fortcanningsg 发表于 19-3-2019 05:26 PM
以我们工程系来说,通常part time Master 只能拿 Master in Science (MSc) . 当然也有full time 拿MSc, 因为CPA不够好,所以不能拿research.
但full time Master 需要做research ,所以能拿到 Master in Engineer ...
我理解的公立大学制度MSc通常是以Research为主...没有Part time/Full Time 之分...
因为科研是全凭你的时间和能力完成Research...这里指的半工读并非就读Part-time course...
如果要说比较容易理解的就是同时工作和做着与Full Time Student没有差别的Research. 想知道您指的工程系是私立大学还是公立大学呢? 通常公立和世界权威的大学Research Mode是在MSc学位.
其实MEng和MSc 学位是并列的两个学位,不存在谁高谁低的问题.只是设置的目标不一样...
M.S. Degree is “Master of Science” and give the student the necessary knowledge to pursue a Doctoral Degree or to become a great researcher. This degree is more concerned about theory and scientific research techniques. M. Eng. is designed to pursue the engineering track. Thus, it is less concerned about theory and is more focused on the practical applications used in industry.
To put the difference in simple words, A Master of Engineering Degree is inclined more towards the side of Professional Development. If you are preparing for a PhD then Master of Engineering is not a degree to go for.
Master of Science Degree has a thesis requirement and admission process has a lot of competition. If you are interested in pursuing PhD, Universities generally select students who have completed their MS.