Event InformationRide Date: 27 October 2013 (Sunday)
Venue: Pantai Hospital, Penang (START/FINISH)
Registration: RM70.00 per participant
Category: 25Km FUN RIDE (This is not a race)
Goodies Bag CollectionVenue: Pantai Hospital, Penang
Time: 9 am to 5 pm
Date: 19 & 20th October 2013 General InformationThe Lions GTM-Pantai Penang Medical Funds was set up in 2009 by the Lions Club of George Town Mutiara (a serveice club registered with Lions Clubs International) and Pantai Hospital Penang.
SInce its inception, the fund has helped numerous needy patients. The funds has to-date assisted some 75 patients regain their eye sight through free cataract surgeries carried out at the Pantai Hospital Penang. The free cataract surgery project is an on-going programme of the medical fund and needs public support to enabe it to continue to help the needy in our community.
Being a non-profit entity, the medical fund depends on the generous support of the public in order to carry out its objectives of helping the needy in our community. Online registration at