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Life cycle costing
看到旧帖有很多人想知道关于Life cycle costing (LCC) 的东西,小弟目前在做相关的研究,就与大家分享一下心得。由于大家学QS时一些专用语都是用英文的,因此我将会保留英文的专用语。
LCC或whole life cycle costing (WLCC)是一种life cycle assessment technique。Life cycle cost 的definition:
the present value of the total cost of an asset over its operating life. (source: RICS, The surveyors' construction handbook, Part 2, Section 2)
其实, LCC并不只限于建筑业。在英国,建筑业在 Sir Micheal Latham 的 Constructing the Team 这份官方报告出炉时,便兴起了一股改革(revolution)。这份报告做出了以下的呼吁:
strongly advocates the need to 'build right first time' in which environment LCC calculations have more credibility.
LCC让我们知道和明白client的investment是否feasible和value for money。当出现decision making的时候(材料或design),我们也可以知道一些材料的long term costs,以便让我们决定那一个design option最适合。
[ 本帖最后由 xijiayu 于 8-10-2006 02:40 AM 编辑 ] |

楼主 |
发表于 8-10-2006 01:47 AM
1 Initial investment/ construction costs
1.1 Capital cost
1.1.1 Land cost
1.1.2 Building construction cost Labour Material Plant
1.1.3 Professional fees
1.2 Financing cost
1.2.1 Taxation
1.2.2 Charges
2 Running costs
2.1 Annual Operating cost
2.1.1 Business operating cost Administrative cost Staff cost Security cost Overhead (office supplies, consumables & equipments) Communications Porterage Sundries Management
2.1.2 Property operating cost Services maintenance Utilities Cleaning Redecoration Waste management
2.2 Periodical cost
2.2.1 Maintenance cost
2.2.2 Alteration cost
2.2.3 Replacement cost
3 Residual values
3.1 Resale cost
3.1.1 Plant & equipment
3.1.2 Furnitures
3.2 Disposal cost
3.2.1 Building demolition
[ 本帖最后由 xijiayu 于 8-10-2006 01:56 AM 编辑 ] |

楼主 |
发表于 8-10-2006 02:14 AM
Building construction cost
Building cost的breakdown可以采用RICS和ISM 承认的standard format。如果没有这方面的cost资料,你也可以用RICS的Building Cost Information Services (BCIS)或ISM的Building Cost Information Centre (BCIC)的出版资料。他们有提供不同building的elemental costs (cost/m2)。
1 Substructure
2 Superstructure
2A Frame
2B Upper floors
2C Roof
2D Stair
2E External walls
2F Windows & ext. doors
2G Internal walls & partitions
2H Internal doors
3 Internal Finishes
3A Wall finishes
3B Floor finishes
3C Ceiling finishes
4 Fittings
5 Services
5A Sanitary appliances
5B Services equipment
5C Disposal installations
5D Water installations
5E Heat source (included in 5F)
5F Space heating & air treatment
5G Ventilating systems
5H Electrical installations
5I Gas installations
5J Lift & conveyor installations
5K Protective installations
5L Communications & installations
5M Special installations
5N Builder's work in connection
5O Builder's profit and attendance
6 External works
6A Site works
6B Drainage
6C External services
6D Minor building works
7 Preliminaries
8 Contigencies |

楼主 |
发表于 8-10-2006 02:38 AM
LCC最大的困难是,许多资料都不齐全,因此需要做一些assumption和justification。在目前的建筑研究领域里,以下的资料是LCC不可缺少的。这些资料很困难找, 比较可信的publication或sources有:
1) 各种材料的predicted economic service life spans
Anderson, J., Shiers, D. and Sinclair, M. (2005) The green guide to specification: and environmental profiling system for building materials and components, 3rd edition, Blackwell, Oxford
Boussabaine, A.H. and Kirkham, R.J. (2004) Whole Life Cycle Costing: Risk and risk responses, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.
CIBSE (2000) Guide to ownership, operation and maintenance of building services, The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, London.
2) 各种材料或services的maintenance requirement
CIBSE (1990) Standard Maintenance Specification for Mechanical Services in Buildings, Volume I- Heating and Pipework Systems, Heating and Ventilating Contractors’ Association (HVCA), London.
CIBSE (1991) Standard Maintenance Specification for Mechanical Services in Buildings, Volume II- Ventilating and air conditioning, Heating and Ventilating Contractors’ Association (HVCA), London.
CIBSE (1992) Standard Maintenance Specification for Mechanical Services in Buildings, Volume IV- Ancillaries, plumbing and sewerage, Heating and Ventilating Contractors’ Association (HVCA), London.
CIBSE (1992) Standard Maintenance Specification for Mechanical Services in Buildings, Volume V- Electrics in buildings, Heating and Ventilating Contractors’ Association (HVCA), London.
CIBSE (2000) Guide to ownership, operation and maintenance of building services, The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers, London.
[ 本帖最后由 xijiayu 于 8-10-2006 03:51 AM 编辑 ] |
发表于 8-10-2006 06:23 PM
又回到大学的感觉, 回来了。。大师兄。。回来了。。。
thanks..alot... |

