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英文原名 :Ryse: Son of Rome 中文原名 :崛起:罗马之子
类型 :动作冒险
平台 :Xbox One
开发 : Crytek
发行 :Microsoft Studios(Xbox One)
引擎 :第四代CryEngine
模式 :单人,多人
发行日期 :北美 2013年11月22日、亚洲 2014年9月23日
微软工作室和 Crytek 在美国圣地亚哥动漫展 (SDCC) 上公布了 Xbox One 独占的首发游戏《崛起:罗马之子 | Ryse: Son of Rome》的角色和剧情细节。Ryse 的主角是年轻的罗马战士 Marius Titus。故事讲述他的家人被强盗杀害,他为了复仇而奋勇作战。随着在罗马军队中的军阶晋升,复仇之路将他带往大不列颠海峡的强盗之地,最终又回到罗马帝国核心的斗兽场。
微软同时宣布,与游戏相关的电子版互动漫画小说《崛起:达摩克利斯之剑 | Ryse: Sword of Damocles》已经在 Xbox 官方网站上线。看完这部小说后,玩家可以解锁与游戏相关的物品,可在 Ryse 里面兑换,更快进入多人模式。
During a panel at Comic-Con International: San Diego, Microsoft Studios and Crytek revealed brand-new story and character details for their upcoming Xbox One exclusive launch title, "Ryse: Son of Rome." Cinematics Director Peter Gornstein and Producers Michael Read and Justin Robey discussed the creation of "Ryse: Son of Rome's" storyline and characters, demoed its Xbox SmartGlass application, and shared a behind-the-scenes look at the game's cinematic performance capture technology.
"Ryse: Son of Rome" follows Marius Titus, a young Roman soldier who must avenge the murder of his family at the hands of barbarian bandits. As he rises through the ranks of the Roman army, Marius' quest for vengeance will take him to the barbarian-infested shores of Britannia, and eventually straight into the heart of Rome.
Microsoft also announced a new Digital, Interactive Graphic Novel inspired by "Ryse: Son of Rome" – "Ryse: Sword of Damocles" – which is available now online at Xbox.com/Ryse/comic.
Reading and interacting with the Graphic Novel unlocks collectibles that can be redeemed in "Ryse: Son of Rome" post-launch for in-game bonuses that provide an early edge in the game's multiplayer.
More details about Marius as well as the new characters Crytek revealed at the Comic-Con panel are below:
Marius. The hero of "Ryse: Son of Rome," Marius is a young soldier with a strong sense of duty who is completely dedicated to Rome and her ideals. Initially eager to fight against Rome's enemies and expand the Empire, he soon realizes that Rome is vulnerable to an even more insidious threat than the barbarians he faces on the battlefield. Ever loyal to Rome, he resolves to rid the Empire of her true enemies.
马里厄斯:“Ryse:Son of Rome” 中的英雄。马里厄斯是一位极富使命感的年轻士兵,能够为罗马的理想奉献一切。起先他就是渴望着和战胜敌人来扩张罗马的版图,后来他发现比起那些战场上的野蛮人来说,罗马还存在着一个更危险的敌人,在这个敌人面前整个罗马都显得脆弱不堪。出于自己对国家的忠诚,马里厄斯决定除掉这个威胁。
Vitallion. A wise and charismatic general who has served Rome for decades, Vitallion has fought in many campaigns and serves as a mentor to Marius. As events transpire he begins to wonder if duty has its limits, and whether self-restraint is always the correct course of action.
Nero. Nero, Emperor of Rome, struggles to maintain his grip on power. He promotes his two sons Commodus and Basillius to powerful positions, letting them take control of the rebellious province of Britannia. Nero feels threaten by all potential rivals and exacts ruthless retribution against anyone who crosses him.
Commodus and Basillius. As governor of Britannia, Nero's eldest son, Commodus, sees himself as a god, and the people of Britannia as his subjects. His reign is characterized by brutal repression. Nero's youngest son, Basillius, enjoys anything carnal or cruel. At the Colosseum he delights in watching gladiators kill each other, and lords over the terrified slaves he keeps in his harem in the bowels of the structure.
Boudica. The daughter of King Oswald, the ruler of the Britons. Strong and resilient, Boudica hates Rome, and with good reason: under Roman rule, her people are made to suffer horribly. When her father faces horrific retribution from a perceived insult, it galvanizes Boudica and she rallies her people to rise against their oppressors. Boudica is a principled woman and has the will to go to the ends of the world to save her people.
Oswald. Benevolent king of the Britons. He leads a rebellion against the tyrannical rule of Rome, but when the Romans brutally repress the rebels, Oswald submits to Roman dominance in hopes this will spare his people. His naivety leaves him vulnerable to the Romans.
Glott. Enigmatic leader of the Northern barbarians, rumored to be more beast than man. Very little is known about him except that he is fiercely independent and will make war on both the Romans and Oswald's tribe.
The Spirit Gods. Immortal spirit, one who watches over humanity, guides Marius. She appears in mortal form, but radiates an otherworldly aura. Another (known in mortal form as Aquilo) seeks the destruction of Rome and allies himself with her enemies.
本帖最后由 weng0102 于 15-9-2014 03:23 PM 编辑
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