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《THE SQUARE》(广场)- 2014奧斯卡「最佳纪录片」提名

发表于 27-1-2014 10:09 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


耶菡‧妮珍儿(Jehane Noujaim)

从2011年推翻统治了国家30年之久的独裁者,到历经军事统治,最后在2013年夏天军方强行废黜穆斯林兄弟会(Muslim Brotherhood)主席中达到高潮,我们眼见着埃及的激进主义分子与领导人和政权为战,为了建立全新的公平社会甘冒生命危险。埃及革命(Egyptian Revolution)已经成为一架奔驰前进的过山车。在新闻里,我们对埃及最血腥的战斗、选举和数百万人的游行只留下浮光掠影的印象。2013年8月初,我们见证了短短三年内第二任总统下台。

《The Square》(广场)给人以身临其境的感受,带领观众深入新闻背后,体验情绪激烈的场景和个体亲历的故事。冷酷无情的军方独裁者曾用坦克碾压抗议人群,贪污腐化的穆兄会也曾利用清真寺操纵选民,影片讲述了在这样的重重压力之下,埃及的年轻人依然为权利呼喊奔走的故事,十分鼓舞人心。


The Square (translit. Al-Midan) is an Egyptian-American documentary film by Jehane Noujaim, released in 2013, which depicts the ongoing Egyptian Revolution of 2011 from its roots in Tahrir Square.[1] January 16, 2014 the film was nominated for an Oscar in the documentary category.[2]


The Revolution in Egyptian has been an continuing political drama over the past two and a half years. For most people the news will only provide a glimpse of the one of the bloodiest political battles, an election, and a million man march. At the beginning of July 2013, the viewer witnesses the second president deposed and removed within the space of three years. The Square is a stimulating experience, transporting viewers into an intense emotional drama and the personal stories behind the news. It's a inspirational story about young people claiming their rights, struggling through multiple forces: from the brutal army dictatorship willing to crush protesters using military tanks, to a corrupt Muslim Brotherhood using its mosques to manipulate the voters.[3]

The film started with *darkness*.

"What happened?"
"The lights are out..."
"The lights are out all over the world..."
"The lights are out all over Egypt..."

Just finished watching "The Square". One of the ‪#‎Oscar2014‬nominated best documentary entries.

"Powerful. Tight. Strikes into the heart"

I'd recommend every Malaysians to watch this. And this should be played in all streams. Filled with every aspects of human values, it brought out the real events of the Egyptian Revolution linearly. Clarity is centred and closely related to the people, when the characters are just like you and me, standing in the crowd, going through every single happy moment, every single violence.

I was always confused with the progress of Egyptian Revolutions. When Mubarak was removed and Morsi was elected as the president, I was naively happy for the people of Egypt. He was a legitimate president after all, and Egypt will have her democracy in the end. And then there were violence, when Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood was blamed for the bloodshed, I couldn't understand why it happened. Weren't Egyptians mostly Muslims?

I was being naive, once again. The people are being manipulated by the power they trusted, doing whatever they believed to be good, just by the words of their so-called "legitimate leader" and their "belief".

Malaysians must really watch this. And understand this. And think through this documentary. I sincerely felt, though we are far more better off, we must not let corruption roots, we must not let our conscience be tamed, we must not be silenced by threats. Because if we do, this is what we are going to end up with.

Never ever be blinded by any power or belief. You must have the ability to think, and the conscience for every single action you ought to take.

Today, after watching this, I got the picture. I got the truth. And it was saddening.

Quoting the ending screen...

"We are not looking for a leader as much as we are looking for a conscience. What is a leader anyway? Are they going to offer solutions from the heaven? They won't do that. The thing is, if we are able to create this conscience within the society, we'll be able to find a good leader. We are not looking for a leader to rule us. Because everyone who went to Tahrir is a leader.

We are looking for a conscience..."

It's sad. But I know Egypt will finally be freed.

