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【CHHB 5738 交流专区】绿野集团

发表于 18-3-2008 10:37 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 icy97 于 31-10-2011 11:46 AM 编辑

16/03/2008星期日去property fair时,看到一个摊位是介绍Lee Kim Yew的招收投资者投资油棕园 (Country Heights Grower Scheme),很多人在听,也看到几个auntie,只是听了几十分钟的解说,就掏出信用卡决定投资了!



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 楼主| 发表于 18-3-2008 10:37 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 18-3-2008 10:37 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 18-3-2008 10:38 AM | 显示全部楼层

Ever searching for an investment in agro-business sector with stable annual income? Well, search no further; Country Heights Grower Scheme (CHGS) proudly presents to you a unique investment scheme in Malaysia that allows investors to diversify their investment portfolio into the fastest growing market in Malaysia - Palm Oil Industry. It creates an opportunity for the investors to participate in the Oil Palm boom in Malaysia by owning the  Grower's Plot in the Oil Palm plantation.

Financial management is an on-going planning and evaluation process for every age group. In this era, investment diversification is essential to take into consideration as part of our financial planning in order to achieve a better lifestyle in the later stages of your life. High income based investment is able to cater for your future financial goal and CHGS is the key to your long term financial saving plan. Our objective is to provide investors a higher / stable income with lower risks profile to fulfill your retirement and educational savings. Our aim is to innovate and develop the best investment vehicle for the market.

CHGS income streams will be based on the Guaranteed return of 8% for the first 3 years (or planting phase) and subsequently it is projected that CHGS will be positioned to distribute the returns of over 11% per year throughout a period of 20 years (based on average 2007 CPO price @ RM 1950/MT and min. 21MT/H FFB output p.a.). Also, CHGS allows the investors to enjoy Capital Appreciation at the end of maturity years. When the investment maturity years end, the palm oil land will be put up for sale based on the valuation of current market price. The sales proceed will be distributed equally among the Growers according to the number of plots invested.


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 楼主| 发表于 18-3-2008 10:40 AM | 显示全部楼层

Location:Gua Musang, Kelantan

Year Planted:2006

Term of Yield:23 years

Appointed Trustee:BHLB Trustee Bhd.

Total Land Area:10,000 acres

Grower's Plot:1/4 acres

Plot Price:RM 5,500

Total Plot Available For                                     Sale:40,000 Plots
Note: 30% of land or 12,000 plot will be held in moratorium, kept by the landowner to ensure land productivity yield.

[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 18-3-2008 10:41 AM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 18-3-2008 10:43 AM | 显示全部楼层

The INCOME STREAMS for the Grower

Income Distribution during the Harvest Phase - Year 4 to 23
(A) = Average annual Crude Palm Oil (CPO) price per metric tonne based on Malaysia Palm Oil Board (MPOB) data.
(B) = Fresh Fruit Bunch (FFB) output of metric tonnes per hectare.

Therefore, annual Nett Yield for year 4 to 23 will be calculated based on:

(A) + (B) x invested value = Nett Yield

NB: If Average Annual CPO price falls below RM800.00, no yield payout


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 楼主| 发表于 18-3-2008 10:46 AM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 18-3-2008 10:46 AM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 18-3-2008 10:47 AM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 18-3-2008 10:48 AM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 18-3-2008 10:48 AM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 18-3-2008 10:49 AM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 18-3-2008 10:52 AM | 显示全部楼层
根据不确定的来源,Country Heights是以RM15k/acre买下那地的,现在她现在以每1/4 acre RM5500卖出,每acre先赚RM7K!


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发表于 18-3-2008 10:56 AM | 显示全部楼层




[ 本帖最后由 基金小子 于 18-3-2008 10:58 AM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 18-3-2008 11:01 AM | 显示全部楼层

There is no clause that d company will buy back, but has the first option to buy back, if you choose to do a transfer in the future. And also in the agreement the company is not forced to buy back....which makes things quite complicated sometime. Lawyer's fault...like to put in bombastic words which hard to understand.

a few options to make it easy to understand:

1) the company will buy back from you, if you choose to release at par value / purchase price.

2) u hav to hold a minimum of 12mths upon ur investment date before u can do any transaction.

3) investors are free to use the company website to publish their lots for sale (Free Of Charge), that space is still under construction.

