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【PS4/XB1/PS5/XBSX】Resident Evil Village - 体验版正式上线

发表于 17-9-2020 07:22 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 24-1-2021 10:19 AM 编辑

游戏名称:《生化危机 8:村庄》 Resident Evil Village
对应平台:PlayStation 5,Xbox Series X,PC,(新增)Playstation4 和 Xbox One 平台
发售日期:2021 年 5 月 7 日

CAPCOM 於6 月 12 日舉行的「PlayStation 5 線上發表會」當中閃電公布驚悚生存動作遊戲《生化危机》系列最新作《生化危机 8(Resident Evil 8)》,預計將於 2021 年登上 PlayStation 5 平台。

《生化危机 8》以「村庄(Village)」为关键字,从预告影片中可以看到,游戏继承了《生化危机 7》的第一人称视角,甚至还出现了状似女巫跟狼人的角色⋯⋯?

根据官方故事介绍,自那次噩梦般的事件之后已有数年,伊森・温特斯已重新找回了一些日常平静的家庭生活。 而这种日常突然被往日那位身经百战的传奇英雄 —— 克里斯・雷德菲尔所打破。

官方释出由制作人神田刚以及Pete Fabiano带来的「开发者特别讯息(Special Developer Message)」,并配有繁体中文字幕。

影片中提到,本作之所以不直接叫做「Resident Evil 8」,是因为罗马数字的「VIII(8)」已经隐藏在标题「VIllage」内,所以是名副其实的「生化危机 8」。就像之前的作品一样,《生化危机 8:村庄》会继续使用 RE Engine,使用该引擎开发作品包括《生化危机 7:生化危机》、《生化危机 2 重制版》、《恶魔猎人 5》和《生化危机 3 重制版》。

神田刚表示,这次打算为「生存恐怖」打造一个新概念,把动作部份提升至新层次。 犹如写实的画质、身历其境的音效与无载入时间,将把玩家引入专为《生化危机 8:村庄》打造的世界。

游戏故事发生在《生化危机7》的几年后,是主角伊森・温斯特故事的续集;挑战生物恐怖主义的英雄克里斯・雷德菲尔也将回归,然而这次的克里斯比之前系列作的形象都还要阴沈得多。另外一个值得介绍的角色就是「村庄」本身。 Pete Fabiano 强调,这村庄的故事背景和游戏中的设定都非常重要,值得将其实际当作一个角色。

本作沿用第一人称视角,让玩家能够身历其境觉得「自己就是伊森」,亲身体验同样的紧张与恐怖。 而物品栏的设计也会让熟悉《生化危机 7》、《生化危机 2 重制版》、《生化危机 3 重制版》的玩家感到很自在。

配合今(17)日凌晨举办的PlayStation 5 在线发布会公布了第 2 波宣传影片,供玩家欣赏。

《生化危机 8:村庄》延续《生化危机 7》的故事,叙述自那次恶梦般的事件之后已有数年,伊森·温特斯已经重拾日常平静的生活,但这种日常却突然被昔日那位身经百战的传奇英雄克里斯‧雷德菲尔所打破......




前作《生化危机 7》以及本作的主角。是名曾被卷进贝克宅邸生化恐袭事件的普通男性,历尽艰辛后成功从惨剧中生还。事后与妻子「米娅」在 BSAA 的庇护下度过平静的日子。


自《生化危机》首作起便登场的系列代表性角色。原隶属特种部队 S.T.A.R.S.,是曾在多宗生化恐怖袭击中奋战的英雄。现在则是反生物恐怖组织 BSAA 的顾问专家。















  只有 RE ENGINE 才能实现的美丽视觉效果中,你能够欣赏到豪华的摆设和神秘的物件,以及感受藏于城堡内的「死」与「血」的气息。

Here is an overview of the game, via Capcom:


Experience survival horror like never before in Resident Evil Village, which will utilize the power of PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X to elevate each desperate fight to survive by showcasing the most realistic and terrifying graphics to date. The all-new title is the eighth major installment in the storied Resident Evil franchise, which established the survival horror genre nearly 25 years ago. The title is currently in development using next generation console technology and Capcom’s proprietary RE Engine, used to create vivid gameplay experiences in hit titles such as Resident Evil 7 biohazard, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3, and Devil May Cry 5. With hyper-detailed graphics, intense first-person action and masterful storytelling, the terror has never felt more realistic and inescapable.