楼主 |
发表于 9-10-2006 04:36 PM
从上个帖的references,我大概做了以下材料的life span的统计。这是根据standard requirement,当然,有些制造商会提供更准确的数据。
Building Elements and Services Life Spans
Flat roof 25 years
Insulation 60 years
Building structures Whole building life
External brick wall Whole building life
Internal painting 5 years
Internal finishes 10 years
Furnishing 20 years
Floor carpet 5 years
Floor tiles 30 years
Internal partition 10 years
Suspended ceiling 25 years
Windows and doors 20 to 30 years
Gas fired hot water boilers 20 years
Ducting works
-Galvanised ductwork 35 years
-Duct work Insulation 20 years
Piping work
-Pipework Insulation 20 years
-Copper pipeworks 40 years
-Steel pipework 20 years
-PVC pipes 30 years
-Waste and foul drainage 35 years
-Galvanised metal water tanks 15 years
Heating system
-Steel radiators 15 years
-Radiator painting 8 years
Mechanical works
-Air conditioning/ handling units 20 years
-Central refrigeration plant 15 years
-Electrical generating plant 30 years
Electrical works
-Distribution network 30 years
-Final circuits and outlets 25 years
-Lighting installations 25 years
-Transformers 25 years
-Uninterruptible Power Supply 25 years
Fire protection systems
-Fire alarms 25 years
-Smoke detectors 15 years
-Portable fire appliances 10 years
-Hose reels 15 years
-Dry risers 25 years
-Fire hydrants 30 years
Closed circuit television and video 15 years
Lightning protection 30 years |

楼主 |
发表于 9-10-2006 04:46 PM
这是LCC中最难得到的资料。在大马,很多人都不在乎maintenance,但是在英国,CIBSE有standard的requirement procedure。
Building Services Maintenance Requirement Frequencies
a) Cold and hot water supplies
-Hot and cold water services maintenance 1 year
-Two minutes inspection for pipework 6 months
-One hour repair for pipework 20 years
-Valves maintenance 1 year
-One hour repair for pipe insulation 3 years
-Hot water cylinders maintenance 1 year
-Cold water tanks maintenance 1 year
-Cold water tanks insulation maintenance 6 months
b) Heating and ventilating
-Gas fired boilers maintenance 1 year
-Extract fans maintenance 6 months
-Two minutes inspection for ductwork 6 to 12 months
-One hour repair for ductwork 5 years
-One hour repair for ductwork insulation 3 years
-Air handling unit 1 year
c) Power supplies
-Main switch panel, power distribution unit, cables, conduits and earthing maintenance included testing and checking 1 year
-Stand-by power generator maintenance for a minimum of four hours 1 year
d) Sanitary and waste water plumbing
-Sanitary fittings maintenance 6 months
-Waste water pipework maintenance 6 months
e) Fire protection system
-Fire alarms maintenance 1 year
-Fire protection system maintenance 1 year
f) Lightings - switches and fittings maintenance 1 year
g) Lift maintenance 6 months |
发表于 9-10-2006 05:36 PM
Building structures Whole building life
External brick wall Whole building life
请问 whole building life是多久?是不是跟从concrete life span? |