4) any transaction / transfer hav to go through the company, which in another point of view, has control over every transaction, to prevent abuses and to protect genuine investors.

mmmm doesn't seem to miss out any i guess.... feel free to ask me more.

launching price was RM5000 for one plot or 1/4 acre
now (Jan 2008) its selling at RM5500 for one plot or 1/4 acre
the price will appreciate to RM6000 a plot in the mid of FEB 2008


Mr.Business: 请保持怀疑态度,你只能相信合约写的。

[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 18-3-2008 11:03 AM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 18-3-2008 11:11 AM | 显示全部楼层

RM900 per acre
Gua Musang Kelantan
Code 494 5,000 acres
RM900 per acre
Oil Palm
Located near Limau Kasturi, Gua Musang, Kelantan. The land is not very hilly and suitable for oil palm planting. Buyer will be taking a sublease from Yayasan Islam Kelantan (YIK) for 66 years which is renewable for another 33 years. Lease premium is payable to YIK at RM50 per acre per year for the 1st 4 years. Thereafter, it is based on a percentage of the FFB price.



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发表于 18-3-2008 11:11 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 15# Mr.Business 的帖子




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 楼主| 发表于 18-3-2008 11:16 AM | 显示全部楼层

1. CHGS is to fund the Management Company(MC) in their project of a 10,000 acre oil palm plantation. For each plot of RM5.5k fee, 29% is set aside to give us the initial returns of 8%x3yrs and 5% kept as Reserve funds with the Trustee. MC gets to use about RM3.5k after marketing costs. If all 28000 plots are sold, MC will have about RM 100 million funds to develop this 10,000 acre project.

2. We lenders are given a nice name as "Growers". For each Grower Fee of RM5.5k we will get a "Grower's Certificate" which is only redeemable after 23 years! Our earning yields from the 4th year onwards will depend largely on Average Annual CPO Price each year which top at 12% regardless when world price goes much higher than RM2.1k where MC keeps all the rest for it's shareholders.

3. Lenders main risk is when CPO price falls below RM1K which is very remote. My lowest expectation is RM1.2k seen 5 years ago against today level of RM3k. MC easily is getting a cheaper source of funds from "Growers" when CPO prices are below RM1.5k as MC only pays 6% or less to "Growers" when compared with loans from banks.
However, when CPO prices go above RM1.5k, "Growers" share in the extra profit is about one-third. The maximum "Growers" can get is 12% on the Fee paid. MC gets to keep all the rest! Hence, MC can also afford to insured the trees too.

4. We can only hope for the "bonus" of extra 1% to 5% since only top performers get harvest output of over 20MTonne/Hectare and today in Kelantan it is below this figure. (Business Times Online)

5. Each acre is expected to produce at least 6MT each year. When CPO price is above RM2.1k, hence MC income will be above RM13k/acre. Note also that only 28000 out of 40000 plots are "sold" to the public. Incomes from the 30% Reserved plots are wholly for MC for their own cashflow and profit purposes.

6. Current value of an operating oil palm plantation in similar location is about RM20K/acre (Terengganu). Value will depend on location, age of trees, yields, facilities, land size, land title, royalty premium, etc. Maximum value can fetched RM50k/acre while lowest with old trees about RM7k/acre current. Hence, with continuous tree replanting, the land after 23 years will then easily worth more than RM20K/acre.

7. MC has over 10 years experience but at a smaller scale 1,196 acre plantation in Sabah. MC has put in RM5 million as share capital plus another RM15.5 million advances from their Group as at Feb-2007 a year ago.

In my final analysis, this CHGS is a VERY good medium/long-term investment for small folks. It is 100% failproof when looking at the possibility of CPO prices and how MC has computed this project to be win-WIN in operating a large physical oil palm plantation. A small limited win for us lender "Growers" and big potential WIN for MC with this very viable and profitable project.

Well, as the saying goes : the rich gets richer, and the rich use our money to make more money...



Raising oil palm yields

By Ooi Tee Ching     
Published: 2008/01/25

FOR the first time in eight years, Malaysia's crude palm oil productiondipped last year. Although it was just a 0.4 per cent fall to 15.82million tonnes, it got the plantation minister quite worried.

  Malaysia's national average yield has also been stagnant for the last 20 years.

"Fresh fruit bunch yields also dipped to 19 tonnes per hectare per yearfrom 19.6. Although productivity declined because of the floods andbiological stress, it is not an excuse to be complacent," saidPlantation Industries and Commodities Minister Datuk Peter Chin.

  Chin said the focus of the industry is to continue improving fruit yield.

"One of the ways to counter the misconception that oil palmis not sustainable is to show that Malaysia achieves superior fruit andoil yield.

"Why is it that in the last two decades, our national average yield isconsistently less than 20 tonnes per hectare annually when we have topperformers extracting 30 tonnes? We want more planters maximisingyield, not just a handful," he said.

  "We want more planters to source for good seedlings that will grow  fast and bear maximum fruits," he added.

The minister was speaking to reporters recently after launching AAResources Sdn Bhd's tissue culture laboratory in Ijok, Kuala Selangor.Also present was Kuala Lumpur-Kepong Bhd (KLK) chairman Datuk Seri LeeOi Hian.