Set a few years after the horrifying events in the critically acclaimed Resident Evil 7 biohazard, the all-new storyline begins with Ethan Winters and his wife Mia living peacefully in a new location, free from their past nightmares. Just as they are building their new life together, tragedy befalls them once again. Chris Redfield, the legendary hero from the Resident Evil series, is reacquainted with the couple and horribly disrupts their life, spiraling Ethan into chaos. A devastated Ethan finds himself in a remote snow-capped village seeking answers after being thrown into an entirely new nightmare.

Resident Evil Village will come to PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Steam in 2021.

Key Features

  • All New Resident Evil Experience – Picking up where Resident Evil 7 biohazard left off, Resident Evil Village is the eighth major installment in the flagship Resident Evil series. The game sees the reunited Ethan and Mia Winters living happily together and putting their shared nightmares of the Baker’s plantation behind them… until their life is upended and Ethan becomes the focal point of a new nightmare.
  • Next Generation Technology – RE Engine paired with the new technological power of PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X will deliver hyper-detailed graphics, bringing the shadowy village and its haunting residents to life. Resident Evil Village will showcase the most realistic survival horror experience to date.
  • First-Person Action – Players will assume the role of Ethan Winters and experience every up-close battle and terrifying pursuit through a first-person perspective.
  • Familiar Faces and New Foes – Chris Redfield has typically been a hero in the Resident Evil series, but his appearance in Resident Evil Village seemingly shrouds him in sinister motives. A host of new adversaries inhabiting the enigmatic village will relentlessly hunt Ethan and hinder his every move as he attempts to make sense of the new nightmare he finds himself in.
  • A Living, Breathing Village – More than just a mysterious backdrop for the horrifying events that unfold in the game, the village is a character in its own right with mysteries for Ethan to uncover and terrors to escape from.




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发表于 17-9-2020 07:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
沙发。。。 必买之作....

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 楼主| 发表于 17-9-2020 10:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
cchin8888 发表于 17-9-2020 07:28 PM
沙发。。。 必买之作....

yes yes 必买之作+1

使用道具 举报

发表于 22-9-2020 11:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
背景村庄很silent hill。。。只是少了雾

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 楼主| 发表于 27-9-2020 08:31 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 24-1-2021 09:24 AM 编辑

《生化危机 8:村庄》开发日记

配合本周五 25日晚间举办的TGS直播节目释出幕后花絮影片。 制作团队同时透露目前正在研究是否能在 PS4 与 Xbox One 上重现游戏的效果,但尚未确定是否会推出。

《生化危机 8:村庄》延续《生化危机 7》的故事,叙述自那次恶梦般的事件之后已有数年,伊森·温特斯已经重拾日常平静的生活,但这种日常却突然被昔日那位身经百战的传奇英雄克里斯‧雷德菲尔所打破......


Capcom is attempting to port Resident Evil Village to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, producer Tsuyoshi Kanda said during the “Capcom Special Program” at Tokyo Game Show 2020 Online.

“While Resident Evil Village is being developed specifically for next-generation consoles and PC, we’re looking into delivering the experience on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One as well,” Kanda said. “We’re looking into it, but we can’t make any promises. However, we will do our best to create a top-tier survival horror experience on current-generation consoles.”

Capcom also released a six-minute “The Making of Resident Evil Village: Winter Comes for Ethan” developer diary.


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 楼主| 发表于 22-1-2021 09:58 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 24-1-2021 10:26 AM 编辑

CAPCOM 宣布《生化危机8:村庄》发售日定为5 月7 日,除了会在次世代主机上发售之外,亦会同步登陆PS4 和Xbox One,两机种版本均支援免费升级,无需额外购买即可游玩次世代主机版本。

PlayStation 4 or Xbox One version will be able to upgrade to the PlayStation 5 or Xbox Series version free of charge.

Game Editions and Pre-Order

In addition to the $59.99 standard edition, the game will also be available in a $69.99 Deluxe Edition and $219.99 Collector’s Edition. A “Complete Bundle” (合集版本)including both Resident Evil Village and Resident Evil 7: biohazard (for PlayStation 4 or Xbox One) will also be available.

The Deluxe Edition includes the “Trauma Pack,” which includes the “Samurai Edge” weapon, “Mr. Everywhere” accessory, a Resident Evil 7 biohazard-inspired found footage screen filter, special safe room background music, tape recorder save point, immediate access to an especially challenging difficulty setting, and more.

