不是听说刚嫁来这里首五年 不能工作吗??如果被抓到就难申请PR了。。。
whiteangel 发表于 16-7-2010 12:06 AM ![](http://cforum1.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Foreign husbands/wives to Malaysians can be given Visit Pass (social) for a period of 5 years on condition they comply with all the requirements.
They are also allowed to be engaged in any form of paid employment or in any business or professional occupation without converting their social Visit Pass status to Employment Pass or Visit Pass (Temporary employment).
Terms and conditions
1. | The marriage is legally under the respective Malaysia Laws. | 2. | The applicant is eligible to be given a long term Social Visit Pass or has already been issued such a pass as a foreign husband and wife to Malaysia. | 3. | The respective employment or business or professional occupation does not contravene any law or regulation in Malaysia. | 4. | The permission to engage in paid employment or business or professional occupation must be endorsed on the applicant's passport by the Director General Of Immigration, Malaysia or any authorized Immigration officer. | 5. | The applicant has fulfilled all requirements as specified by the Director General of Immigration, Malaysia for the Social Visit Pass to him/her as a husband or wife of a Malaysian and for the purpose of endorsing permission for him/her to be engaged in paid employment or business or professional occupation. |
2。該外籍配偶,符合獲得長期配偶居留簽證的資格 或者 已經獲得 該簽證
5。符合移民廳官員的要求 (什麽要求沒註明) )
1. | Application can be made at Visa, Pass and Permit Division, Immigration Department of Malaysia (Headquarters) or at any State Immigration Office. | 2. | Application can be submitted together with the application for a Social Visit Pass or after the Social Visit Pass has been issued. | 3. |
Required supporting documents :-
i. Marriage Certificate;
ii.Offer Letter from Company/Government Agency or Business/Company's registration. |
3。需要的文件 - 結婚證書還有公司(請你當員工的公司)的證明書
.No fees are charged for such endorsement of permission to work/business.
.Fees are only for social visit pass and visa (if related)這個工作准許的申請是免費的
只有居留簽證才被收費(如果和居留簽證申請一併提交的話) |