Dave Meltzer is reporting that CM Punk informed Vince McMahon right before Raw started on Monday that he was going home. This was was not expected, but it was highly speculated that Punk would leave when his current contract expires in July. Obviously, this caused a quick rewrite of the show to remove Punk from the program. Apparently Punk had been showing signs of being burned out, and needing a break from wrestling.
There is a frustration level in the WWE locker room, and while wrestlers have wanted to speak up, Punk often did voice his displeasure since he has invested his money wisely and never worried about losing his job. The timing of his departure is interesting with this being Wrestlemania season. There is concern from a talent perspective about this year’s Wrestlemania paycheck might be less with Wrestlemania being apart of the launch of the WWE Network. This issue has not been formerly addressed on how the pay structure will likely change
The word is that Punk’s departure was not based on one specific thing, but a growing frustration with WWE.
With Punk currently out of the picture, there is speculation that the penciled Punk vs. Triple H match at Wrestlemania being changed to Daniel Bryan vs. Triple H.
他是我现在每个星期二放工后还张开眼睛继续看raw 到12.30(我的睡觉时间是11pm)的动力, 现在我真的可以不用看Raw 了....Thank you Punk! 你真的是一个相当伟大的wrestle, 就算你满身都是伤你跟DB每场都会打出一定的水准让观众可以所谓的"开开心心回家" , 我觉得在现在的roster 里面除了你们两个已经没有了。如果你真的走了我会祝福你的, 希望你可以找到真正属于你的新天地可以好好发挥你的才华, 让Best In The World 真正得到赞同! 就算你得不到那个狗屁Hall Of Fame 的名堂, 你永远会是观众心里的hall of famer! You are always the best!!!