本帖最后由 抓贼 于 2-2-2010 12:25 AM 编辑
各位大大, 你们好!
2010年1月18日早上11点左右我的住家遭到爆窃,损失laptop 3台,分别是银色的SAMSUNG R65,橘红色的SONY VAIO VGN TX-46C/T 还有一部黑色的Lenovo Y330A-TFI 据对面的Malay aunty说 是两个印度人在11点左右进到我家 一高一矮,矮的那个好像学生一样,穿着很好,不像很穷的样子. 因为三台laptop是在中国买的,所以和大马本地的机器不太一样,机身上很多的sticker都是华语的,而且本身的操作系统也是简体中文版本的windows xp,希望各位大大能帮小弟我一把,有经过2手电脑店或者是当铺之类的店帮小弟我注意一下 有没有这样的几台laptop,找到的话有重谢!!!这些电脑是贼赃! 再次谢谢各位大大了! 也请各位大大们帮我转贴到别的大马论坛去,让更多的人看到,我自己本身不会讲马来语言,谢谢大家了!
Very good afternoon to everyone!
Jan18th 2010 around 11:00AM, 2 Indian guysbroke into my house and stolen 3laptops of mine and my friends' and some othervaluables. The 3 stolenlaptops are SAMSUNG R65 (silver), SONY VAIO VGNTX46C/T(orange) andLenovo Y330A-TFI.(black)
The2Indian guys, one is tall, compare to this one, the other Indian guy isalittle bit shorter. The short Indian looks like a student, both ofthem wereproperly dressed and not like someone who are slum,
Allof the 3 laptops are purchased in China, so they are slightly differentfrom theproducts in Malaysia,all of the stickers which shown thespecific feathers are written in Mandarin,and for the operating system,they are simplified Chinese edition either. I amhoping everyone herecould give me a hand to retrieve them and stop thosedisgusting casesaround us. Thank you so much, anyone who can provideinformation whichcould help to retrieve the laptops or catch those thieveswill be heavily rewarded!
whoeverpass bythe second/used computer shop or pawnshop and see thoseparticularlaptops, pls contact me immediately. those laptops are stolen goods!
017-3430318 or 017-6523119 or 014-9250618. thank you!!!

这部就是我的实机 没有focus到

我用的是网络上的图片 真正的型号应该是VGN TX46C/T
(this is the picture i got from internet, the real model is VGN TX46C/T)

这里全部的specification 和 features都是用华语写的 大马的sony product都有写红色的offical warranty 中国的是红色的厂家品质保证 (allthe specification are printed in Mandarin, the Malaysia sony productgot the offical warranty sticker which is printed in red color. inChina,it looks like this)
这个是在大马的sticker (this is the actual sticker of sony offical warranty)

大马的specification sticker
(the malaysia sony product specification stickers)

(track pad)

这个是我的实机 (this is my real laptop)


上面的blue tooth sticker 因为已经用很久了 所以不见了 (because i have been use this laptop for years, so the blue tooth sticker has gone)

鼠标触摸板 (the track pad)

memory card slot

IdeaPad Y330A-TFI

在每台电脑的机身底部都有microsoft 的oem sticker 我们的电脑是有simchn字样的 表明这份copy是简体中文版的 大马版本的英文操作系统是没有这几个字母的。 (there are Microsoft OEM stickers on the back of all the 3 laptops
for our laptop, there are additional "simchn" shows it is the simplified Chinese edition, pls be noticed)

在一次的感谢大家 请大家帮我转贴,抓到这些可恨的贼!
更新!27th Jan 2010
vaio 和 samsung是2手市场上很少见的model,而且我们的电脑上又有这么明显的标志,麻烦大家帮帮忙,帮我留意一下, 没有laptop对大专生来说真是很辛苦,我和我的housemates现在都没有电脑来做assignment。。。
再一次谢谢大家了! |