Hi! Kien0925 ,How are u ? sorry!my computer system got problem , chinese word
system also error.soo i type english !
i'm engtai ; i also a kali(FMA)practitoners , and nice to meet u at CARI.com
May i now what linenge system kali that u training?
I'm learnind from DEKITI-TIRSIA-SIRADAS family system.
nice meeting you Engtai. I only learnt the KALI stick for months that I practice myself through the search of books and video. Sorry. But, are you an instructor? If, somebody could teach me even better.
Nice meeting you. The KALI techniques I learned were through search of Books and Video. I did not particularly learn from any instructor. So, what I knew were very little. I am sorry lar.. still in middle of time to perfect my techniques. are you an instructor?