The Collector’s Edition includes the “Trauma Pack,” a poster, a SteelBook case, a Chris Redfield figure, collector’s box, and art book.

Pre-orders are available now and include the “Mr. Raccoon Weapon Charm” accessory and “Survival Resource Pack.” PlayStation Store pre-orders also include an exclusive mini-soundtrack.


自贝克家的惨剧之后已有数年…… 从事件中生还的伊森・温特斯在反生物恐怖组织「BSAA」的庇护下,跟妻子米娅和爱女萝丝度过平静的日子。可是如此幸福的生活却因 BSAA 队长克里斯・雷德菲尔的袭击而被打破。为了夺回被抢走的女儿,伊森再度投身死地。

Resident Evil Village Fact Sheet

Here is an overview of Resident Evil Village, via Capcom:


Experience survival horror like never before in Resident Evil Village, the eighth major installment in the genre-defining Resident Evil franchise. Set a few years after the horrifying events in the critically acclaimed Resident Evil 7 biohazard, the all-new storyline brings Ethan Winters to a remote snow-capped village filled with a diverse cast of terrifying enemies. After a devastating encounter with Resident Evil series hero Chris Redfield, Ethan pursues him in search of answers but finds himself in an entirely new nightmare.

Modern console technology paired with Capcom’s proprietary RE Engine deliver a visceral experience combining pulse-pounding action with signature survival horror gameplay synonymous with the Resident Evil series. Harnessing the newest console technology, Resident Evil Village delivers stunning graphics and advanced technology on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. New gameplay features harken back to fan-favorite elements from previous Resident Evil games while new mechanics offer more depth to the action during combat.


运用智慧和勇气逃离极限状态的「求生」是《生化危机》的魅力之一。亲手打倒威胁,逃离恐怖绝境吧。与前作相同,《生化危机 8:村庄》采用「隔离视觉」,玩家将与伊森融为一体。伊森受到的冲击、痛楚和恐怖,玩家都会一一感同身受。未曾体验过的无数「威胁」正等候着玩家的到来。










Key Features

A New Chapter in the Resident Evil Storyline – This eighth major installment in the flagship Resident Evil series continues the story from the critically acclaimed Resident Evil 7 biohazard. With the return of popular features and introduction of new elements, survival horror has never been so intense.

Latest Console Technology – RE Engine paired with new technologies available via PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S delivers hyper-detailed graphics, advanced immersive audio and little to no load times, bringing the shadowy village and its evocative residents to life in first person perspective.

Popular Resident Evil Features – Fans might recognize new features in Resident Evil Village that are nods to previous
Resident Evil games including a merchant dubbed “The Duke” who allows players to purchase and sell items, buy recipes
for crafting consumables, and customize weapons.

Familiar Faces and New Foes – Resident Evil series Chris Redfield returns under a shroud of seemingly sinister motives. Ethan will also encounter a host of new adversaries inhabiting the enigmatic village, all with their own distinctive ways of attacking.

Evolution of Combat – In addition to engaging and attacking enemies, Ethan can also now guard against incoming attacks, or kick enemies away to buy time for his next move, requiring players to further strategize the best approach for surviving the many challenges ahead.

25th Anniversary Celebration Bonus – As a thank you to fans, Resident Evil Village will include access to a free multiplayer experience titled Resident Evil Re:Verse, coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. An all-star cast of fan-favorite Resident Evil characters face off in four to six-player deathmatch battles in iconic series locations.

Play Across Generations – Resident Evil Village will be eligible to upgrade from PlayStation 4 to the digital PlayStation 5 version and will support Smart Delivery for Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One consoles.

《生化危机 8:村庄》PS5 免费体验版「Maiden」本日 1 月 22 日开始发布

「Maiden」于本日(1 月 22 日)在 PS5 上独家免费发布!此体验版拥有不同于《生化危机 8:村庄》的主角,你将扮演无法战斗和防御的少女。请充分享受次世代游戏机独有的绝美视觉效果。各机种的体验版则预定于今年春季发布。

“Maiden” Demo for PlayStation 5

An exclusive visual demo for PlayStation 5 demo titled “Maiden” is available now via the PlayStation Store. This demo is a standalone experience that showcases the visuals and 3D audio that await in the main game. As the Maiden, players must rely solely on their wits to make their escape, as they will have no way to fight or defend themselves. A separate new demo will be available later this spring for all platforms. Read more about the “Maiden” demo over at the PlayStation Blog.