本帖最后由 BooNBoX 于 27-1-2014 07:51 PM 编辑


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发表于 27-1-2014 02:39 PM | 显示全部楼层


参与人数 1人气 +3 收起 理由
浩田 + 3 精句



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发表于 27-1-2014 05:27 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 27-1-2014 06:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
黑鬼1608 发表于 27-1-2014 02:39 PM

埃及真的corrupt到骨子裡頭去了~ 要革命可真的不是一朝一夕的事情!看了真的真的非常痛心!!
很希望馬來西亞不要淪落到那個地步~ 要不然真的沒救了~

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 楼主| 发表于 27-1-2014 06:21 PM | 显示全部楼层
Moonsault 发表于 27-1-2014 05:27 PM

這影片奧妙之處是--導演就在screening tour的時候不斷update這影片的結局,只要有重要事情發生,就立刻拍下update這部紀錄片,可說是「活記錄片」啊!!

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 楼主| 发表于 27-1-2014 07:50 PM | 显示全部楼层

The film started with *darkness*.

"What happened?"
"The lights are out..."
"The lights are out all over the world..."
"The lights are out all over Egypt..."

Just finished watching "The Square". One of the ‪#‎Oscar2014‬ nominated best documentary entries.

"Powerful. Tight. Strikes into the heart"

I'd recommend every Malaysians to watch this. And this should be played in all streams. Filled with every aspects of human values, it brought out the real events of the Egyptian Revolution linearly. Clarity is centred and closely related to the people, when the characters are just like you and me, standing in the crowd, going through every single happy moment, every single violence.

I was always confused with the progress of Egyptian Revolutions. When Mubarak was removed and Morsi was elected as the president, I was naively happy for the people of Egypt. He was a legitimate president after all, and Egypt will have her democracy in the end. And then there were violence, when Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood was blamed for the bloodshed, I couldn't understand why it happened. Weren't Egyptians mostly Muslims?

I was being naive, once again. The people are being manipulated by the power they trusted, doing whatever they believed to be good, just by the words of their so-called "legitimate leader" and their "belief".

Malaysians must really watch this. And understand this. And think through this documentary. I sincerely felt, though we are far more better off, we must not let corruption roots, we must not let our conscience be tamed, we must not be silenced by threats. Because if we do, this is what we are going to end up with.

Never ever be blinded by any power or belief. You must have the ability to think, and the conscience for every single action you ought to take.

Today, after watching this, I got the picture. I got the truth. And it was saddening.

Quoting the ending screen...

"We are not looking for a leader as much as we are looking for a conscience. What is a leader anyway? Are they going to offer solutions from the heaven? They won't do that. The thing is, if we are able to create this conscience within the society, we'll be able to find a good leader. We are not looking for a leader to rule us. Because everyone who went to Tahrir is a leader.

We are looking for a conscience..."

It's sad. But I know Egypt will finally be freed.


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发表于 4-2-2014 07:03 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 4-2-2014 07:36 PM | 显示全部楼层
ahAce 发表于 4-2-2014 07:03 PM



参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
ahAce + 5 是的,我国很需要。可是.......0%



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发表于 5-2-2014 02:52 PM | 显示全部楼层

以前我相信“有怎样的政府就有怎样的人民” 现在我开始动摇了。



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发表于 13-2-2014 11:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
天下乌鸦一般黑,没有不爱吃鱼的猫,把政治人物当神来拜,自己就是笨蛋~ 很赞同

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发表于 14-2-2014 01:09 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 22-2-2014 02:49 PM | 显示全部楼层
sifuking 发表于 14-2-2014 01:09 AM


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发表于 22-2-2014 08:35 PM | 显示全部楼层
BooNBoX 发表于 22-2-2014 02:49 PM

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNYEvwE1WyU  --- 是这个吗?没有高清?

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 楼主| 发表于 22-2-2014 09:02 PM | 显示全部楼层
sifuking 发表于 22-2-2014 08:35 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNYEvwE1WyU  --- 是这个吗?没有高清?



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发表于 22-2-2014 09:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
BooNBoX 发表于 22-2-2014 09:02 PM



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