小弟想考个PPL,小弟住在KL,所以看到附近有一个royal selangor fying clun就在sungai besi 机场,也上网站做了一些资料如下,
Here are the estimated costs involved for flight training as they are on 26th June 2011:
Initial Medical (Payable to Clinic) | RM 250 | SPL Application (Payable to DCA Licensing) | RM 52 | Royal Selangor Flying Club Membership | RM 4,060 | 1st Student Kit (Books, SOP Manual, Flying Log Book, Cessna 172 Checklist) | RM 253 | 2nd Student Kit (E6B Flight Computer, Map, Protractor, Plotter) | RM 450 | David Clark H10-13.4 Aviation Headset (price subject to change) | RM 1,500 | Ground School (All five subjects - 60 hrs) | RM 2,200 | Aviation Law, Rules & Procedures (Payable to DCA Licensing) | RM 25 | Aircraft (General) (Payable to DCA Licensing) | RM 25 | Navigation & Meteorology (Payable to DCA Licensing) | RM 25 | Radio Telephony (Theory) (Payable to DCA Licensing) | RM 25 | Human Performance & Limitations (Payable to DCA Licensing) | RM 50 | Radio Telephony (Practical) (Payable to DCA Licensing) | RM 50 | PPL Flight Test Examiner Fee | RM 150 | Flying Training (40 hrs Dual, 16 hrs Solo) | RM 33,120 | Royal Selangor Flying Club Monthly Subscription Fee (RM 60) | | TOTAL | RM42,235 |
* The figures shown on this web page are strictly estimates only, and may be subject to change. Please contact the club for latest information.
(1) 请问考PPL有没有得part time上课的,因为我看到很多人都是全职的上课的,小弟因为还要工作,所以没有办法全职。 (2)如果part time 的话大概几久可以拿得到PPL? (3)这间的价钱会贵吗? (4)然后如果可以因为我看到他把各个课程细分出来了,那如果我报读的话,学费是一次过给完呢?还是学飞的时候学一次给一次?可不可以学一次给一次?因为一次过给完很够力下 (5)然后我看到大部分的学费30000++都是在租飞机和教练,那么想问下,有没有人自己买一架cessna然后来完成PPL?(因为我看到很多二手的都只是50000++),可不可以因此剩学费,然后也可以租给那里的人飞,收取费用? (6)PPL以后都是只可以架单引擎飞机,我上网查了时速顶多也就250KMH,所以一般都飞不远,基本上出不来国对吗? (7)那么如果想要架双引擎飞机是需要什么执照?然后双引擎飞机的时速?航程距离? (8)那么如果在下的话喷射引擎飞机又需要什么执照?
谢谢。。。。。。。。 希望有大大能帮忙解答 |