发表于 22-1-2010 09:16 AM
发表于 23-1-2010 10:24 AM
彭亨柔道兄,你见多识广,可有这方面的质料? |
发表于 23-1-2010 09:56 PM
本帖最后由 victoriliqchuan 于 23-1-2010 10:02 PM 编辑
直到後來練李家-鳳眼拳的"武痴"曾力強師公,傳聞中馬票後,聽說,Kuala Pilah有一位武功高強的高手,所以他以重金把李金朝請到K。 L跟隨著李金朝練了三年半的"鳳陽形意拳"。 (當時, Kuala Langat 是重鎮,許多的南來江湖人物"新客"抵達必到地標點)。 il
"鳳陽形意拳"為什麼會變成"意力拳" ?
為什麼變成"曾家意力拳"-因為意力拳是曾帆祥師叔把"意力拳"帶去美國紐約,俄羅斯,歐洲,經過那些外國人二十多年的考驗和實際的應用而變成國際化拳法,(在外國必須經過上門挑戰考驗而立足)當年的"無心插柳,柳變成陰"如今變成美國武術會堂。 。十大風雲人物,所以意力拳必須登記而"曾家意力拳"為國際的商標。
候万泉意力拳-同樣的是當年最初的"意力拳合力起發人候万泉師父是在那群熱衷者和他的舅父曾力強師公武台上去"實現真實可以用功夫"的"白老鼠"。台下時那群熱衷者變成"師爺"或今天我們稱為"戰略家"。 (例子-對手這樣。方法打,你然後那麼使用這…手段伏擊,等等。。。 )跟據候万泉師父,他自己本身也需要經過十多年的苦練才可以用在武台上使用"粘手"破對手。
基本上。 。 。兩個人都"聽勁和用中守中"功夫頂瓜瓜KUNGFU EXPERT。
希望我說明你會了解。 。
關於我。 。 。 。 。喜喜喜。 。 。只不過是亂亂來,候師父說的!
END。 。 |
楼主 |
发表于 24-1-2010 02:56 AM
你还是打给我,然后让我翻译吧~~很辛苦读你写的 |
发表于 24-1-2010 07:09 AM
喜! 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。
我會郵遞,SAMCHIN的訓練系統給你翻譯,跟大家分享! |
发表于 24-1-2010 02:18 PM
喜! 。 。 。 。 。 ...
victoriliqchuan 发表于 24-1-2010 07:09 AM
没有啦!我看得懂!!!!!!!!那些International Brand FAN ,网上战略家而言,写得再详细也是消耗四小時的努力和精神的价值. |
发表于 25-1-2010 10:12 PM
本帖最后由 victoriliqchuan 于 25-1-2010 10:20 PM 编辑
PahangJudo/兄弟們,請幫助翻譯。 。
All emotions involve reasoning with intent, which is inherently flawed. Cultivation of the conscious mind we need to recognize how consciousness arise. It's of the six sense organ (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind) and six sense objects (form, sound, odor, taste, touch, idea or thought) coming into contact that causes consciousness. It's on the sense of contact point which we need to train and mindful whether the action of reaction over the point of contact is from the habitual reflex actions where ignorance arises, that is from our mental expressions which being accumulated from the past experiences or acting according to its present conditions as it is. In the conscious mind it is essential to
recognize the distinction between concentration and awareness. Concentration involves limiting your focus to a single object. Awareness is reflection of the process and uses concentration to encompass all of your senses that is mindfulness. Mindfulness is the cause and awareness is the effect. It is like a chopper knife the sharp edge is awareness while the thick blunt back is concentration. The thick and heavy back gives force for the sharp edge to cut through to the true nature. Rather than reaching out to receive, open up you r senses and let the information come to you. Turn yourself into a receiver rather than making judgements from your past experience and knowledge; let nature speak for itself!
The System
I Liq Chuan (literally translated as Mental-Physical Martial Art) is an art of cultivating consciousness based on Tai Chi and Chan (Zen) principles of non-assertion, non-resistance, harmony of yin and yang, oneness and the present moment.
I Liq Chuan is a style of Kung Fu based solely on physical sensitivity and sensorial mind awareness. It does not develop techniques for dealing with particular situations; which just create another habit. Through the learning process, (which is merely to recognize and realize, not to accumulate or imitate) the student begins to understand how "mental and physical" affect each other and starts to develop the skill to unify and coordinate them.
The student needs to recognize the six physical points and three mental factors in the training system. You train through the process of understanding your muscular movement, body structure (skeletal, ligaments and tendons, incorporating chi (energy) and your mental process.
Relaxation is an essential component of the art. Relaxation contains the process of looseness, softness, elasticity, and fa jing (issuing power).
As soon as an I-Liq Chuan practitioner touches an opponent's hands or body, he can feel instantly where the opponent's weight and center of gravity is and what strike or technique the opponent is going to use. Ultimately, the I-Liq Chuan practitioner is able to sense the opponent's intention without contact, through awareness. He can redirect the force and use it against the opponent or incorporate the use of fa jing (energy release strikes) depending on the threat level.
It is the mind that leads and the body that follows. When you are trying to move your opponent, first lead his mind before you move his body. By trying to move your opponent with brute force alone his body feels heavy and you have to exert a lot of energy. The mind has neither weight nor volume. If the art of leading the mind is mastered, a woman or a child can easily defeat a large powerful man. By leading your opponent's mind, he leads his own body movement. He defeats himself. |
发表于 26-1-2010 10:02 AM
回复 23# victoriliqchuan
谢谢 Victor 的用心,花了4立钟给我们翻译,感激感激  
原来曾家和侯氏同出一们   |
发表于 26-1-2010 11:43 AM
回复 victoriliqchuan
谢谢 Victor 的用心,花了4立钟给我们翻译,感激感激
原来曾家和侯氏 ...
轻风静 发表于 26-1-2010 10:02 AM
Dude , Just because I'm slow ya!
Cheers! |
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