are on the menu when the voting period begins
-Players can no longer join the party of a player that is viewing a Cinema file
User Interface
-DLC Toggle added to the Options menu
-G-MAL stopping power reduced by -50%Shield’s health increased by -18%Auto aim while jumping reduced on double-barrel shotguns
-Bullet spread for AK-47 tightened by ~10%
-All cinema files captured pre patch 1.09 are no longer accessible
-Updated the server-side to allow for live updates to weapon functionality
CINEMA FILES NOTE: All cinema files created pre-patch 1.09 will no longer be available.

楼主 |
发表于 2-2-2012 11:11 AM
发表于 2-2-2012 11:22 AM
感谢楼主第一时间就开了新楼。 坐坐下沙发
对了, 麻烦楼主将小弟的PSN帐号改为StrikyChoong, 谢谢了 |
发表于 2-2-2012 12:18 PM
报到 !!
最近uc3很多高手出没。。小心为上。。 |
发表于 2-2-2012 12:56 PM
最近苦升KDR中,要打几天才能升那0.01。。纳闷 |
发表于 2-2-2012 12:58 PM
发表于 2-2-2012 01:11 PM
本帖最后由 ulai 于 2-2-2012 03:41 PM 编辑
我干,玩 CO-OP CRASHING玩到最后关头PS3在没有我的允许下自我关机。
刚刚我只FOCUS对角的SNIPER。可是AK很难射到。 |
发表于 2-2-2012 05:10 PM
恭喜开新楼!生意兴隆!  |
发表于 2-2-2012 05:43 PM
发表于 2-2-2012 10:33 PM
发表于 3-2-2012 12:43 AM
发表于 3-2-2012 02:17 AM
…sadnesszz 和seiryuu 今晚打得很不错一下,seiryuu
想问一下你来自那里? |
发表于 3-2-2012 03:08 AM
还有啊...为什么要我做leader你们两个才可以连到线? |
发表于 3-2-2012 09:31 AM
可以加我玩co op吗?没玩过,只是一直玩DM!玩法不一样? |
发表于 3-2-2012 09:56 AM
发表于 3-2-2012 10:46 AM
回复 18# seiryuu89
Adventure ,应该还蛮简单吧~ 5 chapter 罢了!有机会一起玩啊! |
发表于 3-2-2012 01:12 PM
本帖最后由 kpteh 于 3-2-2012 04:42 PM 编辑
一定要第三个人才能把我们两人 ...
seiryuu89 发表于 3-2-2012 09:56 AM 
终于刷到第一个骨头装了 |
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