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发表于 17-3-2014 11:33 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
为配合本会推动之“全国青年健康醒觉运动:思维,体魄,行为,语言,环境健康”系列醒觉运动,青运总会和海鸥基金将在全国联合举办“2014年全国捐血及登记器官捐献运动”,希望通过此项活动,藉以协助血库 及器官移植者,并鼓励青年参与社会关怀工作,从而协助有需要的人士。

时间:9.00am - 3.00pm
地点:Plaza Sungai Besar

- 免费检验血液,血型以及血压。
- Anda akan dapat melakukan pemeriksaan darah secara percuma.
- 捐血者除了可以了解本身的健康状态,又能助人,一举两得。
- Anda dapat mengetahui tahap kesihatan diri sendiri dan juga boleh menolong orang lain yang memerlukan darah.
- 捐血后两星期内,中央医院若发现您的血液里含有病菌,您将能获得通知并会尽早得到免费治疗。
- Anda akan dimaklumkan oleh pilih hospital jika anda didapati berpenyakit berjangkit selepas 2 minggu menderma darah, rawatan percuma akan diberikan secepat mungkin kepada anda.
- 捐血者超过3次,将获得中央医院免费为您检查及注射B型肝炎疫苗。
- Jika anda telah menderma darah sebanyak 3 kali anda akan diberi pemeriksa dan suntikan Hepatitis B secara percuma.

- 年龄/Umur:18 - 60岁/Tahun.
- 体重/Berat Badan:45公斤以上/45kg ke atas.
- 曾经捐血者,3个月后才可再捐。
- Pastikan anda melepasi 3 bulan dari tarikh menderma darah.
- 捐血前需要足够的睡眠。(建议足够8小时)
- Pastikan anda mempunyai tidur yang cukup. (8 Jam)
- 捐血前需进食。
- Pastikan anda makan dahulu sebelum menderma darah.
- 捐血者一天前不宜喝酒。
- Pastikan anda TIDAK mengambil minuman keras alcohol sehari sebelum.

女性捐血者/Penderma wanita:
- 月经前后7天不宜捐血。
- Pastikan anda Tidak di dalam 7 hari sebelum atau selepas haid.
- 孕妇不宜捐血。
- Pastikan anda Tidak mengandung.

不宜捐血者/Anda tidak boleh menderma darah jika:
- 动大手术未超过6个月。
- Telah menjalani pembedahan tidak lebih dari 6 bulan
- 滥交(同性恋者)
- 患有高血压、糖尿病、心脏疾病。
- Darah tinggi, Kencing Manis, Mellitus, Melaria, Sakit Jantung.
- 吸毒。
- Hubungan jenis (homosexual), penagih dadah.

https://www.facebook.com/jacky861119 / 010-5091007


使用道具 举报


发表于 21-6-2014 12:19 AM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 25-6-2014 12:20 AM | 显示全部楼层
Mystery solved: Why you won’t find a tattoo on Cristiano Ronaldo
Ronaldo, known for his efforts to help children overcome debilitating diseases, skips the ink so that he can continue to donate blood. In many countries, a new tattoo can affect how often a person donates blood, with a waiting period between six months and a year employed as a precaution against cross-contamination and diseases like hepatitis.

“I don’t have tattoos because I donate blood very often,” he said, according to Diretta News, while also taking the time to share a photo on his Facebook page that showed him donating at a hospital. He reportedly gives twice a year.

Additionally, he told Spanish radio station Cadena Cope that he became a bone marrow donor after witnessing a teammate’s struggles. “It was the time when Carlos [Martins] was with us on the national team. He told us about the problem with his son and we, the players, showed great unity to help him and his son because we knew it was a very complicated situation.” Donating bone marrow “is something a lot of people think is a difficult thing to do but it's nothing more than drawing blood and doesn't hurt.”

"It doesn't cost anything,” he added. “It's a simple process and then you feel happy because you know you are helping another person.” image.jpg

本帖最后由 spainpaul 于 25-6-2014 12:36 AM 编辑


使用道具 举报

发表于 12-7-2014 10:25 PM | 显示全部楼层
请问 JOHOR BAHRU有类似的活动吗?

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