  Over the years, KLK has planted 6,000ha of its 150,000ha planted area with clonal palms.

  Lee said, "Our policy is to carry out new plantings and replant old trees with clonal palms to achieve superior oil yield."

  He  said KLK's plantation managers have consistently ensured optimum application of fertilisers.

"Since there was good spread of rainfall last year, we should seebetter fruit production this year. Also, as more young trees mature wehope to harvest more fruits," he said.

"We're optimistic ofreaping 24 tonnes of fresh fruit bunches per hectare this year, up from22.9 tonnes previously," Lee added.

According to the MalaysianPalm Oil Board (MPOB), Kelantan and Terengganu have, in the last 25years, produced the lowest fruit bunch yields compared to other states.Kelantan's oil palm estates have fruit bunch yields of between 11.3 and16.8 tonnes per hectare in a year. Similarly, Terengganu's yield isbetween 13.3 and 17.8 tonnes per hectare.

"The best performingstate is Sabah. It is therefore not surprising that it has the largestconcentration of oil palm estates," Chin said.

Since 2001,Sabah has consistently yielded at least 20 tonnes of fruit bunches perhectare in a year. Last year, it topped again, extracting 23 tonnes perhectare per year.

In the last 20 months, high palm oil priceshave prompted new entrants into the industry. The minister, however,cautioned that not every piece of vacant agricultural land is suitablefor oil palm.

  "Oil palm grows best on relatively flat terrain which receives consistent rainfall throughout the year," he said.

"We don't want a situation where inexperienced and new planters wonderwhy their oil palm trees are not fruiting as much as they desire whenin the first place the trees are planted on hillslopes," he added.

  Generally, most new oil palm plantings are seen in Sabah and Sarawak.

For 20 years, Malaysia's average yield has been stagnant at between15.9 and 20.3 tonnes per hectare per year. In 2007, MPOB's data showedthat yields dropped to 19 tonnes per hectare per year from 19.6 as thetrees go through the usual downcycle of "biological stress".

  To improve oil yield, Chin said planters must implement optimum tree spacing.

"The aim is to plant the trees right. If planted too closely, the treeswill not fruit properly because of lack of sunlight. On the other hand,if you space them too far apart, it would be a waste of land resource.MPOB recommends 138 trees on one hectare," he said.

Allplantation companies, big or small, are also reminded to chop downunproductive oil palm trees and replant with high-yielding seedlings.

"I know it is tempting to procrastinate replanting because of high palmoil prices. For the sake of improving the country's yield, smallholdersshould carry out replanting according to schedule," the minister said.

Also present at the launch of AA Resources tissue culture laboratorywas United Plantations Bhd (UP) vice-chairman and executive directorCarl Bek-Nielsen. UP is one of the more productive oil palm companiesin Malaysia.

Bek-Nielsen said more can be done to improveMalaysia's current yields. He said, "We must remember that whatever weplant will remain in the ground for the next 20 to 25 years. It istherefore absolutely essential that we get it right the first time,ensuring that only superior planting materials reach the fields."

  "It's not just about raising our yield ceiling. It is also about raising the floor for the whole industry," he said.

As at the end of 2007, there were 4.27 million hectares of oil palmplantations in Malaysia and crude palm oil (CPO) production was 15.82million tonnes.

  This means the country's CPO yield amounted to 3.7 tonnes per hectare last year.

Bek-Nielsen explained that if all oil palm planters were to increaseCPO yields by just 0.5 tonne per hectare, it would result in thecountry producing an extra two million tonnes of crude palm oil withouthaving to increase the area planted under oil palms.

Theimportance of loose fruit collection has also been highlighted by SimeDarby Bhd chief executive officer Datuk Seri Ahmad Zubir Murshid.

Hewas reported to have said that if there is collection of six more loosefruits per tree, it would mean an extra RM30 million in group profits.


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发表于 18-3-2008 11:22 AM | 显示全部楼层
没有任何诋毁的意思, 我爸也收过他们的传单, 只 说了一句"有咁大只的青蛙随街跳?"(广东话).

个人意见, 这么好的回酬为什么银行不贷款给他们, 让他们自己独资呢?

[ 本帖最后由 siawyent 于 18-3-2008 11:23 AM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 18-3-2008 11:25 AM | 显示全部楼层

Yes, palm tree generally has about 20-25 years productive life. As the Gua Musang land lease is good for two cycles to year 2070 with option to extend another 33 years, i would hope that the Management Company (MC) is prudent and smart to do some continuous replanting on the least productive plots on this 10000 acre plantation. With CHGS maturity set to be another 22 years from now, i hope the land value then will be much above RM22k/acre to give participants some capital appreciation.

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