楼主 |
发表于 9-10-2006 05:59 PM
原帖由 Fon 于 9-10-2006 05:36 PM 发表
Building structures Whole building life
External brick wall Whole building life
请问 whole building life是多久?是不是跟从concrete life span?
通常60-100年不一定,building structures应该是跟building的frames(columns和beams)。也就是说,一个building的frames很少会需要在它的life span内更换的。external brickwall则跟brick的life span。 |

楼主 |
发表于 11-10-2006 06:03 AM
Occupancy Costs
一般上,这些资料非常难找。即使在英国,RICS出版的Building Maintenance Information (BMI) Special Report里也没有详细的building element breakdown。我们可以从以下几个sources找到maintenance costs的资料:
1)Jones Lang Lasalle (2005) Office OSCAR: Service Charge Analysis for Offices 2004, London.
2)Hutchins’ (2006) UK Building Costs Blackbook, Frankin and Andrews Ltd, London.
3)BCIS BMI Special Report:Review of Occupancy
这些cost都是根据£/m2,但Hutchins的资料比较详细及能用location factor来转换到大马的case(迟些再详细说明)。 |
发表于 21-10-2006 10:05 AM

楼主 |
发表于 25-10-2006 08:58 PM
Adjustment for Date and Location
如果在LCC里的资料(cost data)是从不同地方取得,就必须将它转换到你本身的case。例如,你的建筑物是在KK,是要算2006年的LCC。这时候,你手上的cost data只有根据2002年KL的建筑物的资料。我们可以将这些data转换(update)到KK的case,方法如下:
New cost=original cost x (TPI at the valuation date / TPI at the base date)x (Location factor at the valuated location/Location factor at the base location)
TPI=Tender price index
Valuation date=2006
Base date=2002
Valuated location=KK
Base location=KL
ISM和BCIS都有出版他们的TPI和location factor。你也可以从building price books取得这些资料。 |

楼主 |
发表于 25-10-2006 09:31 PM
Net Present Value (NPV)
在计算LCC时,所有发生在未来的future costs(maintenance,running和replacement)都必须要把它们转到present values。这样,我们才能算出一间建筑物或一个building element的LCC。
[1-(1+i)^-n]/ i
i = discount rate
n = n 年
然后将NPV加起来便是这部机械的LCC。 |
发表于 5-11-2006 12:03 AM
发表于 6-11-2006 06:55 PM
原帖由 ~[sAtAn]~ 于 5-11-2006 12:03 AM 发表
其实,LIFE CYCLE COSTING 是生命周期成本.如果是运用在建筑上的话, 就是计算一间建筑物的寿命周期成本,而寿命周期成本不只是工程设计、建造, 也包括了使用、维修和报废等过程中发生的费用.
当然,一个生命周期成本的计算并不是100%准确,毕竟在未来费用和建筑寿命上,真的很难准确的去计算,只能参考过去的一些资料来预测而已. 费用放面可能会受到经济或其它等因素的影响而有起落, 而建筑寿命也是会因为一些物理磨等因素而被影响.
我在这放面的知识也不强,只是尝试解释给你知道, 希望你会更明白,如有错误, 敬请纠正. |

楼主 |
发表于 7-11-2006 01:26 AM
原帖由 darnell 于 6-11-2006 06:55 PM 发表
其实,LIFE CYCLE COSTING 是生命周期成本.如果是运用在建筑上的话, 就是计算一间建筑物的寿命周期成本,而寿命周期成本不只是工程设计、建造, 也包括了使用、维修和报废等过程中 ...
其实不强,只是分享。谢谢darnell,解释的很清楚。 |
发表于 7-11-2006 01:58 AM
原帖由 xijiayu 于 7-11-2006 01:26 AM 发表
如果有更多资料, 欢迎的你分享哦..
谢谢你.. |

楼主 |
发表于 7-11-2006 03:27 AM
发表于 7-11-2006 02:14 PM
发表于 24-1-2007 03:28 PM
看回这贴子, 忽然想到一个问题.
从那建筑材料的LIFE SPAN来看, 建筑结构的LIFE SPAN差不多不会超过一百年, 如果那些超过一百年的建筑物的价值(不是指地价)是否变成很底?
如果要买HERITAGE BUILDING 来进行CONSERVATION, 那是否要整间都维修过? 工程师会有个标准来测试建筑的稳固性? |
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