This is one of our UTAR Aikido Club event for this semester. Aikido Shudokan Malaysia proudly present The 6th Restraint and Removal Seminar by Joe Thambu Sensei, 6th Dan Yoshinkan Aikido, Chief Instructor of Aikido Shudokan Australia. In this seminar, Joe Thambu Sensei will focus on Restraint and Removal techniques based on the same aiki concept or Aikido Principles that thought to the Tokyo Riot Police.The seminar also will more focus on takedowns and immobilizations. This Seminar will be held on Bangsar Sport Complex from 8am - 1pm on 15th July 2007.
The Schedule will be like this: -
8am - 8.30am - registration
8.30am - 10.30am - Session 1
10.30am - 10.45am - Coffee break
10.45am - 12.45pm - Session 2
The Fee will be :-
RM100 for Shudokan Member (Include UTAR Aikido Club Member who registered wif Shudokan)
RM150 for non-shudokan member (deposit of RM50 for place booking)
*fees must be settled on or before 10th July 2007
The Seminar is open to Public with or without Martial Art background. The Seminar is suitable to all ages and gender, especially Old Citizens, Woman and Kids.
If You are interested, you can register with Shudokan by calling 03-89486462 (office) / 014-6308918 (Emma Sensei) or even can register with me by calling 016-6954228 (Colin)
Osu!!! bow/
p/s: Certificate will be awarded if attend the seminar.
我的华语不大好啦, 但是我会尽力啦
这个seminar是由“修道馆 养神馆 合气道” 说举办的 第六届 Restraint and Removal Seminar. 在这个seminar里, 修道馆请了 Joe Thambu 老师, 黑带六段 养神馆 合气道, 来教大家怎样去把合气道应用在生活实战上。在这课程里,Joe老师会比较注重在锁和控制的技术。这课程是跟养神馆所教给日本警察的技术一摸一样。
这课程将会在7月15日从8点到下午一点,举办在 Bangsar Sports Complex, Bangsar. 学费是 RM150 (包括了RM50当作定金)。
这课程是公开给任何人, 不管有没有学过武术,全部男女老少都适合参加. 如果您有兴趣参加的话,您可以联络修道馆的老师 03-89486462 (office) / 014-6308918 (Emma Sensei) 或 可联络我 016-6954228 (Colin)
p/s: 课程会献出文凭给出席者 |