25 周年纪念作品《生化危机:逆转》

《生化危机:逆转》是为纪念《生化危机》25 周年而制作的线上专用游戏,平台为PS4、Xbox One 和PC,预定2021 年内发布,将免费提供给《生化危机8:村庄》购买者。购买 PS5 版《生化危机 8:村庄》将赠送 PS4 版《逆转》。购买 Xbox Series X 版《生化危机 8:村庄》则赠送 Xbox One 版《逆转》。


《生化危机:逆转》是由四至六名玩家进行死亡竞赛的「生存恐怖对战游戏」。大家熟悉的《生化危机》系列角色,以及充满威胁的 B.O.W. 将一同进行极限之战。规则采取「5 分钟一局的分数竞赛方式」,无论途中被击败多少次,只要在最后得分最高便为之胜出。利用设置于关卡内的武器和道具,尽可能打倒更多敌人吧!

玩家角色一旦被击倒,肉体便会变异为超强的 B.O.W.(有机生命体兵器),可以反攻其他玩家。关卡内会出现「病毒」,持有越多,变身成的 B.O.W. 就会越强大。活用 B.O.W. 的能力成功复仇,就是赚取大量分数的机会!

Resident Evil Re:Verse

Capcom also announced Resident Evil Re:Verse, a new multiplayer game for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC included free with Resident Evil Village.

Here is an overview of the game, via Capcom:

In celebration of the Resident Evil franchise’s 25th anniversary, which kicks off in March 2021, Capcom announced Resident Evil Village will include access to a free multiplayer experience titled Resident Evil Re:Verse coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S players can access the game through backwards compatibility.

This thank you bonus to fans features striking comic-style visuals and sets popular Resident Evil characters against each other in four to six-player deathmatch battles in iconic Resident Evil locations. Players can choose from a fan-favorite roster, each with their own unique skillsets to master. When players are defeated in combat, their character respawns by mutating into a bioweapon to enact revenge on their foes. More information on Resident Evil Re:Verse will be shared at a later time.

And here is some additional information, via the official website:

A fight to the death that all Resident Evil fans can enjoy!

In Resident Evil Re:Verse you can test your skills against other players in four to six-person deathmatch battles. Play as beloved characters from the Resident Evil series and turn the tides of battle with powerful bioweapons.

Take part in five-minute Deathmatches, where the player with the most points wins! Use the weapons and items you find to take down even more powerful enemies!

Turn the Tides with Bioweapon’s Revenge!

When your character is taken out, their body transforms into a powerful bioweapon which can be used against other players. Pick up multiple Virus Capsules to transform into even stronger bioweapons. Getting revenge with a bioweapon is also a great chance for more points!


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发表于 23-1-2021 10:38 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 25-1-2021 11:37 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 19-4-2021 06:25 PM | 显示全部楼层
提示: 该帖被管理员或版主屏蔽

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发表于 7-5-2021 02:48 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 10-5-2021 11:17 AM | 显示全部楼层
感觉没 RE7 恐怖,也觉得很像 RE4。

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发表于 13-5-2021 11:36 AM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 13-5-2021 12:35 PM | 显示全部楼层
grave_inc84 发表于 13-5-2021 11:36 AM



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发表于 14-5-2021 08:45 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Huneoh 于 17-5-2021 04:07 PM 编辑

为了获得无限量子弹的武器而去挑战难度现在我已经重玩三遍了,游戏的流程对我来说是刚刚好,和第七的一样,耐玩,只是没之前那么多恐怖的地方。画面是超美的,他们的RE engine实在太妙了,真的。

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发表于 14-5-2021 09:48 AM | 显示全部楼层
RE VILLAGE PS5版使用和不使用Ray Tracing的区别。


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 楼主| 发表于 16-5-2021 11:16 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 17-5-2021 04:06 PM | 显示全部楼层
Kworlds 发表于 16-5-2021 11:16 AM


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 楼主| 发表于 17-5-2021 08:46 PM | 显示全部楼层
Huneoh 发表于 17-5-2021 04:06 PM


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发表于 3-7-2021 09:11 PM | 显示全部楼层
Kworlds 发表于 17-5-2021 08:46 PM


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发表于 22-8-2021 11:19 AM | 显示全部楼层
Kworlds 发表于 17-5-2021 08:46 PM

羡慕版大...... 偶目前沒啥玩游戲的勁兒,繼續擼戰地5......

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