1)Acomputer virus is an executable program. Depend on thenature of a virus, it may cause damage of your hard disk contents, and/orinterfere normal operation of your computer. Studies show that an unprotectedcomputer can be infected by a virus within minutes after being connected to theInternet.
Discussthe actions that you might take in order to protect your devices from virus.
2)Digitalcommunications, which factor largely in many people’s personal and businesslives, include any transmission of information from one computer or mobiledevice to another. Successful use of digital communications involves selectingboth the proper communications device and the proper mode of communication fora given situation.
Discussthe good practices while using each of these digital communications as listedbelow :
2.Multimedia and content sharing
3.Blogs and wikis
4.Online social networks, chat rooms, and Webconferences
5. Digital voice communications
3)A password is a private combination of charactersassociated with the user name that allows access to certain computer resources.Some operating systems allow the computer or network administrator to assignpasswords to files and commands, restricting access to only authorized users.
Discuss theguidelines for selecting a good password so that easy to remember, and that noone could guess.
4)Ergonomics is employed to fulfill thegoals of health and safety and productivity. It isrelevant in the design of such things as safe furniture and easy-to-useinterfaces to machines and equipment. Proper ergonomic design is necessary toprevent repetitive strain injuries, which candevelop over time and can lead to long-term disability.
Discuss the ergonomic issues in inputdevices. Support your answer with appropriate diagrams.
5)The user interface is the user-controllable part of the software thatallows you to communicate, or interact, with it. The kind of interface now usedby most people is the graphical user interface (GUI). With GUI, graphics andmenus may used as keystrokes to choose commands, start programs, and see listsof files and other options.
With the aid of appropriate diagrams,discuss the common features of GUIs listed below :
5. Dialog Box |