发表于 15-10-2009 07:15 PM
为何要逃避呢?vc_cshao的师公到底跟叶准学了多就呢? |
发表于 15-10-2009 07:27 PM
不过看的出banchung和vc是有关联的哦!!而且也很没有武德,会少少功夫就在网上写到要打打杀杀。。。。恕我直言。。。 |
发表于 15-10-2009 07:53 PM
哈??? 我几时变着葉堅系???? 我无碑学费喔,这样都收我??? 哈哈。。。。。
版主,小弟不玩啦,请高抬贵手, 不要扣分。 |
发表于 15-10-2009 08:07 PM
原帖由 BanChung 于 15-10-2009 06:50 PM 发表
嗨哟,我有几时说我是叶坚派系的?大馬國際詠春總會的创办人之前就是叶坚派系的吧!2009 于叶准宗师85 大寿时才拜访宗师。
班主,既然都得不到答案的, 我也不发问/发帖了。我还想待很久,请不要扣我分。
P.S. 我是叶问系的。
[ 本帖最后由 歐賣葛 于 15-10-2009 08:11 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 22-5-2010 01:48 AM
发表于 22-5-2010 07:29 AM
发表于 22-5-2010 12:23 PM
发表于 22-5-2010 12:36 PM
哈哈。。。怎么lz不见人了?大家快帮忙找找哦 |
发表于 22-5-2010 07:57 PM
banchung 顾名思义就是 班中 ,可能也是嫁祸的伎俩 |
发表于 22-5-2010 08:51 PM
发表于 22-5-2010 08:57 PM
回复 45# pahangjudo
圈内人都知道有人搞鬼。不过搞鬼的人真的很笨,那有人自己唱自己。 |
发表于 22-5-2010 09:43 PM
回复 50# 大力鱼
哦~~原来全去陪死了 |
发表于 23-5-2010 05:37 PM
很好笑的家伙,我知道咏春这门武学的时候都没听过brandon chan这个名字。第一次知道他的名字时就是在报章的欺骗案报导上。 |
发表于 7-6-2010 09:14 PM
发表于 24-8-2010 12:30 PM
malaysia other ving chun (not Ip Man lineage) is from fo shan, china.
Ip man ving chun from HK,
actually is same ving chun (founder is wing chun, lieung zhan is great grandmaster)
just Ip Man ving chun a bit difference (he change form a bit, but theory & skill still same)
but dun know y they always said their ving chun is 'origin'.........
World Wing Chun Union invite them to join in, promote wing chun together, but they reject. (Yuan Qi Shan lineage & Yao Qi lineage also join together to promote)
some other ving chun lineage in malaysia, their sifu will "wash their brain" before learning. said "Our ving chun is from origin", "Malaysia Ip Man ving chun not origin"
*HK wing chun is from fo shan ving chun, is same !!!
better promote wing chun together than argu the origin / lineage issue.
不分你我他,詠春是一家。 |
发表于 24-8-2010 01:09 PM
本帖最后由 delight2010 于 24-8-2010 01:15 PM 编辑
malaysia other ving chun (not Ip Man lineage) is from fo shan, china.
Ip man ving chun from HK,
ac ...
hanford 发表于 24-8-2010 12:30 PM
The sharing among WCK people from different lineages have happen since decades ago in USA.
" I have been fortunate to study completely the Yik Kam Siu Lien Tao system, which in my opinion, is probably the forerunner to today'sversion of Wing Chun.
This system is unique because it emphasizes thebody structure, much as I do in my Wing Chun, and that it is composed of one set that embodies the three forms in Yip Man Wing Chun.
该系统是独特的,因为它强调的身体结构,正如我練的咏春拳; 易金的小練頭是一套拳但包含叶問咏春三套拳的內函。
--------------- Robert Chu (Chu Sau Lei ) 朱寿礼, 叶問咏春第三代, 叶問宗師徒孫
So, there is some truth on some of Malaysia WCK's position in the past red boat era. The key is the depth of the persons who involved in it and not about joining the club because others say so. |
发表于 24-8-2010 02:40 PM
回复 56# delight2010
I agree wif u.
we like wing chun, then we promote it, right ?
history......understanding is enough, dun argue on history, it already happen.
as now, we stay together to promote wing chun let more ppl to know about it.
it look like a business than art (environment issue), wing chun bcame a 'brand' in HK.
we hope other wing chun sifu try to avoid it,let it b a culture or traditional.
'teaching martial art cano cari makan' (specially in here). |
发表于 24-8-2010 07:05 PM
回复 delight2010
I agree wif u.
we like wing chun, then we promote it, right ?
history. ...
hanford 发表于 24-8-2010 02:40 PM
In my opinion,
One needs to master the art before one can promote it. and Art is not a movie or advertisement or a cult. |
发表于 25-8-2010 09:52 AM
Chinese martial art / kung fu is a part of culture / trandition
bcz all kung fu come from shao lin, china.
we try keep tis to next generation, we r still keep a lot of Chinese culture better than other in world wide. (very special in malaysia)
we ignore the chinese culture, means mayb next generation dun knoe their grandparents is from china, they will think malaysia chinese culture is different from china. 5000 years chinese culture will prohibite in malaysia.
sorry, i from chinese school, 5000 years chinese culture /history know very well, so i would protect the chinese culture, try keep it to next generation.
quite a lot malay said we r from china, not malaysian. no matter u born in kuala lumpur after indenpedent, it very disappointed. (goverment try to delete chinese history in primary school, a lot of details is change/ignore. tats y we have chinese independent school come out)
satu malaysia, malay diutamakan.
satu malaysia, cina balik china'an.
satu malaysia, indian ditepikan. |
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