发表于 4-1-2018 06:42 PM
本帖最后由 Kworlds 于 4-1-2018 06:44 PM 编辑
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy creative director Shaun Escayg leaves Naughty Dog after seven years
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今日《秘境探险:失落的遗产》创意总监Shaun Escayg宣布离职顽皮狗,开启新征程。
在个人Twitter上,Escayg表示自己在7年前加入了这个优秀的团队,参与了当时还是设计初期的《最后生还者》的制作工作,随后自己还参与了《秘境探险 4:盗贼末路》以及《秘境探险:失落的遗产》的制作,他会想念这里的一切。

Shaun Escayg, the creative director of Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, has left Naughty Dog after seven years, the developer announced.
“Seven years ago I joined the talented team at Naughty Dog on a project still in its infancy, The Last Of Us,” Escayg said in atweet. “Well, the rest is history. Left Behind, Uncharted 4 were fleeting and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy pushed my creative growth even further—I will miss all my dogs.”
In anInstagram post, Escayg shared an image of The Avengers logo with the text “To new adventures—bring it 2018!,” suggesting he is moving to Crystal Dynamics to work on their upcoming The Avengers project.