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发表于 23-4-2011 02:46 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

研究腸道細菌已經34年的日本辨野博士表示,現代人普遍都有排便量不足的問題,一般的上班族婦女,一天的排便量可能只有100~ 200公克,排便量與每天吃進去的食物,根本不成正比,而消化完的廢棄物,由於無法排出體外,就累積在腸道內,造成腸道老化。




—帮助瘦身, 改善肤色,改善暗疮的问题,清大膓,消除体内的毒素。
—改善高血压 , 糖尿病,改善酸性体质,关节炎等的问题。

。 。 。延长寿命





—您只需带Yoga Mat,毛巾, 多带一套衣服 ,穿运动衣服。
—当天早上空腹来, 不要喝水 , 不要吃东西, 不要吃任何营养品。
***如患有胃溃瘍 /十二指肠溃瘍,高血压请让我们知道,谢谢。
***给女性 (怀孕时和生理期间不要练习)。
      ***人数只限20 名,请提早报名,谢谢。有兴趣者请联络:016 2372433

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 楼主| 发表于 23-4-2011 02:50 PM | 显示全部楼层




按照呼吸在运动提供的说明。最重要的,不要 屏住呼吸。让你的呼吸,流入和流出轻松,毫不费力。
在练习瑜伽伸展缓慢,不慌不忙地定期将逐步放松你的肌肉,韧带和关节。你可能会惊奇地发现,柔可以随着时间的推移。如果您遇到任何疼痛或不适,你可能已经走得太远您当前的能力,应立即减少量的伸缩,直到你可以进行无不适。要小心,因为肌肉受伤需要时间来愈合。如果你紧张的肌肉,立即将冰块敷在受伤部位十分钟。使用几天冰袋的两到三倍的一天。如果疼痛持续存在,请去看医生。如果你想瑜伽更多的背景和信息,请联络:016 2372433

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 楼主| 发表于 14-9-2011 06:27 AM | 显示全部楼层

Yoga Hip Heart and Bollywood workshop

Time : Sunday, October 2 · 10:00am - 5:30pm

Location : Lot 516 , No.31 Jalan Cinta Alam , Country Height Kajang, Malaysia

Created By : Deep Yoga Instructor, Yong Keow Chin


Enjoy The Fun And Sweat Of Bollywood Dance And Open Up Yourself With Hip And Heart Yoga And Relax With Yoga Nidra Session ..

BollyWould if You Could?

Now is your chance to learn the beautiful basics of Bollywood dancing from the industry's most respected Bollywood choreographer and instructor, Anwar, teacher of Bollywood dance classes And A famous dancer of Zee Tv Mumbai India.drama-filled dance workshop for beginners and advanced dancers alike- anyone that wants to learn And Fun is welcome! Expect Bhangra, classical Indian footwork, and powerful and thrilling choreography set to the best Indian soundtracks.

This one is going to be much bigger and better than the last one, so you don't wanna miss out. You don't need any dance experience for this. If you don't usually dance, then this is the workshop for you!

After That

♥ Open Your Heart ♥ Open Your Hips ♥ Open Your Life ♥

The hips are the center of body and from an energetic point of view they are the seat of our emotions. The hips are home to the second chakra, whose element is water. Water is fluid and emotional. All too often our hips are bound and tight from our constant sitting, walking and/or lack of stretching. Once we begin to gently engage our hips in the practice yoga asanas, we can unlock our hips to fully express our emotions and then ground them through our conscious practice. Hips long to be opened and relieved from daily stress of being tight and constricted. Come and set your hips free....

The heart is the seat of spirit. It is a chamber for the higher energy that guides us to health and happiness. The heart is the home of the fourth chakra which emanates the energy of love and compassion. When we take time for ourselves and our own healing we become unstuck and we can live from a more authentic place. Through the practice of yoga we become receptive to our own creative force and unfold unto our true Self.

Come experience the fun, fresh and foundational experience of Hip Heart Yoga.

Now Relax With

Yoga Nidra brings an incredible calmness, quietness and clarity. Yoga Nidra is one of the deepest of all meditations, leading awareness through many levels of mental process to a state of supreme stillness and insight. The descriptions in the article below can be difficult to understand. With patient and thorough reading, the understanding is well worth the effort, allowing you to see the profound depth of Yoga Nidra, which is far beyond just relaxation. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Sometimes it takes thousands of words to get the inner "aha" of the meaning. Most important of all, it is the persistent practice that brings the real joy of the practice of Yoga Nidra, as with all useful practices in life and Yoga.

Yoga Nidra means Yogic Sleep. It is a state of conscious Deep Sleep. In Meditation, you remain in the Waking state of consciousness, and gently focus the mind, while allowing thought patterns, emotions, sensations, and images to arise and go on. However, in Yoga Nidra, you leave the Waking state, go past the Dreaming state, and go to Deep Sleep, yet remain awake. While Yoga Nidra is a state that is very relaxing

Program Detail

10AM to1PM Bollywood with Anwar (Famous Boolwood dancer of Zee tv Mumbai and malaysia)

1pm to 2pm : Lunch ( Brown rice ,3 types indo chinese vegetables,fresh home made yogurt , salad, and Yogi tea )

2 PM to 2.30 PM Enjoy Chit Chat hehehe

2.30 PM to 4.30 ( Hip And Heart Yoga)

4.30 PM to 5 PM ( Yoga Nidra)

5 PM to 5.30 pm (Laughing With Masala teaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)

Then hug heheheh

Workshop charges  RM250

To Register, please send a text to 016 2372433 to inform your payment.


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 楼主| 发表于 16-9-2011 12:36 AM | 显示全部楼层

Secret Detox Power of Yoga

Yoga Natural cleaningintestinal detoxification method

You detoxification it?

Of intestinal bacteria has been identified in Japan for 34years, said Dr Wild, modern people have the problem of insufficient bowelmovements, the general working women, the amount of bowel movements a day maybe only 100 to 200 grams, the amount of defecation and eat food every day ,does not directly proportional, while the digested waste, unable to be excretedto accumulate in the intestine, causing intestinal aging.

Medical experts point out that 90% of the human body andintestinal diseases related to unclean, not bowel movement a day is equal tosmoking three packs of cigarettes.

Intestinal accumulation of the highest energy ofabout 6.5 kg of stool, a large number of stool blockage in the intestines,leading to dull skin, pinto beans, bunch, bad breath smoked.

~ For your health, the Centre (Love and Mind Yoga Centre) will host YogaKit intestinal detoxification method.
~ This is a simple and practical yoga clean intestinaldetoxification method that lets you for life.

Yoga benefits of clean intestinal detoxification method:
- Improve constipation, hyperacidity, bloating wind,indigestion problems.
- Help weight loss, improve skin tone and improve the acneproblem, National Tsing Hua Chang, elimination of toxins.
- Improve blood pressure, diabetes, to improve the acidic,arthritis and other problems.

*** Please note:
- You need to bring own Yoga Mat, towel, bring a set ofclothes to change after the session, wearing sports attire.
- The day before please take light meal. On the dayitself, in the morning start fasting
- To the morning fasting, do not drink and eat any food.
*** Those who suffer from gastric ulcer / duodenalulcer, hypertension, please let us know early in advance.
*** Those women who havingmenstruation and pregnant are not suitable to attend.

*** Kindly register before 30Sept 2011 to enjoy early bird price RM250. After 1 Oct
2011 price will be RM300

Date : 23/10/2011

Time : 7am - 10am

Location : 30-2, Block B, Jalan PJU 5/21 The Strand Kota Damansara

For further enquiries, kindly contact Swee Seng, the Yoga Instructor at



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